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- Duration: 9:42
- Published: 27 Mar 2009
- Uploaded: 04 Aug 2011
- Author: mamesibamarukomidori
Name | Cologne |
German name | Köln |
Art | City |
Image photo | Kdom.jpg |
Wappen | Wappen_Koeln.svg |
Lageplan | North rhine w K.svg |
Lageplanbeschreibung | Cologne within North Rhine-Westphalia |
Lat deg | 50 |lat_min = 57 | lat_sec= |
Lon deg | 06 |lon_min = 58 | lon_sec= |
Bundesland | Nordrhein-Westfalen |
Regierungsbezirk | Cologne |
Kreis | Urban district |
Höhe | 37 |
Fläche | 405.15 |
Einwohner | 1.000.660 |
Stand | 2010-12-17 |
Plz | 50441–51149 |
Plz-alt | 5000 |
Vorwahl | 0221, 02203 (Porz) |
Kfz | K |
Gemeindeschlüssel | 05 3 15 000 |
Locode | DE CGN |
Bürgermeister | Jürgen Roters |
Bürgermeistertitel | Lord Mayor |
Partei | SPD |
Website | www.stadt-koeln.de |
Year | 38 BC |
Cologne is located on both sides of the Rhine River. The city's famous Cologne Cathedral (Kölner Dom) is the seat of the Catholic Archbishop of Cologne. The University of Cologne (Universität zu Köln) is one of Europe's oldest universities.
Cologne is a major cultural centre of the Rhineland and has a vibrant arts scene. Cologne is home to more than 30 museums and hundreds of galleries. Exhibitions range from local ancient Roman archeological sites to contemporary graphics and sculpture. The Cologne Trade Fair hosts a number of trade shows such as Art Cologne, imm Cologne International Furniture Fair and the Photokina. Cologne is also well-known for its celebration of the Cologne Carnival, the annual reggae summerjam, and Cologne Gay Pride.
The economic structures of medieval and early modern Cologne were characterized by the city's status as a major harbour and transport hub upon the Rhine. Craftsmanship was organized by self-administering guilds, some of which were exclusive to women.
As a free city Cologne was a sovereign state within the Holy Roman Empire and as such had the right (and obligation) to maintain its own military force. Wearing a red uniform these troops were known as the Rote Funken (red sparks). These soldiers were part of the Army of the Holy Roman Empire ("Reichskontingent") and fought in the wars of the 17th and 18th century, including the wars against revolutionary France, when the small force was almost completely wiped out in combat. The tradition of these troops is preserved as a military persiflage by Cologne's most outstanding carnival society, the Rote Funken.
The free city of Cologne must not be confused with the Archbishopric of Cologne which was a state of its own within the Holy Roman Empire. Since the second half of the 16th century the archbishops were taken from the Bavarian dynasty Wittelsbach. Due to the free status of Cologne, the archbishops were usually not allowed to enter the city. Thus they took up residence in Bonn and later in Brühl on the Rhine. As members of an influential and powerful family and supported by their outstanding status as electors, the archbishops of Cologne repeatedly challenged and threatened the free status of Cologne during the 17th and 18th century, resulting in complicated affairs, which were handled by diplomatic means and propaganda as well as by the supreme courts of the Holy Roman Empire.
The permanent tensions between the Roman Catholic Rhineland and the overwhelmingly Protestant Prussian state repeatedly escalated with Cologne being in the focus of the conflict. In 1837 the archbishop of Cologne, Clemens August von Droste-Vischering, was arrested and imprisoned for two years after a dispute over the legal status of marriages between Protestants and Roman Catholics (Mischehenstreit). In 1874 during the Kulturkampf, Archbishop Paul Melchers was imprisoned before taking refuge in the Netherlands. These conflicts alienated the Catholic population from Berlin and contributed to a deeply felt anti-Prussian resentment, which was still significant after World War II, when the former mayor of Cologne, Konrad Adenauer, became the first West German chancellor.
During the 19th and 20th centuries, Cologne absorbed numerous surrounding towns, and by World War I had already grown to 700,000 inhabitants. Industrialization changed the city and spurred its growth. Vehicle and engine manufacturing were especially successful, though heavy industry was less ubiquitous than in the Ruhr area. The cathedral, started in 1248 but abandoned around 1560, was eventually finished in 1880 not just as a place of worship but also as a German national monument celebrating the newly founded German empire and the continuity of the German nation since the Middle Ages. Some of this urban growth occurred at the expense of the city's historic heritage with much being demolished (for example, the city walls or the area around the cathedral) and sometimes replaced by present-day buildings.
Cologne was designated as one of the Fortresses of the German Confederation. It was turned into a heavily armed fortress (opposing the French and Belgian fortresses of Verdun and Liège) with two fortified belts surrounding the city, the remains of which can be seen to this day. The military demands on what became Germany's largest fortress presented a significant obstacle to urban development, with forts, bunkers and wide defensive dugouts completely encircling the city and preventing expansion; this resulted in a very dense built-up area within the city itself.
During World War I Cologne was the target of several only minor air raids and survived the hostilities without significant damage. Until 1926 Cologne was occupied by the British Army of the Rhine under the terms of the armistice and the subsequent Versailles Peace Treaty. Contrary to the harsh measures taken by French occupation troops, the British acted with more tact towards the local population. The mayor of Cologne from 1917 until 1933 and future West German chancellor Konrad Adenauer acknowledged the political impact of this approach, especially that the British had opposed French plans for a permanent Allied occupation of the Rhineland.
As part of the de-militarization of the Rhineland the fortifications had to be dismantled. This was taken as an opportunity to create two green belts (Grüngürtel) around the city by converting the fortifications and their clear fields of fire into large public parks. However this project was not completed until 1933. In 1919 the University of Cologne, closed by the French in 1798, was refounded. This re-foundation was considered a replacement for the loss of the German University of Strasbourg that became part of France with the rest of Alsace. Cologne prospered during the Weimar Republic (1919–1933) and progress was made especially in respect to public governance, city planning, housing and social affairs. Social housing projects were considered exemplary and copied by other German cities. As Cologne competed for hosting the Olympics a modern sports stadium was erected at Müngersdorf. When the British occupation ended, civil aviation was allowed once again and Cologne Butzweilerhof Airport soon became a hub for national and international air traffic: second in Germany only to Berlin Tempelhof Airport.
The democratic parties lost the local elections in Cologne in March 1933 to the NSDAP and other right wing parties. Thereafter Communist as well as Social Democratic members of the city assembly were imprisoned and Mayor Adenauer was dismissed by the new holders of power. However, compared to other major cities, the Nazis never gained decisive support in Cologne and the number of votes cast for the Nazi Party in Reichstag elections was always below the national average. By 1939 the population had risen to 772,221 inhabitants.
During the Bombing of Cologne in World War II, Cologne endured 262 air raids by the Western Allies, which caused approximately 20,000 civilian casualties and almost completely wiped out the centre of the city. During the night of 31 May 1942, Cologne was the target of "Operation Millennium", the first 1,000 bomber raid by the Royal Air Force in World War II. 1,046 heavy bombers attacked their target with 1,455 tons of explosives, approximately two-thirds of which were incendiary. This raid lasted about 75 minutes, destroyed of built-up area, killed 486 civilians and made 59,000 people homeless. By the end of the war, the population of Cologne had been reduced by 95%. This loss was mainly caused by a massive evacuation of the people to more rural areas. The same happened in many other German cities in the last two years of war. At the end of 1945, the population had already risen to about 500,000 again.
By that time, essentially all of Cologne's pre-war Jewish population of 20,000 had been deported or killed by the German regime of the time. The six synagogues of the city were destroyed. The synagogue on Roonstraße was rebuilt in 1959.
In 1945 architect and urban planner Rudolf Schwarz called Cologne the "world's greatest heap of rubble." Schwarz designed the master plan of reconstruction in 1947, which called for the construction of several new thoroughfares through the downtown area, especially the Nord-Süd-Fahrt ("North-South-Drive"). The master plan took into consideration the fact that even shortly after the war a large increase in automobile traffic could be anticipated. Plans for new roads had already to a certain degree evolved under the Nazi administration, but the actual construction became easier in times when the majority of downtown lots were undeveloped.
The destruction of 95 % of the city centre including the famous Twelve Romanesque churches like St. Gereon, Great St. Martin, St. Maria im Kapitol and several other monuments in World War II meant a tremendous loss of cultural treasures. The rebuilding of those churches and other landmarks like the Gürzenich event hall was not undisputed among leading architects and art historians at that time, but in most cases, civil intention prevailed. The reconstruction lasted until the 1990s, when the Romanesque church of St. Kunibert was finished.
In 1959 the city's population reached pre-war numbers again. It then grew steadily, exceeding 1 million for about one year from 1975. It has remained just below that until mid 2010, when it exceeded 1 million again.
Due to the economic success of the Cologne Trade Fair, the city arranged a large extension to the fair site in 2005. At the same time the original buildings, which date back to the 1920s are rented out to RTL, Germany's largest private broadcaster, as their new corporate headquarters.
{| class="toccolours" style="margin:0 auto; backgrond:none;" | style="padding-right:1em;" | ; Innenstadt (Stadtbezirk 1) : Altstadt-Nord, Altstadt-Süd, Neustadt-Nord, Neustadt-Süd, Deutz ; Rodenkirchen (Stadtb ezirk 2) : Bayenthal, Godorf, Hahnwald, Immendorf, Marienburg, Meschenich, Raderberg, Raderthal, Rodenkirchen, Rondorf, Sürth, Weiß, Zollstock ; Lindenthal (Stadtbezirk 3) : Braunsfeld, Junkersdorf, Klettenberg, Lindenthal, Lövenich, Müngersdorf, Sülz, Weiden, Widdersdorf ; Ehrenfeld (Stadtbezirk 4) : Bickendorf, Bocklemünd/Mengenich, Ehrenfeld, Neuehrenfeld, Ossendorf, Vogelsang ; Nippes (Stadtbezirk 5) : Bilderstöckchen, Longerich, Mauenheim, Niehl, Nippes, Riehl, Weidenpesch | | ; Chorweiler (Stadtbezirk 6) : Blumenberg, Chorweiler, Esch/Auweiler, Fühlingen, Heimersdorf, Lindweiler, Merkenich, Pesch, Roggendorf/Thenhoven, Seeberg, Volkhoven/Weiler, Worringen ; Porz (Stadtbezirk 7) : Eil, Elsdorf, Ensen, Finkenberg, Gremberghoven, Grengel, Langel, Libur, Lind, Poll, Porz, Urbach, Wahn, Wahnheide, Westhoven, Zündorf ; Kalk (Stadtbezirk 8) : Brück, Höhenberg, Humboldt/Gremberg, Kalk, Merheim, Neubrück, Ostheim, Rath/Heumar, Vingst ; Mülheim (Stadtbezirk 9) : Buchforst, Buchheim, Dellbrück, Dünnwald, Flittard, Höhenhaus, Holweide, Mülheim, Stammheim |}
According to local statistics, in 2006 the population density in the city was 2,528 inhabitants per square kilometre. 31.4 percent of the population has migrated there, and 17.2 percent of Cologne's population is non-German. The largest group, comprising 6.3 percent of the total population, is Turkish. As of September 2007, there are about 120,000 Muslims living in Cologne, mostly of Turkish origin.
In the city the population was spread out with 15.5% under the age of 18, 67.0% from 18 to 64 and 17.4% who were 65 years of age or older.
Green areas account for over a quarter of Cologne which is approximately of public green space for every citizen of the city.
Medieval houses
The Cologne City Hall (Kölner Rathaus), established in the 12th century, is the oldest city hall in Germany still in use. The Renaissance style loggia and tower were added in the 15th century. Other famous houses include the Gürzenich, Haus Saaleck and the Overstolzenhaus.
Medieval city gates
Of the once 12 medieval city gates, only the Eigelsteintorburg at Ebertplatz, the Hahnentor at Rudolfplatz and the Severinstorburg at Chlodwigplatz still stand today.
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center; background:#fefef6; width:80%;" |- ! Skyscraper !class="unsortable"| Image ! Height in metres ! Floors ! Year ! Address !class="unsortable"| Notes |- | align=left| KölnTurm | | 148.5 | 43 | 2001 | align=left| Mediapark 8, Neustadt-Nord | align=left| (literally: Cologne Tower), Cologne's second tallest building at in height, second only to the Colonius telecommunication tower. The 30th floor of the building has a restaurant and a terrace with 360° views of the city. |- | align=left| Colonia-Hochhaus | | 147 | 45 | 1973 | align=left| An der Schanz 2, Riehl | align=left| tallest building in Germany from 1973 to 1976. Today, it is still the country's tallest residential building. |- | align=left|Rheintower | | 138 | 34 | 1980 | align=left| Raderberggürtel, Marienburg | align=left| former headquarters of Deutsche Welle, since 2007 under renovation with the new name Rheintower Köln-Marienburg. |- | align=left| Uni-Center | | 133 | 45 | 1973 | align=left| Luxemburger Straße, Sülz | align=left| |- | align=left| TÜV Rheinland | | 112 | 22 | 1974 | align=left| Am Grauen Stein, Poll | align=left| |- | align=left| KölnTriangle | | 103 | 29 | 2006 | align=left| Ottoplatz 1, Deutz | align=left| opposite to the cathedral with a high viewing platform and a view of the cathedral over the Rhine; headquarters of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). |- | align=left| Herkules-Hochhaus | | 102 | 31 | 1969 | align=left| Graeffstraße 1, Ehrenfeld | align=left| |}
The large annual literary festival Lit.Cologne features regional and international authors. The main literary figure connected with Cologne is writer Heinrich Böll, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Cologne is well-known for its beer, called Kölsch. Kölsch is also the name of the local dialect. This has led to the common joke of Kölsch being the only language one can drink.
Cologne is also famous for Eau de Cologne (German: Kölnisch Wasser; lit: Water of Cologne), a perfume (or toilet water) created by Italian expatriate Johann Maria Farina at the beginning of the 18th century. During the 18th century this perfume became increasingly popular, was exported all over Europe by the Farina family and Farina became a household name for Eau de Cologne. In 1803 Wilhelm Mülhens entered into a contract with an unrelated person from Italy named Carlo Francesco Farina who granted him the right to use his family name and Mühlens opened a small factory at Cologne's Glockengasse. In later years and after various court battles his grandson Ferdinand Mülhens had to abandon the name Farina for the company and their product. He decided to use the house number given to the factory at Glockengasse during French occupation in the early 19th century: 4711. Today, original Eau de Cologne is still produced in Cologne by both the Farina family, currently in the eighth generation, and by Mäurer and Wirtz who bought the 4711 brand in 2006.
Among the largest media companies based in Cologne are Westdeutscher Rundfunk, RTL Television (with subsidiaries), Deutschlandradio, Brainpool TV and publishing houses like J. P. Bachem, Taschen, Tandem Verlag and M. DuMont Schauberg. Several clusters of media, arts and communications agencies, TV production studios, and state agencies work partly with private and government funded cultural instititutions. Among the insurance companies based in Cologne are Central, DEVK, DKV, Generali Deutschland, Gothaer, HDI Gerling and national headquarters of AXA Insurance and Zurich Financial Services.
Lufthansa, the German flag carrier, and Lufthansa CityLine have their main corporate headquarters in Cologne. Largest employer in Cologne is Ford Europe, which has its European headquarters and a factory in Niehl (Ford-Werke GmbH). Toyota Motorsport GmbH (TMG), Toyota's official motorsports team, responsible for Toyota rally cars, and then Formula One cars has headquarters and workshops in Cologne. Other large companies based in Cologne include the REWE Group, TÜV Rheinland, Deutz AG and a number of Kölsch breweries. Cologne has the country's highest densitiy of pubs per capita. is an extensive light rail system that is partially underground (referred to as U-Bahn) and serves Cologne and a number of neighboring cities. Nearby Bonn is linked by both the city railway and Deutsche Bahn trains, and occasional recreational boats on the Rhine. Düsseldorf is also linked by S-Bahn trains which are operated by Deutsche Bahn.
There are also frequent buses covering most of the city and surrounding suburbs, and Eurolines coaches to London via Brussels.
Former colleges include:
{| |- | valign="top" | Liverpool, United Kingdom, since 1952 Lille, France, since 1958 Liège, Belgium, since 1958 Rotterdam, Netherlands, since 1958 Turin, Italy, since 1958 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, since 1958 Kyoto, Japan, since 1963 Tunis, Tunisia, since 1964 Turku, Finland, since 1967 Neukölln, Germany, since 1967 || Tel Aviv, Israel, since 1979 Barcelona, Spain, since 1984 Beijing, China, since 1987 Cork, Ireland, since 1988 Thessaloniki, Greece, since 1988 Corinto/El Realejo, Nicaragua, since 1988 Indianapolis, United States, since 1988 Volgograd, Russia, since 1988 Treptow-Köpenick, Germany, since 1990 Katowice, Poland, since 1991 || Bethlehem, Palestinian Territories, since 1996 Istanbul, Turkey, since 1997 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, since 1999 Dunstable, United Kingdom (only borough of Porz) Benfleet, United Kingdom (only borough of Rodenkirchen) Igny, France Brive-la-Gaillarde, France Hazebrouck, France Eygelshoven, Netherlands Batangas, Philippines Saskatoon, Canada |}
Category:Populated places established in the 1st century BC Category:Populated places on the Rhine Category:Catholic pilgrimage sites Category:Holy cities Category:Members of the Hanseatic League Category:Roman legions' camps in Germany Category:Carnival cities and towns Category:Roman colonies Category:Roman towns and cities in Germany Category:Imperial free cities Category:Turkish communities in Germany
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