Ron Paul 2012 Polls

268 Responses

Ron Paul 2012 Polls

This page is updated daily with the latest Ron Paul polls for the Republican primary race, including national polls and state polls. Also included are polls for direct matchups of Ron Paul vs. Barack Obama.

National Polls – GOP Primary

Poll DateRon Paul# ChoicesPollster
10/20118%8CBS News/NY Times
10/20118%8Associated Press/GfK
10/20119%8CNN/Opinion Research
10/20115%8Rasmussen Reports
10/20115%8PPP (D)
10/201111%8NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl
10/20116%8Bloomberg/Washington Post
10/201111%8ABC News/Washington Post
09/20116%8Fox News
09/20117%8CNN/Opinion Research
09/201113%8USA Today/Gallup
09/20115%8CBS News/NY Times
09/201112%8CNN/Opinion Research
08/201114%8USA Today/Gallup

Iowa Polls – GOP Caucuses

Poll DateRon Paul# ChoicesStatePollster
08/20119%8IowaMagellan Strategies

New Hampshire Polls – GOP Primary

Poll DateRon Paul# ChoicesStatePollster
08/201114%8New HampshireMagellan Strategies
07/20119%9New HampshirePPP
04/201110%8New HampshirePPP
01/20117%8New HampshireMagellan Strategies
09/20108%7New HampshirePPP
07/201013%7New HampshirePPP
05/20106%7New HampshireMagellan Strategies
04/20106%8New HampshirePPP

South Carolina Polls – GOP Primary

Poll DateRon Paul# ChoicesStatePollster
08/20118%8South CarolinaPPP
08/20114%8South CarolinaPPP
06/20117%8South CarolinaPPP
02/20114%8South CarolinaPPP
05/20107%6South CarolinaPPP

Florida Polls – GOP Primary

Poll DateRon Paul# ChoicesStatePollster

Other States – GOP Primary

Poll DateRon Paul# ChoicesStatePollster
09/201110%8North CarolinaPPP
09/20117%8West VirginiaPPP
08/20117%9North CarolinaPPP
07/201111%8New JerseyPPP
07/20116%8North CarolinaPPP
06/20115%8New MexicoPPP
06/20118%8North CarolinaPPP
04/20113%8West VirginiaPPP
03/20115%8Rhode IslandPPP
03/20116%8North CarolinaPPP
02/20114%8New MexicoPPP
02/20115%8South DakotaPPP
02/20116%8North CarolinaPPP
01/20118%8New JerseyPPP
05/20108%5North CarolinaPPP

State Polls – Ron Paul vs. Barack Obama

Poll DateRon PaulObamaStatePollster

National Polls – Ron Paul vs. Barack Obama

Poll DateRon PaulObamaPollster
11/200938%46%PPP Polls ran several polls asking the question, “Should Ron Paul run for President in 2012?

Poll DateYesNoDon’t KnowDependsTotal Votes
02/200993%2%1%4%6,337 ran several polls asking the question, “If Ron Paul runs for President in 2012, who should be his running mate?

Poll Date#1#2#3Total Voters
08/2011Andrew Napolitano (31%)Rand Paul (29%)Jesse Ventura (25%)4,874
06/2011Andrew Napolitano (30%)Jesse Ventura (26%)Rand Paul (24%)7,798
12/2010Andrew Napolitano (38%)Jesse Ventura (27%)Rand Paul (21%)10,660
08/2010Andrew Napolitano (34%)Jesse Ventura (22%)Peter Schiff (22%)6,354
04/2010Andrew Napolitano (40%)Jesse Ventura (25%)Peter Schiff (22%)10,580
11/2009Chuck Baldwin (29%)Andrew Napolitano (27%)Peter Schiff (21%)9,425
06/2009Peter Schiff (29%)Jesse Ventura (21%)Dennis Kucinich (18%)2,739
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texastwin827 6 pts

You might want to take a look at this new info:

October 29, 2011, Des Moines, Iowa – National Federation of Republican Assemblies Presidential Straw Poll


All the Main Stream Media articles posting results of Straw Polls only show the results of The Des Moines Register Straw Poll where Cain and Romney are first and second with Paul third but they don’t post the October 29, 2011, Des Moines, Iowa – National Federation of Republican Assemblies Presidential Straw Poll Tally 1 (Iowa voters only):

Tally 1 (Iowa voters only):

Finish Potential candidate Percentage Votes

1 Ron Paul 82%

2 Herman Cain 14.7%

3 Rick Santorum 1%

4 Newt Gingrich 0.9%

5 Michele Bachmann 0.5%

5 Rick Perry 0.5%

7 Gary Johnson 0.2%

8 Mitt Romney 0.0%

8 Jon Huntsman 0.0%

Total 100% 430

Tally 2 (non-Iowans)

Finish Potential candidate Percentage Votes

1 Ron Paul 26%

2 Herman Cain 25%

3 Rick Santorum 16%

3 Rick Perry 16%

5 Newt Gingrich 11%

6 Michele Bachmann 6%

7 Mitt Romney 1%

8 Jon Huntsman 0%

9 Gary Johnson 0%

Total 100% 101

October 29, 2011, Tuscaloosa, Alabama; West Alabama Straw Poll Finish Potential candidate Percentage Votes

1 Herman Cain 50.7%

2 Ron Paul 45%

3 Newt Gingrich 1.4%

3 Rick Perry 1.4%

5 Mitt Romney 0.9%

6 Gary Johnson 0.3%

7 Rick Santorum 0.3%

8 Michele Bachmann 0%

9 Jon Huntsman 0%

Total 100% 347

I believe the GOP AND the Media are going to be in shock when the primary elections start!

RonPaulsMyHero 5 pts

texastwin827 FUCK YEAH GO RON PAUL!

joe public 7 pts

Evidently Americans have been taking it up the chute for so long that they have grown to enjoy it. *Groan*. It feels like we are living in the Twilight Zone, surrounded by mindless drones. Finally, there is a candidate who isn't out to feed us to the banks and everyone is voting like it's a high-school popularity contest. Herman Cain is ahead?!?!?! He is a corporate tycoon who actually ran a branch of the Federal Reserve for years!!! I used to be disgusted with the politicians. I am now realizing that the fault belongs to the stupid 99% for behaving like a bunch of gullible fat cattle marching to the slaughter.

Wake up people, indeed. We are under the gun and Ron Paul is trying to save us.

joe virtue 9 pts

Please people wake up. Wake up for your sake, for your kids sake, for your country's sake. This maybe our last chance of freedom. That's why the main stream media avoids him. They are scared of him because if he wins then we actualy mean somthing. They look at us like we are skum. Please vote Ron paul he cares about this country and in the state that we are in he might acualy be our savier and possably the best president this country has ever sceen. So i beg you America wake up. Come together White, black, Christian, Atheist young and old. I love you all. I don't need to know you personaly to adore you because i adore life and what is life with out freedom? I love you Dr. Paul and i hope the people wake up.

joe virtue 9 pts

How do you think we can win with the main stream media blocking him out? I know he has a huge internet buzz but is that going to be enough

rvd217 10 pts

I just found that ron paul name is not even on O'riley's Sin poll for who can beat Obama.

JenniferNie 16 pts


I emailed Cavuto That Bill O'rielly said " That is just plain stupid!!" when referring to Ron Pauls comments regarding Iran a few weeks ago. I knew he would not dare call him a Pinhead from his so called Pinhead and Patriots because he knows Ron Paul is absolutely a Patriot. I think that must a been a tough one for Bill. He is getting worse about not listening. I used to enjoy him more. I think his head swolled.

chichibeans 5 pts

how do i find that poll with the absence of Dr. Paul? o'reilly is a douche, he has been repeatedly rude and obtuse during his interviews with the doctor. when he makes the presidency, i will find great pleasure in watching puppets like o'reilly cower and shapeshift in an attempt to save face. but alas, the good doctor is patient and fair and will smile and remain polite and he has exemplified all along {:

texastwin827 6 pts

Joe, the FIRST thing Ron Paul supporters should do is get a bumper sticker! The more people see a RP bumper sticker, the more likely they are to believe he DOES have a chance of winning. Right now, the media has "blacked him out" of coverage and say he's "not electable" when we know he IS. The more visibility we can provide Ron Paul, the better chance we have of letting others know he has MANY supporters! joe virtue

texastwin827 6 pts

How are we going to win? posting all the data that the media omits. I just posted three straw polls that happened this past weekend. The two in Iowa, Ron Paul won hands down. The one in AL he took a VERY CLOSE second to the media, "favorite of the week" Cain coming in only 4.3 % lower than Cain.

Only CNN reported the Iowa polls. Put his info on your Facebook page EVERY time he wins big and buy a bumper sticker with his name on it. If every 2 or 3 cars, on the road, has a Ron Paul bumper sticker on it, then OTHERS will know he for real and IS electable. joe virtue

texastwin827 6 pts

an oops above...should be Paul came in 4.3% lower than Cain joe virtue

JenniferNie 16 pts

joe virtue

Joe, I could not agrre with you more regarding Ron Paul. I emailed Niel Cavuto 4 timexlast week as I mentioned. I know others email too but I picked Niel because it seemed he justed wnated to interview RP not just because of rP supporters pressure. I informed him of the Money Bomb Recent success as it was definately note worthy. I started my emails on a Saturday through Monday. I knew he would not get them until Monday and thought maybe he might want to tell the success first as he seems to NOT be anti Paul. I can't say for sure that is why he did his special on Tuesday, but I kind of feel it is as does my husband. This why I tell people to speak up, even if some don't agree, are voices are worth something, and if our approaches are sensible, respectful and factual, we are more likely to get a response, so in a friendly way, contact the news, radio and papers, friends family, associates.

JenniferNie 16 pts

joe virtue

There is not much time to open the minds of people who are so accustomed to Paper Doll Candidates whether Dems Repubs or what have you. If your approach is with good intention and respectful people will maybe hear you out just long enough to take the time understand Ron Paul. Researching his reasoning behind what he preaches as well as the facts he presents us with that substantiate his fears. If people would just take the time and believe in him

JenniferNie 16 pts

joe virtue

I came across a Viedo on Youtube,"Ron Paul is Dead" I thought it was real for a brief moment as the prankster wanted, my heart sank, what a huge loss, now we will never know, it couln't be true! It was not true, but the way it made me feel was that it is ever so important to do what you can to introduce and educate people to Ron Paul 2012.

I recommend people look up this awful link, because if you learn a bit about Paul if you don't know a;ready and then you imagine this video was really a live report as it looks, you will probably see where one mind feel a little sick.

JenniferNie 16 pts

joe virtue This is for you Joe, Some don't always like me to Promote Ron Paul so they can ignore this comment if they choose no hard feelings really.

JenniferNie 16 pts

joe virtue

I will always help support Ron Paul where ever it is welcome. Jen In all fairness to the media, Ron Paul has been getting a lot of coverage, however sometimes it seems it is the media doing it out of necessity from requests or pressure from viewer and they also question him in ways that don't always show him at his best. I think that is on purpose, but I don;t think All stations or Interviewers do that. Niel Cavuto and several others have given RP great interviews with good questions allowing him to elaborate on his points.

JenniferNie 16 pts

joe virtue

But if someone wants to learn more about him, His official website,, theDaily Paul and several other respectable Ron Paul recources are available and give more indepth information through video. This is what aI pass on to my contacts in the form of links. They seem to like it. I emailed Niel again, Today about Paper Dolls :) and Ron Pauls age and how we can waste this opportunity. We shall see, WISH IT LUCK. Jen

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JenniferNie 16 pts


Hi It is Jen. I hear your Passion and feel your passion. I resonded to Joe Virtue if you want to read my posts to him regarding Ron Paul 2012. I am happy that people are hinking their horns as they go by my house with Ron Paul signs plastered in my yard. I live in a town with the majority being Democrat, but people are listing here and I am sharing. As I am sure you know, we have to calm down, but I vent too sometimes :)

Help Me, the American People and Ron Paul, by doing something so simple as sending them email links, it is so easy. speak to them and I think when they see our enthusiam they are curious.

JenniferNie 16 pts


HONKING THEIR HORNS not hinking, sorry.

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JenniferNie 16 pts


I am happy you shae the passion and speak up and inform. I read your links can you please my links to Joe? This was fun and got good response, I bought a few of the small pocket constitutions from RP website, People are emarrassed of their lack of knowledge sometimes so this way they are not and they gladly take the book from me and I ask, after you read it, please sign your name it it and pass it forward to the next and ask them to do the same. I don't know if you have agreed or disagreed with some or all of my posts on other topics, but from one supporter to another, we alone can not get Ron Pal Elected, It is only Ron Paul himself and more voters and more voters is where we can help. Run with it my friend!! I have found I get more fired up not frustrated and it gets better all the time :) Jen

harishvenkat1976 8 pts

Dr. Paul - You have to beat Cain in both IOWA and NH. Our campaign cannot afford to be placed 3rd.
Despite being placed 3rd, Gloria Berger in CNN does not think Ron Paul will be top tier candidate, but hypocratic media is OK with other candidates!!

One thing in USA is very clear - Media and Politicians are controlled by Hawkish Jewish lobby and just because Ron Paul wants to cut aid to ISRAEL, media wants to outcast him. When will AMERICANS wake up and question this lack of democracy??

Will running as a 3rd party candidate help Dr.Paul??

texastwin827 6 pts

Sadly, the media focuses on Israel, instead of telling everyone that he wants ALL foreign aid stopped. That is very deliberate and we all know it. harishvenkat1976

JenniferNie 16 pts

Sorry, I have to cut and paste from email some times and parts of the sentences are getting cut off, I'll try and do a better job. Jen

Blue Republic 9 pts

If there are that many freebies to be had in America maybe I should move back there,,.

can't recall getting those when I was there, except for food stamps a couple of times...

mostly seems like I just had to work for a living, which is what I suspect most

illegal immigrants do also, if they can.

BTW - what about illegals having income tax deducted and not being able to apply

for refunds, or Social Security without having any chance of collecting anything for it?

I'm guessing that adds up to a big amount that they are paying to subsidize the US.

JenniferNie 16 pts

Hi Blue republic, Thanks for the response. Last week I asked a question and asked everyone to give their ideas and feed back, to throw out solution so that we can all get a good perspective from many people including hispanics in hopes that we could get some good ideas, weed out the bad ideas. Keep in mind everyones point of view is different and many have good points some are not favorable for hispanics and some are or NOT just hispanics, Illegals but maily hispanics. This some great ideas have surfaced. I took a break and have not been online, but I would like to complile some of the common mentions and also some plans that are similar and seem quite reasonable, fair and humane. Both Illegals and legals of all race have to be realistic when it comes to a solution. Some need to have an open mind and find compromise this is how problems are solved and solutions arise. I am hoping we can share our Ideas with Dr. Paul so that he can take our comments into consideration and possibly give us his thoughts on what ideas people have come up with. Some joke and some are sacastic, so I am trying to find out who is serious. I am taking your comments as face value but must confirm, are you hispanic?

JenniferNie 16 pts

Blue Republic cont. I am not a predudice person, just the opposite and I am ok with people getting angry at me if thats what it takes to get a fire started. since last week, this topic which had not had much mention prior to my comment has been going for a week now, everyday there are comments added. This is a good thing, so thank you so much for your thoughts. I will be responding to some other comments throughout the week and then throw something out there based on ALL comments and see what everyone thinks. Who am I? Just a person who supports Ron Paul, Liberty and finding productive, fair and sensible solutions that we can all share to possibly come up with the best solution and maybe give RP some food for thought or get his response so that if we are off track in our thinking he can break it down for us. Supporters and People who are on the fence or new to Ron Paul, need these break downs. Example, it is obvious that when media or just people keep saying oh he's going to cut defence spending, they have still not picked up on all of the pieces such as the dfference defense and militarism. All whoo read , thanks for having open minds and contributing with your thoughts both hash and kind, they are all helpful. Have a great day. Jen

Blue Republic 9 pts

JenniferNieBlue Hi, Jen - Thanks for making the effort to

get some sort of positive discussion going on this difficult topic. FWIW -

I'm not Hispanic, although my daughter is 1/4..

The latest any of my ancestors came to America was the early 1870's -

which kind of makes me hesitate to tell other people how they have to

obey all the rules when when my ancestors came there basically were

no rules.

I do have the perspective of being a (legal) immigrant living in a foreign

country (Japan) which is not all that immigrant friendly. Although I

haven't had too much direct harassment from police - for example,

it does happen a lot.

One thing to keep in mind is that Immigration is one of those issues

like terrorism that are great for those who want to do away with your

rights - because whatever they ultimately want to do to you, they will

try to get you terrorized into demanding it be done to some unpopular

group first.

For example, here in Japan, foreigners are required to carry their

equivalent to a green card at all times, Japanese are not required

to carry ID unless they are driving a car. *But* there are documented

cases of Japanese citizens who police claimed they thought were

foreigners being held for days because they didn't have ID on them

to prove they weren't foreigners...

JenniferNie 16 pts

Blue RepublicBlue

Your welcome. Thank you for your insightful comment. I have been working a lot the past few days so have not really been able to join in, I did want to compile the info and see what the most common or frequent comments where and rank them down the line, and number them like 1-5 so people could comment on that paticular issue. John Beasley did a good job numbering his idea, so that some could address parts of his. Thought it might be intersting and spark more thought or elaboration.

JenniferNie 16 pts

Blue RepublicBlue


I have to work right now but look forward to reading all the comments over the past few days. Idea sharing is a wonderful thing. I look forwar to reading more of your comments and chatting again soon. Have a good day. Jen

PS I was told I have not had anything worth while to add lately, that is true, only because I have been to busy, but I will when I get caught up on my work :)

Blue Republic 9 pts

JenniferNieBlue reply to Jennifer continued -

Well, those are some thoughts, anyway - not really solutions.

I'm not completely convinced national governments should have

a monopoly on deciding immigration matters - after all, one of

the first big confrontations between centralizers and state/local/

individual rights in the US was partly about immigration - if you

check out the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, (written by

Madison and Jefferson, respectively) you will see people were

very upset by the Alien and Sedition Acts which gave the President

the authority to deport resident non citizens.

The way Jefferson put it, if the neighbors, localities and states

where such people were living didn't have a problem with

them being there then it was not the business of the national

government to be telling them otherwise... which sounds about

right to me.

Anyway, if the economy doesn't get sorted out that will probably

solve the problem - it'll be more like people making desparate

dashes to Canada and trying to get from Florida to Cuba in

makeshift craft...

JenniferNie 16 pts

Blue RepublicBlue

Interesting points , I will look this info up this eve or this weekend. Thanks

MattHowell 5 pts

subzidizing the US are you retarted ....

Blue Republic 9 pts


if somebody is paying into SS and has no prospect of collecting

anything then yes - they are subsidizing the system.

Same with income tax, if it's being deducted and the person would

otherwise get a refund but can't because they're illegal then they

*are* subsidizing somebody.

They might be getting some freebies elsewhere, but at least

some of them are paying in at a higher than an equivalent-

income citizen or legal alien would.

If that's "retarted" reasoning feel free to try and enlighten me.

texastwin827 6 pts

Blue Republic, you are looking at this tax situation with a flawed perspective. As a retired Full Charge Bookkeeper, here in TX, I can assure you that a vast majority of illegal aliens do NOT pay any Withholding taxes in, which is what supports the very entitlement benefits (especially medical & food stamps) that they receive, through the ER's at hospitals (where they can't be refused medical care) and the Medicaid & Food Stamp programs that they receive for EVERY anchor baby that they have. Because they don't file tax returns, they assure themselves that they pay none or very little in.

The ONLY ones that pay any tax in are those who actually use a stolen ID...which, in most cases, causes major problems with IRS for the Americans whose ID's are being used. They are well versed in completing the form that all employees have to fill out...they take 10 or more exemptions (dependants) which results in no withholding taxes being taken out....only Soc Sec which is mandatory. The vast majority of illegals get paid in cash (under the table) and avoid even the social security tax.

While some may be supplementing the Social Security system, what they gain in entitlement programs, far outweighs what they pay in.

Blue Republic 9 pts

texastwin827 Thanks for the clarification - I stand

mostly/somewhat corrected. This is the type of post that is

specific enough to help us actually get a handle on what

the problems are and how make an informed attempt to deal

with them.

One point that hasn't been mentioned, I think, is that

a lot of immigration and conflict generally all over the world

is being driven by popuplation and resource depletion -

(and big corporations pushing people off their land in

big resource grabs).

One thing I would like to get from all the candidates

would be their opinion what an optimum population for the

US and the world would be.. That's one of the most

basic issues there could possibly be, but you never hear

a word said about it.

(BTW - the world population is increasing at the rate of

200,000 people per *day* - actually probably a bit higher)

texastwin827 6 pts

It is not likely any US Politician has considered population control as an issue....That would be in DIRECT conflict with our Constitution. The largest amount of increase in our own population has come from Hispanics and a large number of those "populating" are not because of our hispanic citizens, but the illegal ones. Keep in mind, it's estimated that 26% of CA's population is illegal and Texas has at least 1/2 million...those numbers do NOT include their anchor babies as those are considered US citizens, not illegals. Also keep in mind, EVERY anchor baby they have brings in financial assistance to their families AND the more they have, the less likely an immigration court is going to deport them.Blue Republic

JacobBeasley 10 pts

texastwin827Blue Republic The free market deals with population control on its own. When people start to starve, incentives are created to make more food OR people are less likely to have children. This is why the many schools in the US puts a pretty big emphasis on sex ed: they want people to know how to properly prevent pregnancy.

JenniferNie 16 pts

JacobBeasleytexastwin827Blue Republic

Some people get angry and it just happens. Again we are not going to get exactly what we want, we have to accept that, while realizing that we can together possible plant seeds to crearte something close to perfect that we can all live with.

JenniferNie 16 pts

JacobBeasley Hi Jacob, Wow, there is so much to read, it is amazing how big it has gotten and gone on for two weeeks now. I did like our History Read sent by 2vd217 it was interesting. I am trying to read all the posts in sequence, sometimes i reply only to find more comments. So far even though there are some posts I don't like it is surprizing that some I completely disagree with except for one part. some Posts are not my cup of tea and then... one or two more statments at the end of that same post, I like? At least if there is some common ground there is hope for all of us. How are you doing with keeping up? Hard inbetween work for me.

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JacobBeasley 10 pts

NUNYA No, that's entirely wrong. The constitution protests the right of all people in the United States; it doesn't just say that its for US Citizens. I've never understood where people get off saying things like this... I mean, we pay for "fu****** criminals" every day when they are in prison, and deporting them costs money, too. So honestly this posting seems extremely ignorant.

rvd217 10 pts

Why don't when we catch them using State benefits we put them and there anchor babies on chain-gangs that pick-up trash all the way back to Mexico to pay for what they received. I think a lot of illegals who leave on there own or in the least we would have really clean roads.

texastwin827 6 pts

State agencies are not allowed to ask if they are illegal. The family only gets benefits for any child born in the US, as they are US citizens. However, the major problem arises when they have babies back to back (which they do, as "insurance" against being deported). In Texas, one person is eligible for about $170 a month in food stamps. While it does not increase by that much ($170) for each child they have, it does increase. The children are also eligible for Medicaid. All of this is at taxpayer expense. The adults simply go to an ER when they are sick because they know they can't be refused (under law) and they have no intent on paying the hospital ER bill. Unlike a citizen of the US, who doesn't pay their ER bill, their credit rating is not effected. Dallas' Parkland Hospital as well as the hospital in Houston, that handles prenatal care, are swamped with the birth of illegal's children. They outnumber the total number of births of US citizens, at both hospitals. rvd217

texastwin827 6 pts

I should add, Parkland and the hospital in Houston are COUNTY hospitals, not for-profit hospitals. Both of those hospitals provide indigent care, so they do operate largely from tax dollars. Every time an illegal walks through their doors, it not only cost taxpayers but it also delays the medical care for a US Citizen. On any given night, in either of these two cities, you can expect to possibly wait all night to see a doctor...and a large number of the people in the waiting room, are illegals.rvd217

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texastwin827 6 pts

Nunya, in your reply to me, you used the upper & lower cases so it appears you CAN type by touch. Please stop "screaming" with the All Caps. You immediately put many on the defense and lose any credibility you could have had, in your comments. NUNYA

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texastwin827 6 pts

Credibility is what make others consider (and read) your viewpoints. Without it, you run the risk of people not reading your posts, at all. You have good points, you have a valid anger at what is being done to our country....don't diminish either of those by "screaming". NUNYA

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JacobBeasley 10 pts

NUNYA What's with the all caps?

JenniferNie 16 pts

JacobBeasley NUNYA Hi Jacob, I still like your idea combined with some of the my idea and I am so happy to see that this discussion has continued. It is interesting that it has sparked something that has continued for a week now. you can read my recent posts, I have been real busy and hope to read through the comments as I said and share what I am hearing the most and share some perspectives from the Farming Industry and the Construction industry as I have heard some very interesting points from both of them that are difinately pieces to consider. I also wanted to take our Idea about Illegal Imigration and and in a few more remedies that address some of the new points that have been brought up, such as sustainability of some industry, the dffects of a total deportation, taxes paid in, red tape in causing long delays in getting workers permits to work legally, and fairness is wage and hiring practice that could level the playing field as far as preserving and improving Amercian Job security and opportunity. For those who read, do not be quick to judge me by these comments, they necessary things to consider in order to create solutions. Everyone's thoughts count. Jacov feel free to FB me or comment back if you have already thought of some of these pieces and how to deal? Look forward to hearing back from you. Jen

JenniferNie 16 pts

Sorry for my typos! Hope you can still read through them.