Socialist Voice

Scottish Socialist Voice

Scottish Socialist Voice

Scottish Socialist Voice cuts special for 1st October STUC march (PDF file)

Scottish Socialist Voice

Scottish Socialist Voice 381 (PDF file)

Scottish Socialist Voice

Scottish Socialist Voice 378 (PDF file)

Scottish Socialist Voice

Scottish Socialist Voice 373 (PDF file)

Scottish Socialist Voice

Scottish Socialist Voice Holyrood Election 2011 special (PDF file)

Scottish Socialist Voice

Scottish Socialist Voice Student Freshers Special (PDF file)

Scottish Socialist Voice

Scottish Socialist Voice 359 (PDF file)

Scottish Socialist Voice Budget Special (PDF file)...

Free Public Transport

Free Public Transport

Read Colin Fox in the Morning Star...

Huge boost for SSP's free public transport campaign with union backing

Sign our petition for free public transport on the website here...

Local campaigning

Aberdeen SSP

Dundee SSP

East Dunbartonshire SSP

East Lothian SSP

West Lothian SSP

Edinburgh North SSP

Edinburgh South SSP

Glasgow Maryhill SSP

Taycoast SSP

Jim Bollan's blog

Paisley tenants defeat housing sell off

The campaign for a ‘No’ vote was led by the SSP in conjunction with Unison, the Scottish Tenants Organisation, Renfrewshire Anti Cuts Committee and other organizations and individuals.

Read SSP Renfrewshire Branch statement here...

See Paisley Daily Express article here...


20's plenty

Glasgow Save Our Schools organiser Richie Venton champions the cause of smaller class sizes to stop school closures...

Kevin McVey

Kevin McVey, SSP candidate for Glasgow North East: Vote for education not Labour school butchers...

East Dunbartonshire SSP branch respond to council review of Primary School, Nursery and Special Schools Estate...

Glasgow Save Our Schools campaign

Wyndford occupation ends

Read Richie Venton and people who took part in the occupation here...

Kids learning with less

Richie Venton in the Morning Star on the Save Our Schools struggle in Glasgow...

See our special section on the Glasgow Save Our Schools campaign here..

Stop Royal Mail Privatisation

Campaigning materials
(PDF files)

Poster | Petition | Leaflet

Scrap VAT on fuel


Socialism - Independence - Internationalism

Scottish Socialist Party

The SSP is Scotland’s socialist party that stands for the transformation of society. We fight to replace capitalism with socialism; an economic system based on social need and environmental protection rather than private profit and ecological destruction.
Read more about the SSP here...
Contact the SSP here...

Frances Curran and Colin Fox

SSP co-spokespersons Frances Curran and Colin Fox. Read Colin Fox's blog here...

Support the SSP

If you want to show your support for the Scottish Socialist Party you can find us on Facebook

Colin Fox with Campbell Martin"All the so-called mainstream parties in Scotland are now on the right of the political spectrum, to varying degrees, and all are totally committed to the failed capitalist system. It is only the SSP that’s over there, on the left, with the people of Scotland. That’s why I’ve joined the Scottish Socialist Party, to help in the fight for a better, fairer Scotland."

Read Campbell Martin on why he joined the SSP...

SSP statement on Sheridan sentencing...

SSP statement on Sheridan conviction for perjury...

SSP Trade Unionists

Now for a red October !

June 30th Strike

BBC strikes suspended but battle continues...

BBC strike solid - read Richie Venton

BBC Strike Media Workers Voice (PDF)

No to cuts in public services !

No Cuts Tax The Rich

The SSP joins thousands of public service workers to demand that the bankers pay for their crisis.

Read Richie Venton on lead up to demo here...

Read SSP leaflet for the demo (PDF file)...

Labour's war against public services in Glasgow

The Labour council in Glasgow have launched a savage war on jobs, services, its own workers and many of the most vulnerable people in local communities. Read more here...

Glasgow Council Workers Voice (PDF) here...

SSP on EIS demo

Pictures from the EIS demo against education cuts in Glasgow by John Lanigan are here...

Copy of EIS Voice distributed on demo (PDF file)...

Conference edition of EIS Voice is available here (PDF file)...

Striking for safety on the railways

Video by TrishMaryHill

Tartan profiteers caught red-handed !

RMT lobby

Read SSP national workplace organiser Richie Venton on the RMT strike against Scotrail's attempts to impose Driver Only trains.

Read more here...

Railworkers Voice 12th April (PDF)...

Railworkers Voice, 27th February (PDF)...

Railworkers Voice for 20th February strike (PDF)...

Railworkers Voice from 20th January (PDF file)...

Solidarity with militant trade unionists

Allan ArmstrongMigrant workers face sackings and threats of deportation, just for trying to establish secure work contracts, safe working conditions and a living wage. Alberto Durango, a Colombian worker sacked from his job at the Union Bank of Switzerland office in London, is at the centre of a campaign to organise cleaners.

Read more about Alberto here...

It has recently been publicly revealed that construction industry employers have been secretly operating a blacklist since 1976. This has denied work to hundreds of building worker trade unionists. Brain Higgins, a longstanding militant worker, originally from Glasgow, has been on this blacklist for at least 30 years, confining him to an "economic, social and political prison". Brian wants to link with others to mount an effective campaign against the blacklist. Read more about Brian here...

Brian Higgins Anti-Blacklist Campaign update...

Anti blacklist result for trade unionists

Brian Higgins has achieved a major breakthrough in his campaign against the illegal blacklisting of trade unionists.

The unfinished war over postal service future

Postal workers fight for survival

Postal Workers Voice, 4th November (pdf file)...

(this leaflet was unused after the Interim Agreement between management and the union)

Socialist Womens Network on the posties picket line

The witches of the Socialist Women's Network take the message of solidarity to the Royal Mail picket line in Irviine, delivering copies of the the SSP's postal workers leaflet (PDF)...

Postal workers picket line

Colin Fox joins the picket line in Edinburgh

Read Colin on his blog here...

See also..

Fighting for the survival of the postal service. Read Willie Marshall, CWU Scotland no 2 branch secretary...

Royal Mail managment have systematically broken their promises by Tam Dewar..

SSP leaflet for strike (PDF file)

Defend our door to door posties

Kevin McVey"If ever evidence was needed of Labour's capitulation to Thatcherism look no further than their disgraceful complicity with Royal Mail management in their provocative attempts to break this week's national postal strike."

Read Kevin McVey, SSP candidate for Glasgow North East, on his blog here...

Previous postal workers material

Landslide vote for national postal strikes...

Vote 'Yes' in national strike ballot against Royal Mail bully-boys

SSP leaflet for strike ballot (PDF file)...

More postal workers material on our SSP trade unionists pages here...

Cut hours not jobs or pay

Read Richie Venton here...

Vestas campaign

Occupation blog...

Sign the petition to Gordon Brown using the UK government website...

New Labour's wind power drive is just hot air

Read Ken Ferguson here...

Fighting back against redundancies

Richie VentonAs a minimum first step, the STUC, TUC and national unions should call national demos and rallies against unemployment; in defence of jobs; for a 35 hour week without loss of pay to create jobs; and for an increased minimum wage.

The combination of big united rallies, and fighting policies that point to a different alternative, would begin to turn the tide against the working class being made to pay for the capitalists’ crisis.

Read more here...

See also;

The challenges facing the trade union movement in 2009...

Miners Strike 1984 -85

The Heroes Within, the UK miners strike 25 years on...

Re-writing the miners strike, book review...

Unofficial strike action at Lindsey Oil Refinery

Game set and match to Lindsey workers as bosses hoist white flag...

Sackings spark new battle at Lindsey site...

Militant Trade Unionism An Inspiration...

SSP statement on Power Station strikes...


Vote Scottish Socialist Party

Scottish election 2011 analysis

SSP Regional Votes

Central Scotland 820 - Glasgow 1,362 - Highlands and Islands 509 - Lothians 1,183 - Mid Scotland & Fife - 834 - North East Scotland 1,115 - South Scotland 697 - West Scotland 1,752

Total SSP vote across Scotland 8,272
Thanks to each and every one of you.


SSP manifesto

Vote SSP

100,000 SSP bulletins distributed

SSP BulletinSSP members and supporters have been busy distributing 100,000 full colour bulletins the length and breadth of Scotland over the past week.

Stalls from Oban and Rothesay to Glasgow, Edinburgh and East Lothian have seen great support for the SSP, Scotland's serious and principled socialist party.

Holyrood elections 2011

SSP announces tops of Scottish Parliament regional lists 2011

SSP list candidates 2011

SSP announces fresh Holyrood bid (June 2010)

Offering a socialist alternative (Kevin McVey)

Read Jack Ferguson on George Galloway's Holyrood bid (SSY blog)

Socialist Resistance on why they left Respect after decision to stand in Scotland

Lothians SSP selects candidates for 2011 Scottish Parliament elections

The SSP list for the Lothians in 2011 will be; Colin Fox, Catriona Grant, Laura Bennison, Ally Hendry, Andrew McPake and Barbara Scott.

Read Colin Fox on his blog here...

Offering a socialist alternative

Kevin McVey"The SSP will use the election campaign as a platform to promote mass defiance to the imposition of cuts, whilst elaborating a socialist alternative that will call for a massive re-distribution of wealth from rich to poor and for a massive extension of the public ownership of Scotland’s economic resources to offset the need for the destruction of the welfare state to pay for capitalist greed." Kevin McVey, SSP Natiional Secretary


Read Colin Fox on politics in 2010 here...

SSP announces fresh Holyrood bid

Morning Star story, 13th June 2010...

The Scottish Socialist Party has announced its bid to regain a presence in Holyrood next year through the regional list system.

Party spokesman Colin Fox said that the decision to contest next year's Scottish parliament elections "underscores the SSP determination to put our socialist policies before voters."

Westminster election 2010

Kevin McVey, SSP national secretary and candidate in Glasgow North East, speaks at the Glasgow count.

Colin Fox looks back at the election campaign

Liberal Democrats are the Tory stooges in Scotland

Ken Ferguson on manufacturing a mandate

Putting Socialism on the agenda

SSP candidates 2010

Read our manifesto 2010 here...

SSP election results 2010

Aberdeen North
Ewan Robertson
Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and Kirkintiloch East
Willie O'Neil
Dundee East
Angela Gorrie
Edinburgh South West
Colin Fox
Glasgow Central
James Nesbitt
Glasgow East
Fances Curran
Glasgow North East
Kevin McVey
Ally Hendry
Paisley and Renfrewshire North
Chris Rollo
Paisley and Renfrewshire South
Jimmy Kerr

A total of 3,157 votes in 10 constituencies.

The Scottish Socialist Party would like to thank each and every one of those voters for their support.

SSP election broadcast 2010

Scottish Socialist Party election broadcast 2010. See some of our previous election broadcasts here...

When SSY members in Maryhill heard that Nick Clegg was in their local community centre they headed down for a word with him...

Dundee SSP campaigning

Angela Gorrie, SSP candidate for Dundee East, with former MP and MSP John McAllion campaigning against public spending cuts and bankers bonuses. Read more here...

Read report in the Morning Star here...

BBC news report here...

Welfare state will be used to "oppress and discipline the poor" ...

SSP's 10 seat election challenge puts Labour and SNP front benchers in its sights...

Morning Star report...

Fox takes on Chancellor Darling in Edinburgh South West...

Photo's of SSP Glasgow North East campaign launch here...

17th June 2009, Glasgow SSP decide to contest by-election

Colin Fox on the Euro election here...

See our European election archive here...

Jim Bollan suspended for 9 months

Free speech on West Dunbartonshire Council is a thing of the past if you try to protect Council worker's pay and conditions.

Read Jim Bollan here...

Letter of support for Jim Bollan from Clydebank TUC...

Campsie branch blog on campaigning for Jim...

Building socialist unity

Social Forum on climate change and peak oil

Joanna Dind on the Social Forum on Climate Change and Peak Oil...

Ken Ferguson on Convention of the Left success...

Colin Fox on the RMT's conference on working class representation...

SSP Executive statement on left unity, 28/06/09

The Scottish Socialist Party was founded on the principle of left unity in Scotland.
We continue to have that as our goal.
In 2006 a split from the SSP fractured that unity.
Once all of the legal obstacles have been cleared from our path we intend to initiate a full, open and democratic discussion around left unity in Scotland and the role that the SSP can play in achieving it.


Commemorating women's sufferage

The Scottish Socialist Party joined thousands of people in Edinburgh to commemorate the struggle for women's sufferage. Photos from the day here...

SSP marching to commemorate women's sufferage

Read Kevin McVey, SSP candidate for Glasgow North East, writing about the march on his blog here...

Scottish Gypsy Travellers

The Forgotten experiment. A documentary examining the plight of Scottish Gypsy Travellers, focusing on the Bobbin Mill site in Pitlochry, Perthshire. Produced by 4th year students from Stirling University School of Film and Media Studies, in Spring 2008.

Colin Turbett reports on a victory for Scottish Gypsy Travellers in the fight for equality and human rights...

See also:

Scottish Traveller community marginalised...

Labour MP targets Scottish Travellers...


Malcolm McLaren: Death of a cultural revolutionary

Malcom McLarenSimon Whittle on the life of Malcom McLaren, cultural revolutionary and music pioneer, manager of the Sex Pistols, hated and persecuted by the establishment, who died on April the 8th 2010, leaving behind a legacy that changed popular music forever.


The world protests at Israeli massacre

Free GAza

Photos from Edinburgh demo, 5th June...

Pictures of Edinburgh protest, 31st May...

Pictures of Glasgow protest by John Lanigan..

SSP statement on the massacre...

Scottish Socialist Youth: IDF, murderous pirates...

Morning Star story...

Justice for Palestine

Justice for Palestine

Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign win victory over trumped up charges

Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign 5 on trial for protest

Allan Armstrong on the 5 campaigners facing charges of ‘racially aggravated breach of the peace’.

Boycott Israel Now !

Read about trade union solidarity with Palestine...

Pictures of 10,000 march in Edinburgh here...

For latest info on protests and meetings;

Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Uprising in Iran...

Iran Protest


In July 2009 a military coup overthrew President Manuel Zelaya. Reports on the coup from Sam Gordon.

  • The Old Guard in Honduras
  • Zelaya Back in Honduras

SSP Cuba delegation success

SSP Cuba delegationOn the 1st of February 2009, 9 members of the Scottish Socialist Party travelled to Havana to take part in a 15 day programme of meetings, visits and cultural events organised by the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party. The Delegation consisted of 3 members of the Executive Committee, two of which were also on the international committee. Members were from branches in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Rutherglen and Fife.

End fuel poverty scandal

Campaigning Against Fuel Poverty

Campaigning against gas and electricity price rises

End energy rip offScottish Power has just announced a 19% rise in gas and electricity bills. With 770,000 Scots already in fuel poverty, up from 293,000 in 2002, the time has come to say enough is enough. The SNP Government promised to eradicate fuel poverty in Scotland by 2014. This pledge has now been abandoned as the power companies continue to rip us off.

Campaign material

Trade union news

Striking for a living wage at Stow College

"At the heart of the dispute is the struggle for the extremely modest Scottish Living Wage (£7.20 an hour) and against prvatisation of cleaning and catering. " Read more...

Now strike together !

SSP Banner, October 2011

"Those who marched together on 1st October need to strike together on St Andrews Day – and persuade the rest of Scotland’s 600,000 public sector workers to do likewise.
"That would not only be a massive hammer-blow to the Cuts Coalition at Westminster, who have already had to do U-turns and partial retreats on forestry privatisation, some benefit cuts, some of the coastguard station closures and other plans when faced with opposition from tiny fragments of the working class."

Read Richie Venton here...

Download a PDF file of Socialist Voice cuts special

Students rise up to defend education

Glasgow students on the march

Hetherington Occupation Victory!

We students have built an alternative

The Free Hetherington is invicible

Heatherington re-occupied - BBC story

Scottish Socialist Youth: Violent eviction at Glasgow Uni leads to… another occupation!

Frances Curran speaks out against heavy handed policing.

Morning Star story...

SSP Republic banner

Hundreds march down 'republican mile' (STV story)

SSP conference 2011SSP conference motion in support of peoples revolutions, against Western intervention in Libya

UNITE calls for end to Western intervention in Libya

Prescription Charges abolished in Scotland after 50 years...

SSSP in London

Photo set by Louisefeminista on Flickr...

Public Sector Voice for March 26th demo (PDF)...

Just say no to nuclear

Chernobyl nuclear plant

Events in Japan have once again reminded the world of the appalling dangers of nuclear power. We republish an article from 2008 explaining why the SSP is opposed to nuclear power.

Campaigning against spending cuts

Put a million on the march

Richie Venton"Scottish UNISON unanimously agreed to call for a one-day public sector strike in Scotland at its December meeting of branch delegates.

"The time has arrived for such words to be acted upon - and a one-day strike built amongst Scotland’s 630,000 public sector workers."

Read Richie Venton here...

Bank of England chief says bankers caused crisis

"The price of this financial crisis is being borne by people who absolutely did not cause it".

Campaigning against cuts

SSP leaflet for STUC rally (PDF)

Rebel Against The Cuts...

'Cameron lose your smile, let’s do this Egyptian style'; direct action in Glasgow, SSY blog.

Resist the scrooges - unite against the cuts

Letter from SSP councillor Jim Bollan

Download a copy of our detailed anti cuts leaflet...

Download a Polish language SSP anti-cuts leaflet...

Fighting cuts ? Join the SSP today...

Public spending cuts in Scotland

Who says there are no alternatives?

Colin Fox"The fact is there are plenty of alternatives to mass unemployment, to students being denied the chance to study, to enforced homelessness, increased violence and worsening crime rates as our society further disintegrates."

Read Colin Fox in the Morning Star...

First 100 days of a Scottish socialist government

Read Raphie De Santos on the 2011 SNP Scottish budget

Massive backdoor cuts on the way...

Scotland faces £5bn 'back-door robbery'...

Read immediate reaction to the SNP government proposed buget.

Read Richie Venton on the way ahead in the campaign against public spending cuts...

20,000 demonstrate in Edinburgh against public spending cuts...

SSP leaflet for demo (PDF file)...

What next after the STUC march?

No to cuts

Royal Weddings - what a carry on

Tam Dean Burn

Tam Dean Burn as Her Majesty at 2004 Calton Hill rally for a democratic republic as the Queen opened the new Scottish Parliament building.

Colin Fox"We here in Britain also have an unelected head of state just as far removed from the daily life of the population as Hosni Mubareak or Muamir Gaddafy"

Read Colin Fox; For a modern democratic republic..

Axe Royals"The royals have kindly agreed to provide us with two weddings this year to keep our minds off other things. The triumphalist two royal weddings could lead to an altogether different outcome - a republican funeral for the UK."

Read Allan Armstrong; 2 weddings and a holiday - Royalism gone mad...

If you support the SSP's call for a Scottish socialist republic then join us today.

War On Want

Join us in the international call to end the war in Afghanistan. War on Want was founded in 1951 after a postcard campaign initiated by Victor Gallancz against the Korean War. In 2011 the Scottish Socialist Party is supporting the international call to end the occupation of Afghanistan. Add your name to the campaign here...

Read Raphie De Santos on the Spending Review...

Letter in The Herald on Afghanistan by Colin Fox

Unmistakable signs of progress for the SSP in Edinburgh by-election contest...

No Cuts Tax the rich

Weapons of resistance to the cuts

In building a resistance movement capable of stopping the cuts to services, benefits, jobs, pay and pensions, we need our own weapons of resistance. Read more here...

Fighting the cuts: fine words and defiant deeds

The devastation looming towards communities and workforces – both public- and private-sector –is beginning to sink into the minds of millions. In recent days, a series of hard-hitting facts and studies have exposed the realities we face, unless a mighty movement of rallies, demonstrations and ultimately coordinated strikes (alongside civil disobedience) is built to halt the Millionaires’ Cabinet. Read more here...

UNISON Strategy Conference: A better way for public services

The Scottish Socialist Party applauds the trade union and community anti-cuts conference called by Scottish UNISON.
We desperately need unity to defeat the Twin Tories’ butchery of jobs, services, pay, pensions and benefits. Read Public Sector Voice (PDF file) here....

Cuts: no divisions, no delay in action

Richie Venton"Trade unions need to name the days for united mass protests and give people confidence that there is a resistance movement that can defeat the attempts to prop up the bankers and billionaires at terrible cost to working class people. " Read more...

Basque solidarity meeting

Basque meeting in Glasgow

More photos from the Basque solidarity meeting by John Lanigan are here...

Faisalabad workers victory

Workers victory in Pakistan

Faisalabad power loom workers have won a total victory, winning a 17% increase in wages. Attempts to intimidate workers including the murder of trade union leader Mustansar Randhawa backfired dramatically and reinforced the determination of the workers. Read Farooq Tariq here...

SSY protest against prohibition

Legalise Cannabis

Scottish Socialist Youth organised another highly successful Legalise Cannabis demo in Glasgow.

What’s crippling Greece is the IMF, not the General Strikes...

Fat cat bosses pay rockets...

SSP Alternative Budget

A People not Profit budget, June 2010

"The SSP's alternative budget is based on equality, democracy and sustainability, to deliver a better economic future based on people, not profit."

Economic Crisis

Greece revolts

Rich List shows rich get richer

Raphie De SantosDespite the recession the rich continue to get richer acorrding to the latest Sunday Times Rich List figures. The combined wealth of Britain's 1,000 richest people rose by more than £77bn to £333.5bn, with the number of billionaires up from 43 to 53. Raphie De Santos looks at the data here...


Time For Peace

Each week the toll mounts and another family watches the coffins unloaded to promenade through Wooton Basset while grubby politicians mouth platitudes  and squabble as to who can best run the war.

But there is another story.

Across Scotland, from Aberdeen to Edinburgh, the SSP has been campaigning against the war and finding the growing mood of opposition to it and support for a withdrawal.

Read Ken Ferguson, 'Time For Peace' here...

'Socialist and Afghan leaders join forces for anti-war talks' Edinburgh Evening News story...

Do you support the SSP's call for the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan ?

Join us today !

Photos from Edinburgh demo for end to occupation of Afghanistan

Afghan war grinds towards defeat

Afghanistan - how many more will die ?

Shameless politicians declare Afghan victory

Afghanistan for the Afghans

Campaigning material, PDF files

Leaflet | Poster | Petition

Victory in East Dunbartonshire

Protest against school closures

Victory for schools campaigners in East Dunbartonshire. Read more here...

Scotland marches for International Workers Day, May 2010

Glasgow, May 2nd 2010

Edinburgh May Day demo 2010

SSP Banners

SSP banners on the Cut Trident Not Jobs demo, Edinburgh. More photos by John Lanigan here...

SSY Plackard

Hundreds march for asylum rights, Scottish Socialist Youth report from Glasgow demo here...

Leaflet from Red Road flats demo (PDF file)...

Opposing racism and fascism

Saturday 20th February 2010, Edinburgh

A fantastic turnout of grass roots militant anti-fascists prevented the SDL from marching.

There are photos by John Lanigan here...

Read SSY report on events here...

Anti SDL demo

SSP No Paseran banner

Fascist 'Scottish Defence League' routed in Glasgow, Read Andy Bowden on the SSY blog

Pictures by John Lanigan here...

'Let's all stop the fascists'' by Liam Turbett

Read the SSP's leaflet for the event here (PDF file)

Colin Fox: BBC puts fascists on prime time tv...

Join the SSP in the fight against racism and fascism today !

Pictures from Nae tae G20 in St Andrews !

St Andrews Students on the march

Read Raphie De Santos on the G20 here...

Independence & republicanism

Tam Dean Burn as the Queen

Tam Dean Burn with Colin Fox and Rosie Kane at the SSP's Calton Hill republican event 2004

Bloody Sunday: a day's work for the British Army...

Union Jack Gordon bows the knee to House of Windsor...

Thatcher's legacy kept alive by Brown

Thatcher, Blair and Brown

"At the heart of the New Labour project lies its complete rejection of any Socialist politics and endorsement of the Thatcherite view worshiping the free market and the rich." Read Ken Ferguson...

Lordy, Lordy, Lordy

Labour’s government of the unelected

Colin Fox"The Labour Government is a caricature of a Britain long gone, a vivid testament to how Labour has abandoned its founders.

"The first vote passed at the first Labour conference in 1900 was to abolish the House of Lords.

"In 2009 Labour depends on it to rule the people."

Colin Fox on the need for a modern, democratic, republic here...

Voting reform: Brown's timid window dressing

Andrew Weir looks at the different possible voting systems in the wake of the Westminster constitutional crisis. Read more here...

Greedy MPs expose Westminster

"The ongoing crisis over MP’s expenses has unexpectedly holed the British ship of state below the water line. Suddenly, the Mother of all Parliaments faces a collapse of political authority without parallel in its modern history. The first Speaker forced to resign in disgrace in 300 years has quickly been followed by the first Lords to be suspended for corruption in 300 years." Read John McAllion here...

Viva La Repblica ! Read Allan Armstrong on socialism and republicanism here...

Allan Armstrong on the Republican Socialist Convention...

John McAllion"The class struggle in Scotland has always been both nationalist and socialist.
The 1787 massacre of striking Calton weavers by British soldiers is generally recognised as marking the beginning of an organised, effective Scottish labour movement.
The weavers’ banner on that day showed Scotland’s national hero William Wallace striking down the beast of tyranny."John McAllion on socialism & independence ...

Scotland's Hidden History

Tanks in Glasgow

Read Eddie Truman on Scotland's hidden history here...