Books Through Bars
We send quality reading material to prisoners and encourage creative dialogue on the criminal justice system, thereby educating those living inside and outside of prison walls.

May 14th - Transformative Justice Read-a-Thon

Read-a-Thon Flier
On Saturday, May 14th, from 11am - 10pm, Books Through Bars will be hosting a day of reading, workshops and discussions on alternatives to prisons at the A-Space (4722 Baltimore Ave, Phila). Presenting groups include: Teachers’ Action Group, California Prison Moratorium Project, Sylvia Rivera Law Project, Philly Stands Up, Safe Outside the System, and more. Free food and drink all day long. $5 - $20 suggested donation; no one turned away.

Complete schedule of the day’s sessions, as well as downloads of the readings to accompany the sessions, Continue reading »

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You can download a PDF of our Fall 2010 newsletter here. Don’t miss the visual timeline of the last 20 years of BTB on pages 4 and 5.

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