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The Ludwig von Mises Institute

Tu Ne Cede Malis

Advancing the Scholarship of Liberty in the Tradition of the Austrian School

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Austrian Scholars Conference 2012

March 8-10 2012
Auburn, Alabama

Faculty and Member Observers Register Here (Students see scholarship application at end of this page.)

The Austrian Scholars Conference is the international, interdisciplinary meeting of the Austrian School, and for scholars interested or working in this intellectual tradition, it is the event of the year. The director of the conference is Joseph Salerno of Pace University.

Over the course of three full days, the Austrian Scholars Conference offers presentations on economics, history, philosophy, and the humanities, in addition to named lectures by the leaders in the field. It combines all the opportunities of a professional meeting, with the added attraction of hearing and presenting new and innovative research, engaging in vigorous debate, and interacting with like-minded scholars who share research interests.

Papers and panels cover a wide range of fields that impact on the Austrian paradigm, including: monetary theory; international trade; money and banking; methodology; history of thought; economic history; business cycles; geography; interventionism; literature; political philosophy; philosophy of science; society, culture, and religion; business regulation; environmental political economy; and history and theory of war.

Named Lectures

  • Mises Lecture:Renaud Fillieule, University of Lille
  • Hazlitt Lecture: Hunter Lewis, Cambridge Associates LLC
  • Hayek Lecture: Nicolai Foss, Copenhagen Business School
  • Rothbard Lecture:
  • Lou Church Lecture: David GordonMises Review, "Judaism and Capitalism: Friends or Enemies?"

Participants who wish to present their papers must sent an abstract to [email protected] no later than February 15, 2012. Submissions will be accepted until all the time slots are taken.


Hotel rooms at Auburn University Hotel are available. Phone 1-800-228-2876 or 334-821-8200 before February 22. Be sure to mention Austrian Scholars Conference of the Mises Institute for the special rate of $114 plus tax (for single or double room).

For Faculty, the registration fee is $275. The registration fee for Member Observers is $395 per person ($695 per couple), or $475 per person for Non-Members. Become a Member for $50 and register today at the Member price. (Call 800-636-4737 to check if your Membership is current.) Registration covers all sessions, three buffet dinners, coffee breaks, and daily shuttles between AU Hotel and the Institute.

For qualified full-time students, the registration fee to attend all sessions and dinners is waived (submit application form below, with copy of student ID).  Student scholarships do not include accommodations.

There is a non-refundable registration processing fee of $25 for cancellations. Contact [email protected] with questions.


SalernoThe Austrian Scholars Conference draws outstanding papers and participants from all parts of the world. It is the most important annual international meeting for everyone who works within the Austrian tradition.

The conference opens on Thursday with a forum on new books, with presentations by the authors of the main ideas in their books, how they came to be published, their experiences in marketing, and how they have been reviewed and received. The conference continues with panels. Friday and Saturday are devoted to paper presentations in concurrent sessions, as in the past.

In addition to nearly 100 presentations, the conference also includes receptions, all to be held on the beautiful campus of the Mises Institute, which features a library of 30,000 books along with Mises and Rothbard archives. You will find research materials available here that are otherwise inaccessible, so plan to use some of your time to advance your own research.

If you have never been to the ASC, I encourage you to attend this year. Papers and books that advance the Austrian School are presented here for the first time, which gives you the chance to discuss ideas with presenters and participants and make an important contribution to impacting the future of the School. If you are looking for comments on a paper, or just a chance to bounce some ideas off others who know something other than the latest mathematical wizardry of the profession, this is the place.

This is also the ideal setting for making professional contacts that will help you through the years. Your expertise and interests are highly valued by others. In addition, we always have a great time. There is no substitute for the intellectual stimulation and personal camaraderie that the Austrian Scholars Conference combines into one event.

Write me with your submissions.

Joseph Salerno
Pace University
[email protected]


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