Dear Occupiers: A Letter from Anarchists

Dear Occupiers
A letter from anarchists

Support and solidarity! We’re inspired by the occupations on Wall Street and elsewhere around the country. Finally, people are taking to the streets again! The momentum around these actions has the potential to reinvigorate protest and resistance in this country. We hope these occupations will increase both in numbers and in substance, and we’ll do our best to contribute to that.

Podcast on workers' control

Podcast on Workers' Control

"What happens when those who work for others decide to take their collective destinies into their own hands and manage themselves? That's a question workers around the world have answered in different forms over the 140 years since the Paris Commune. Scholar and activist Immanuel Ness discusses the history, across time and place, of workers' control and workers' councils."

Announcing Common Struggle - Libertarian Communist Federation!

Attention allies in North America and beyond! The organization formerly known as the North Eastern Federation of Anarchist Communists is henceforth:

Common Struggle - Libertarian Communist Federation

Decided upon at our 23rd conference held in Boston, MA this past Labor Day weekend.

We have been considering a change since the departure and organizational growth experienced by our comrades in both Common Cause (Ontario) and Union Communiste Libertaire (Quebec).

Announcing Freedom #5 - Anunciando el número 5 del boletín Libertad

Freedom / Libertad #5

Estamos orgullosxs de publicar la edición #5 de Freedom/Libertad, el boletín bilingüe de la FCLN de Nueva Inglaterra. Este número ofrece un nuevo diseño y una impresión profesional por nuestrxs amigxs de Red Sun Press, una imprenta autogestionada por lxs trabajadores.

Los artículos incluyen:

-Vermont gana el cuidado de salud universal
-La lucha contra Whole Foods
-Egipto: la revolución vive

Less Talk, More Regroupment

A piece on revolutionary strategy and getting organized by southerner Jasper Conner author of Towards a Student Unionism

The Struggle of Sports in Prisons

by Cesar Polito
Originally published in Prison Action News.

We as human beings feel the need for physical activities. Unfortunately, not every single one of us has the opportunity or ability to do what we love due to the circumstances.

A Critique of Anti-Assimilation, Part I

By Operaista
Reposted from Glittertariat

AKA "Why I hate the term 'classism'"; "Why I hate inverted hierarchies" will be Part II

A really big, important concept in radical queer thought and struggle is Anti-Assimilation, which, at its most basic, is "we don't want to elevate our position in the social order by becoming as much like the straights as possible"; clearly, there are a wide variety of possible positions that could be described as anti-assimilationist by that decision - from the communist position of "abolish the present state of things, the revolution is communization" to a very reformist view that just seeks to allow all genders, sexualities, expressions, etc, to be put on an equal footing. Between these two very different poles lie most people who would describe themselves as anti-assimilationist; in fact, I bet many who read this would point out that the very limited, reformist view of anti-assimilationism is not held by many who would use the term (which is true).

Anti-imperialism and the Iranian Revolution: Fetters of the past, potential for the future

By Arya Zahedi
Reposted from Insurgent Notes

The question of anti-imperialism has been much debated on the revolutionary left–particularly during most of the twentieth century. More recently, the question of imperialism has emerged once again—in regard to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but more particularly in how the left should approach a popular struggle within a nation whose state perceives itself as a bastion against imperialism, or more precisely against US domination.

Anarchism & the Environment: A Northeastern Anarchist Release Party

Event Type: Public talk
Date: August 5th 7pm
Location: Stone Soup Coop, Chicago
Cost: $5 suggested donation

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