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The Ludwig von Mises Institute

Tu Ne Cede Malis

Advancing the Scholarship of Liberty in the Tradition of the Austrian School

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Occupied by Government

Many demands are being made, but sadly, if these were ever implemented, they would make problems worse by lowering the standard of living for all — especially for the poor! I will proceed to address some of the demands in plain English, hoping to reach out to them.
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The Transformation of the American Party System

If Bryan represented the "people" versus the "interests," why did Bryan lose and lose soundly, not once but three times?

The China Bust: Tic Toc

The government has tried to further manipulate the economy to compensate for the adverse effects of its printing of money.

The Folly of Forecasting

The mathematical games economists play are just so much flapdoodle.

In the Mises Store

Economics in One Lesson

Here is a publishing event: the new Mises Institute edition of the classic book that has taught many millions sound economic thinking. It is a hardbound volume, priced very low thanks to special benef... More »

Human Action Pocket Edition

This spectacular edition of the great work has all the makings of a game changer. In a mere 24 hours after release, this became our all-time bestseller. The masterpiece first appeared in German i... More »

Case for Gold Pocket Edition

This is the LvMI 2nd Edition! Pocket sized 5" x 7" and with a new foreword by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. Here is the revolutionary book on monetary reform - brilliant, compelling, clear, ... More »

Recent Blog Posts

Justin Ptak: Liberty Heads to Porcupine Country

Ten years ago, libertarian activists hatched a crazy plan to colonize New Hampshire. It's kind of working. Free State legislators are currently pushing to decriminalize marijuana, permit the video recording of law enforcement officers, le ... More »

Jeffrey Tucker: Krugman attacks the one good idea of the protestors

Some protesters on Wall Street are drawing attention to evils of fractional-reserve banking. Krugman fights back. His entire argument is against banning the practice. This misses the point: it is enough to stop using the state and the Fed to sustain ... More »

Stephan Kinsella: Taiwan's Defensive "Patent Bank"

In my post The Patent Defense League and Defensive Patent Pooling, I suggested that some companies or industries might be able to form a patent defense league where patents are pooled and made available to members for defensive reasons--for example, ... More »

Mark Thornton: China's Richest Village

China's richest village Building a 1000+ feet skyscraper with a one ton gold bull. It is often hard to tell what is and what is not a malinvestment. In this case, I'd be willing to bet this is the real McCoy. ... More »

Danny Sanchez: The Real Causes of America’s Wars: An Online Course with David Gordon

David Gordon (and not Chomsky) knows what Uncle Sam really wanted. Sign up to get the real story. ... More »

Mises Daily: Flapdoodle

Occupied by Government by Rod Rojas Many demands are being made, but sadly, if these were ever implemented, they would make problems worse by lowering the standard of living for all — especially for the poor! I will ... More »

events: Mises Circle in New Orleans

Join Lew Rockwell, Doug French, Walter Block, Robert Higgs, Tom DiLorenzo, Joseph Salerno, David Gordon, Bill Barnett for a one-day seminar in New Orleans, where Walter Block will be awarded the Gary G. Schlarbaum Prize for Lifetime Achievement ... More »

Jeffrey Tucker: The Great Clash

The author of Keynes and Hayek: The Clash That Defined Modern Economics is interviewed today by the New York Sun. The interview confirms my sense from what I've read so far. The book provides an interesting account of the personalities and politi ... More »

Jeffrey Tucker: Paper Money Collapse

This riveting book by an investment professional hit just at the right time. Europe is falling apart and the fears of hyperinflation are global. The book soared up the charts as a leading explanation of what's gone wrong with the money. And the b ... More »

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Thomas E. Woods, Jr.: Why You've Never Heard of the Great Depression of 1920

Why You've Never Heard of the Great Depression of 1920 Thomas E. Woods, Jr., from the Mises Circle event "The Great Depression: What We Can Learn From It Today." Professor Woods, author of MELTDOWN, also provides an excellent presentation on the Austrian ( 4/6/2009 )

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"Money, Monopoly, and Market Intervention"
This course will cover chapters 10, 11, and 12 of Murray Rothbard's systema... (more) Register Now

"Economic Freedom Around the World"
This course will consist of five lectures about the concept, measurement an... (more) Register Now

"Libertarian Controversies"
Modern libertarianism is a young, developing and vibrant science. Variants ... (more) Register Now

"Libertarian Ethics"
Why should liberty be advanced? What is the basis of rights? What is the ... (more) Register Now

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Economics in One Lesson: High-School Seminar in Atlanta (Sponsored by Dr. Don W. Printz)

Economics in One Lesson: High-School Seminar in Atlanta (Sponsored by Dr. Don W. Printz)
| Atlanta, Georgia

A key to preparing for the future is understanding the economic lands... MORE

Mises Circle in New Orleans

Mises Circle in New Orleans
| New Orleans, Louisiana

Join the Mises Institute in New Orleans for a look at current events ... MORE

Contemporary Issues in Economics: High-School Seminar in Auburn (Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis)

Contemporary Issues in Economics: High-School Seminar in Auburn (Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis)
| Auburn, Alabama

Let's talk about economic policy - and say what needs to be said.... MORE

Why Economics Matters: High-School Seminar in Houston (Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis)

Why Economics Matters: High-School Seminar in Houston (Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis)
| Houston, Texas

A free seminar for high-school students in the Houston area.

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Mises Circle, Houston (Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis)

Mises Circle, Houston (Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis)
| Houston, Texas

Mises Circle at Furman University (Sponsored by Furman Conservative Students for a Better Tomorrow)

Mises Circle at Furman University (Sponsored by Furman Conservative Students for a Better Tomorrow)
| Furman University, Greenville, SC

War doesn't liberate; it enslaves. It is the state on overdrive: ... MORE

Austrian Scholars Conference 2012

Austrian Scholars Conference 2012
| Auburn, Alabama

The world gathering of Austrian School scholars.

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Mises University 2012

Mises University 2012
| Auburn, Alabama

The world's leading instructional program in the Austrian School ... MORE