The Best of Mooseworld

Privacy Policy

Mooseworld is a nonprofit Web site that collects no information on users unless a user provides it through our Contact Us form. When a user does that the information submitted is only used for communication purposes. Only the first names of non-professional contributors are used on the site. Further information on contributions is contained in our Terms of Use.

Privacy issues can be raised by cookies, but Mooseworld uses only two cookies, one on the home page to enable Google Analytics which provides the Web site owner with non-personally indentifiable traffic statistics. The other cookie is on the Mooseworld for Kids page to keep track of results during the "How much do you know about moose?" quiz. This is a so-called session cookie and is not stored on a user's hard drive.

We want you to enjoy your association with Mooseworld and never have to worry about your privacy.


Mooseworld: Est. 1999