September 30, 2011

American Traitor Anwar al-Awlaki Killed in Yemen!
Upd: SAMIR KHAN (aka, Inshallahshaheed), Traitor Who Threatened Rusty's Family, Also Dead!!!!
Yemen rumors: Awlaki Dead, Awlaki Alive -- But mostly DEAD!

Anwar al-Awlaki

Breaking News!

The US-born radical Islamist cleric and suspected al-Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki has been killed in Yemen, the country's defence ministry has said.

A statement said only that he died "along with some of his companions."

Reportedly, al-Awlaki was killed by Yemeni forces.

UPDATE by Matt Damon: Looks like it may have been a drone that got him.

Al-Arabiya television network cited local tribal sources as saying suspected U.S. drone aircraft - which are known to operate in Yemen - fired two missiles Friday at a convoy of vehicles believed to be carrying al-Awlaki and his guards.
We will see how this shakes out...true or not.

Remember Sammy keep looking up......there is a drone with your name on it.

UPDATE II by Matt Damon: From Jake Tapper twitter account.

@ Jaketapper
Jake Tapper Sr admin officials tell ABC News that al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki has been killed

We know that Samir Khan was in contact with al-Awaki as his articles were in Sammy's last issue of Inspire released just a few days ago. Is he dead too? One can only hope.

Update: Saints be praised Samir Khan is dead!

Yemen Defense Ministry says another American in al-Qaida, Samir Khan, was killed with al-Awlaki

Update by Rusty: Reports are still in flux. As of this moment it's hard to confirm whether or not Awlaki and Khan are both dead. US officials are confirming, off the record, that Awlaki is dead -- but Jane Novak, who has deep contacts in Yemen, says that a local news agency, nass press, is reporting that Awlaki survived the attack and was only injured. And as Ed reminds us, this wouldn't be the first time Awlaki was reported dead. But other tribal sources claim he's dead.

As you know, the Arab world is rife with rumor that passes as fact. We'll keep you posted, but given that US officials are confirming off the record that Awlaki is dead, then I'll have to treat the naysaying as rumors until we hear otherwise.

The really personal news here would be that Samir Khan is dead. As long time readers know, Samir and I have had personal disputes over the years. It was Samir, then blogging as Inshallahshaheed, who threatened to kill my family. He even made this nice little graphic to go along with the threat.

He who laughs last, laughs loudest.

Also, the guy not killed in a drone strike. He laughs loudest, too.

UPDATE: Sources in Yemen clarify why the rumor that he survived started: there were two missiles, he survived the first one .... but that second one? That one was the kill shot.

---Celebratory updates bumped down ---

Update by Howie: Pleace M.C. Vader, don't hurt 'em!

Also, Party Time!

Read More " **STICKY**
American Traitor Anwar al-Awlaki Killed in Yemen!
Upd: SAMIR KHAN (aka, Inshallahshaheed), Traitor Who Threatened Rusty's Family, Also Dead!!!!
Yemen rumors: Awlaki Dead, Awlaki Alive -- But mostly DEAD!"

By Mr. E. Blogger at 04:09 AM | |

September 29, 2011

Turkish Cartoonist To Be Put On Trial For Renouncing "Allah"..

turkish cartoonist.jpg

Insane..Bahadır Baruter's drawing was published in a weekly humor magazine and some were offended and filed suit:

...Baruter's caricature depicted an imam and believers praying in a mosque. One of the characters is talking to God on his cellphone and asking to be pardoned from the last part of the prayer because he has errands to run.

Within the wall decorations of the mosque, Baruter hid[circled in red..ed] the words, "There is no Allah, religion is a lie." The cartoon was published in the weekly "Penguen" humor magazine.

Shariah has dug it's claws in deep in Turkey.

h/t @Kim_AE

By Stable Hand at 09:53 PM | |

IAF Says "L'Shana Tova" To Hamas

Firing rockets into Israel is never a good idea.

Earlier tonight (Thursday), a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip hit the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council, causing damage to an abandoned building. In response, an IAF aircraft targeted a terror activity site in the central Gaza Strip overnight. A direct hit was confirmed.

Happy new year, Hamas!

By Vinnie, Proud Sonofabitch at 06:04 PM | |

American Islamic College Conference: Hey, 9/11 Was Cool

Go check out the post at Rebelpundit. This conference took place in Chicago, right here in the good 'ol U S of A. I hope there was an F.B.I. fly on the wall.

Rather than accepting the underlying facts that lead reasonable Americans to express concern about the spread of Islam in America, the conference chose to focus on Americans’ “racism and bigotry,” negativity, and the so-called “Islamophobia,” inherent in their opinions about the Muslim faith.

This perverse twisting of the post-9/11 environment in America, as well as the institution’s shady past associations with noted Islamist agitators, provides the context for an event of which all Americans should be aware.

As they say, read it all.

By Vinnie, Proud Sonofabitch at 05:03 PM | |

Out: Violent Islamist Forums
In: Violent Islamist Twitter

How do you call for violent jihad and death to America in 140 characters or less?

as ansar_twitter.jpg

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 04:44 PM | |

Greatest Music Video Evah?

Why do I feel like I just ate some shrooms?

h/t: Che Osama

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 02:56 PM | |

Dear Intel Center: I need a new job, call me!

The guy's over at IntelCenter have discovered how to monetize what we've been giving away for free all these years: jihadi propaganda videos.

Only, they have a searchable database and offer streaming to subscribers.

Which is why this article calls them "The Netflix of Terrorism".

Unlike Netflix, though, an individual premium government employee package costs $9,995 a year.

Which is precisely 1000x more expensive than my actual Netflix account (which I love!). Nice, but I wonder if I can stream the latest as Sahab production in HD and straight to my TV via an IntelCenter Roku ap yet? At that price I should hope so.

Oh, and I'm totally serious about the job switch. This academia gig is getting old. Can you believe I actually had to put in upward of 20 hours of work this week? It's like legalized slavery!

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 02:15 PM | |

Great: Wife of Man Tied to Mumbai Massacre Warned US Her Husband was Terrorist, US Ignored

David Headley of Chicago helped plan India's 9/11

This is pretty damning stuff, especially after we learned that the father of the Christmas Day underwear bomber had also dropped the dime on his son. Now, let's grant that we are only hearing her side of the story. She has no idea what the US did with the information she gave us.

Was she simply ignored, as she believes? Or was the information passed on, like that of the Christmas Day bomber's, but someone typed his name wrong into the system so he wasn't on the no flight list?

Or, was he on the no-fly list -- which isn't really a no-fly list at all, but rather is a list which simply puts certain people under greater security scrutiny -- but he just didn't raise any red flags? Remember, David Headley's "weapon" in the Mumbai massacre was a cell phone with GPS and a camcorder. Neither of which would raise much suspicion.

But while liberal civil liberties groups and Islamist propagandists are fast hoodwinking the MSM into forwarding a narrative in which far too many Muslims are being watched by law enforcement as a result of Islamophobic training, the Headley case is evidence that the opposite may, in fact, be the truth: out of fear of being called Islamophobes and appearing biased against Muslims, law enforcement may not be surveilling enough of these potential threats.

In this case, that failure may have led to the deaths of 164 innocent people.

Let's hope we've learned our lesson and adjusted things in the past three years.

WLS Chicago:

[T]he woman married to David Headley, the Chicago terrorist who helped plot a deadly attack on Mumbai, India three years ago, says she went to authorities after becoming suspicious of her husband....

Then she claims to have come to the American embassy in Islamabad with the same warning: her husband was helping to plot a terrorist attack...

"I went to U.S. authorities to help me out but then, they were like looking at me, oh, you are not a U.S. citizen and he is an American and we've got nothing to do with him. I was like shocked so I started saying, 'is he working with you, you are defending him,'" she said.

Headley is actually married to two women, as is allowed under Islamic law. No word on whether or not the other wife thinks of Headley as a monster, or as a mujahideen.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 01:53 PM | |

UN Human Rights Council signs death warrant for Yemeni protesters, will discuss again in 2012

The UN Human Rights Commission adopted Yemen's proposed statement on the violence in Yemen and then asked it to investigate itself, will check back in next year.

President Saleh is going to start bombing cities tomorrow with this weak willed international sanction that doesn't even name the murderers. What cowards.

I guess naming state security forces as the guilty party would highlight the complicity of the US trained Counter Terror Units and undoubtedly the culpability of their US allied and funded commanders (Saleh's relatives) in numerous massacres. They have slaughtered nearly 1000 protesters in Yemen and over 10,000 are wounded.

Either Obama officials have no clue about what is actually going on in Yemen, or they think the opposition may become more subverted by al Qaeda than the existing regime. But that's a theoretical calculation that entirely discounts the millions calling for regime change and a civil (non-military, non-theocratic) government. The undeniable reality is that the Sanaa regime is currently paying al Qaeda and used them to target opponents for two decades.

Its a total disaster and the blow back is going to be a bitch. Its a terrifying situation in that the dictator Saleh is a bloodthirsty lunatic who values nothing beyond staying in power and stealing money. And he's just been given the green light by the entire world to open fire on unarmed protesters in order to accomplish his goals.

Source: AFP, The UN Human Rights Council Thursday slammed violations in Yemen but did not say if they were committed by troops loyal to embattled President Ali Abdullah Saleh or rival tribesmen and renegade troops.

The resolution, proposed by Yemen itself and adopted by consensus, asked the office of the UN rights chief Navi Pillay to present a progress report on the situation in the country during the next sitting of the council in 2012.

It also noted the Yemeni authorities’ pledge to launch ‘transparent and independent investigations, which will adhere to international standards’ on the alleged abuses.

Saleh, who is under international pressure to relinquish power and allow new elections, returned to the country on Friday, sparking violence in which scores have been killed.

Soros-Funded Group Behind Course for Journalists That Downplays 'Jihad'

Program launched to teach press about Muslim sensitivities blames 'right-wing activists.'

I thought most journalists already downplay waring jihad. Not enough for Soros/Media Matters/Center for American Progress/etc.. I suppose:

In about 30 pages of text with links to other reports and articles, journalists can go through and read about the history of Islam, Muslims in America, and how to cover stories on Islam. Besides learning basic facts about Muslims and their history, the course adds ways to put ''jihad'' into perspective, attack conservatives, and provide a list of liberal groups that can be contacted for expert advice and quotes.

The pre and post-assessments give a hint as to the nature of the course. One question asked, ''What grievances might sources associated with 'Political Islam' hold against Western journalists?'' The answer is that ''Western journalists are seen as all of the following: ''hostile to Islam,'' ''focus too much on Islamic violence,'' ''viewed as water carriers for Western government agendas,'' and ''thought to be unable to understand Islam unless they embrace Islam.''

Course instructors Lawrence Pintak and Stephen Franklin are both former foreign correspondents. Pintak serves as dean at The Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at Washington State University, which is a partner of the project. He also has two books on journalism and Islam and defends the biased, activist network Al Jazzera English.

This course is ''A project of The Poynter Institute funded by The Knight Foundation.'' Soros's Open Society Foundations have worked closely with The Knight Foundation. They partnered up to start the Investigative News Network, which received $200,000 from the Knight Foundation and $100,000 from the Open Society Foundations. The Knight Foundations President and CEO, Alberto Ibarguen, is also on the board for AOL and yet another key Soros backed group, the progressive investigative reporting start-up ProPublica

CAIR is joyous!

By Stable Hand at 12:31 PM | |

Confirmed: Top al Qaeda Fugitive Freed by Pakistanis

I think it finally comes down to two choices: a) Pakistan is a failed state, so any intervention into its territory would not be a violation of its sovereignty since it has none; b) Pakistan is a failed state which is at war with the US, so any intervention in its territory would be an act of war -- but would be defensive in nature.

Either way, the visceral part of me thinks it's high time that we took off the gloves with Pakistan.

The Telegraph has confirmed The Long War Journal's report from Sept. 21 which stated that Amin al Haq, the former head of Osama bin Laden's bodyguard, has been released from Pakistani custody.

Maybe its time for a defense spending oriented jobs plan? I'm not thinking high tech stuff either. The kinds of job the average Obama supporter could do. Like many good old fashioned dumb bomb manufacturing. The kinds of bombs that could be used in carpet bombings. Millions of pounds of them. That might create a job or two, and it's win-win for the administration.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 12:05 PM | |

NPR: Zach Chesser Playing "Catcher" to Johnny Walker Lindh

NPR names names at Guantanamo North -- the nickname for the prison in Marion, Illinois where several high profile convicted terrorists are serving time.

We already knew Zachary Chesser was doing his time there, writing letters of complaint about how it's so unfair that convicted terrorists aren't allowed to pray together. Because, you know, letting convicted terrorists hang out in the same room for extended periods of time poses no danger to the guards or other inmates.

But what this NPR story adds is that that Johnny Walker Lindh is also holed up Gitmo North.

Given that Lindh was an actual member of the Taliban while Chesser was just a potential recruit for the Somali Taliban, I can't help but think that in the radical Islamist prison gang hierarchy Lindh would be top dog while Chesser would be bottom bitch.

And we all know what that means.

Which is why I find a lot of NPR's terrorism coverage so lame these days. It's like they won't be satisfied until terrorism is treated like a marijuana possession charge. Bad, yes, but kids will be kids.

Simply by asking the question whether or not it's fair to single out convicted terrorists for special non-communication treatment because they are Muslim represents the kind of stupidity I've come to expect from our tax dollar subsidized elite.

As I tell my students: no, your high school teachers were wrong. Some questions are in fact dumb.

And lately, every time NPR opens its collective mouth on terrorism it confirms what we all only would have suspected had it simply opted for silence.

But I do thank NPR for providing us with the knowledge that Lindh and Chesser are now a happy couple. They do have gay marriage and/or domestic partnerships in Illinois, right?

Mazel tov to the happy couple! And a reminder to Zach that even forced marriages sometimes work out.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 11:38 AM | |

Experts: Model Plane Plot Could've Worked

Okay, I'll grant it that it's possible to fly a large model airplane laden with explosives into a building to do some damage .... but not the frigging Pentagon or the Capital!

Let's give Rezwan Ferdaus credit where credit is due: in a world of incredibly narrow minded and unimaginative jihadi wannabes, Ferdaus showed some initiative.

He must have watched a lot of The A-Team when he was a kid.

As imaginative as the delivery device was, I just can't help bet to be skeptical as to the operational planning. Not only does it seem unlikely that either building would have been greatly damaged, but the idea that he could get anywhere near the Pentagon or Capital building with automatic weapons....

This guy obviously doesn't know much about security at these two institutions.

The real danger here is that someone else will be inspired by the model airplanes, but go after a soft target. Large public gathering places, such as malls, entertainment complexes, and sports venues, continue to be our most vulnerable targets.

Luckily, any large scale attack usually takes more than one assailant and that remains our enemies most vulnerable weak point. If Ferdaus had simply kept his mouth shut and not sought out the help of others, we may be having a very different conversation today.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 11:06 AM | |

New Android App Tests Whether Your Son Is Gay (Not That There's Anything Wrong With It)

From WTOP:

A new app for Android smartphones purports to provide an answer to the question "Is my son gay?" in 20 questions or less.

"After this test you'll have the proven answer to a question you might have since maybe a long time," reads the app page on the Android Market.

The app is currently $1.99. I downloaded it briefly to view the questions which, IMO, are so mild I seriously doubt the results are in any way accurate. Questions include:

"Does your son like sports?"

"Does he spend a long time in the bathroom?"

"Does he like to dress well?"

I think we, here at the Jawa Report, could do much better. So, in comments, come up with 20 question that would help determine the sexual orientation of a young man, and then we'll test them on Rusty to see how accurate they are.

By DMartyr at 11:05 AM | |

Slump Day Imperial Storm Bunny

Photo confiscated from Word Around the Net

H/T Tim

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 10:47 AM | |

Overnight Adele

Admit it. It's a catchy tune. Hey, if I wanted to violate the Geneva Convention, I'd post a Lady Gaga vid.

By Vinnie, Proud Sonofabitch at 12:21 AM | |

September 28, 2011

MA Man Arrested in Plot to Blow Up Capitol, Pentagon (Updated/Bumped)
UPD: Was in Alt Band Whining About Gaza
Helped Make IED Triggers for al Qaeda
Surprise: Radicalized Online
Affidavit Added

Rezwan Ferdaus.jpgrezwan1.jpg
Images of Ferdaus in his former bands

This is just breaking, apparently a man planned on using a remote controlled plane loaded with explosives to attack the Capitol and Pentagon.

: It looks like yet another case of a would-be terrorist who decides to hook up with undercover federal agents and await for them to deliver the all important bombs so he could blow up some unsuspecting infidels.

Rezwan Ferdaus of Ashland was arrested Wednesday in Framingham when undercover federal agents delivered materials he'd requested for his alleged plan, including grenades, six machine guns and what Ferdaus believed was C-4 explosive.

Ferdaus, a U.S. citizen and Northeastern University graduate, was scheduled to make an initial appearance in federal court in Worcester on Wednesday afternoon....

According to the federal affidavit, Ferdaus began planning "jihad" against the U.S. in early 2010. He allegedly believed he would have a large psychological impact by killing Americans, who he described as "enemies of Allah."

I'll try to update this as soon as I have my hands on the affidavit.

UPDATE: Interesting, it looks like our guy Ferdaus may have been living out a Rage Against the Machine fantasy. He appears to have been part of a couple of bands, one of them called Goosepimp. The Rezwan "Bollywood" Ferdaus who was part of the band is no longer with them, but Google's archive left some indication of the relationship. If this is the same guy, then here he is playing the drums [BUMPED photos to top of page]

The other band he seems to have been part of at one time was The Silk Road. Songs such as "Gaza Dozer" make me believe that this is the same Rezwan Ferdaus who thought blowing up the Pentagon might be a good idea.

Thanks to Barbarossa for the pics. UPDATE: The affidavit claims Ferdaus rented a storage unit to assemble the devices to be used in the attack, but he told the rental manager that he wanted the unit to "practice music" which suggests that the pics above are of Ferdaus.

[CONFIRMED, this is the same guy. Also here]

UPDATE: J.M. Berger over at Intelwire has the affidavit which describes Ferdaus' involvement. Not only was he on the receiving end of devices he thought would be used to blow up "kafirs" (his words), his degree in physics was used to help make IED detonators:

FERDAUS has modified to act as an electrical switch for an improvised explosive device ("IED"), to FBI undercover employees, who Ferdaus believed were members and recruiters for, al Qaeda, to purportedly be used to kill American soldiers stationed oversees...

After each subsequent delivery, FERDAUS was anxious to know how well each of his detonation devices had worked and how many Americans tthey had killed. When asked why he wanted to build these detonation devices, FERDAUS explained that he "wanted[ed] to hit the kafir [non-believer] armies and [kill] as many people as possible."

Wow, so there's no way he can play the 'entrapment' card as so many others are now claiming.

I'm still reading the supporting affidavit, so expect updates.

UPDATE: When radical leftism and radical Islamism meet online, bad things happen:

FERDAUS told the UCE's that he realized more than a year ago from viewing jihadi websites and vidoes "how evil" America is & that jihad is the solution.
Something the radical left (see Chomsky) and radical Islam (see Qutb) share: all bad things can be traced to the root cause, America!

UPDATE: And to show how long this guy has hated America, first as a leftist and only later having turned to radical Islam:

According to law enforcement sources, while a student at Ashland High School, Rezwan was said to have routinely turned his back during pledge.

He is also the same person who, in 2003, police suspected of climbing to the roof of Ashland High School and burning the American flag, although he was never charged over that incident.

UPDATE: Via AllahP I've embedded TPM's version of the affidavit below. You read this thing and you realize this guy had some big plans .... but the kind of plans that, frankly, I don't see actually working out. I mean, really, attaching grenades to a large scale model airplane to ... blow up the Pentagon?

Affidavit below the fold:

Read More "MA Man Arrested in Plot to Blow Up Capitol, Pentagon (Updated/Bumped)
UPD: Was in Alt Band Whining About Gaza
Helped Make IED Triggers for al Qaeda
Surprise: Radicalized Online
Affidavit Added"

By Stable Hand at 03:45 PM | |

Confirmed: Failed Bomber Was Regular Visitor to Revolution Muslim Website, Fan of Bakri Mohammad & Awlaki's Online Videos

Convicted terrorist Carlos Almonte holds "Death to all Juice" sign. The hands to the left handing out flyers belong to Younes Abdullah Muhammad, co-founder of Revolution Muslim

Antonio Martinez — aka Muhammad Hussein -- the man who failed to blow up a military recruiting station in Maryland was an online fanboy of the New York based Revolution Muslim website. Martinez thus joins the ranks of a growing number of former Revolution Muslim authors and readers now behind bars.

One of the websites founders, Jesse "Younes Abdullah Muhammad" Morton, is in a Moroccon jail awaiting extradition to the US. The other founder, Joseph "Yousef al Khattab" Cohen, is now a college student in New York who claims he didn't really think people would take his pro-al Qaeda and Taliban statements seriously.

In a response to Martinez's lawyers motion to have evidence suppressed, the AG's office filed a lengthy rebuttal in which new details in the case emerged. One of those details confirms what we had earlier suspected: that Martinez was self-radicalized through the internet, specifically through the Revolution Muslim website. From the response:

For example, the defendant’s Facebook “Friends” included two radical Islamist websites affiliated with a radical group called Revolution Muslim: Call to Islam...

While on the Internet, the defendant was observed viewing the Revolution Muslim website, watching a video of Osama bin Laden speaking, and watching
multiple jihadist training camp-type video clips

The allegedly "reformed" co-founder of the Revolution Muslim website definitely answers the question of whether or not he still wants to kill all Israelis. The statement was written after several MSM reports claiming Yousef al Khattab had become a "moderate".

And although some of his Muslim friends tried to convince him violent jihad wasn't the way to go, he seems to have received a different message online by Omar Bakri Mohammad and Awar al-Awlaki:

no one influenced him towards jihad and local Imams tried to talk him out of it - he listened to online scholars, like al-Aulaqi, who spoke about the duty to wage jihad - he accepted the form of jihad that meant being passionate about armed struggle in the path of Allah...

Also during this meeting, the defendant referred to Anwar al-Aulaqi as his beloved sheikh” ...

He made reference to “Muhammad Omar Bakri,” whom he said was calling for jihad

So thank you to Yousef and Younes on yet another terrorist in the bag! Great work fellas!

Thanks to Aaron for the original document.

Related: Antonio Martinez (aka, Muhammed Hussain) Arrested in Plot to Blow Up (VBIED) Military Recruitment Center

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 02:52 PM | |

One Day- New Year's Greetings from Latma

Also, this weeks full Tribal Update:

Wishing all our Jewish readers a wonderful New Year! L'Shana Tova!

By Stable Hand at 02:28 PM | |

One Of The Missing Lybian Surface-To-Air Missles Found?

19,999 left to find?


SANA, Yemen — Rebel tribesmen[?...ed] in a mountainous region just north of the capital brought down a military aircraft on Wednesday, Yemen’s Defense Ministry said in a statement.

The Soviet-era crashed roughly 30 miles north of the capital, Sana, as it was “carrying out a routine task this morning,” according to the statement, which was published on a Web site run by the ministry.

Tribesman or AQAP?

By Stable Hand at 02:09 PM | |

Pallywood: Photojournalism Behind The Scenes

Amazing video:

Italian photographer Ruben Salvadori's project "Photojournalism Behind the Scenes" won Milan's prestigious Photodreaming Contest organized by the Forma Foundation.

Photojournalism Behind the Scenes [ITA-ENG subs] from Ruben Salvadori on Vimeo.

h/t Elder of Ziyon

By Stable Hand at 01:53 PM | |

Founders of the Egyptian Nazi Party:
All We Want is World Supremacy for the Egyptian Race

www.memritv_egyptian nazi party.jpg
Click image to view video

They don't want to be Nazi Nazis just Nazis. WTF?

By Stable Hand at 12:42 PM | |

Muslim Attacked In America; Star Of David Carved Into His Back

His crime? Supporting Israel.

From KMOV:

Alaa Alsaegh says that two cars followed him as he drove on Compton. The drivers cut him off and Alsaegh says he pulled over. That's when two men got out of a car, armed with a handgun. They got into Alsaegh's car and attacked him with a knife.

Alsaegh showed us a photo that his friend took at the hospital. More than a month later, Alsaegh still has scars. News 4's camera captured the outline of the Star of David, visible on Alsaegh's back.

Alsaegh is a Muslim from Iraq. He says he recently posted a poem, online, expressing support for Jewish people in Israel. Alsaegh says that his attackers told him not to publish any more poems.

Nonie Darwish at FrontPage Magazine has more.

(Hat Tip: Pat Dollard)

Below the fold, Alaa's poetry that inflamed the radicals who committed this hate crime against him. Unfortunately for me, it's in Arabic. If anyone here speaks Arabic and can spare a few minutes to translate, I'm sure many, including myself, would greatly appreciate it.

Read More "Muslim Attacked In America; Star Of David Carved Into His Back"
By DMartyr at 12:28 PM | |

Chechens Bring Knives to a Russian Gun Fight

It looks like the Russians are finally getting serious with the Chechen diaspora living abroad where a number of people with ties to the Islamist insurgency have mysteriously been falling out of windows and committed suicide by stabbing themselves in the back.

Let's just say this is one area of Putinism that I have few complaints about.

But I'll measure their level of seriousness by how many of the admins over at The Kavkaz Center decide to add arsenic to their Swedish meatballs in the coming months.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 11:03 AM | |

Unfair! American Rich Disproportionately Serve in Military

Being an academic meathead, I'm surrounded by people who make all sorts of uninformed allegations about American society. The fact that the allegations are rarely true is irrelevant: as long as it forwards the progressive narrative the facts or any kind of context don't matter.

Take for example the fact that the military preys on those with few employment prospects. Remember the backdoor draft, a way for the military to rope unsuspecting poor people into giving their lives for Halliburton's oil? The phrase was quite popular when Bush was in office fighting two wars. Now that Obama is in office fighting the same wars, we don't hear it in the media quite as much.

But on college campuses? Yeah, we still hear this. Usually from students & faculty plugged into the progressive alt media.

You know, middle class hipppies. It's the hippies that bathe and drive Volvos that you should fear the most. They generally don't smell so you can't sense them sneaking up on you.

So, when I saw this WSJ editorial linked at Big Peace today, I just couldn't pass up on the opportunity to link it:

In 2008, using data provided by the Defense Department, the Heritage Foundation found that only 11% of enlisted military recruits in 2007 came from the poorest one-fifth, or quintile, of American neighborhoods (as of the 2000 Census), while 25% came from the wealthiest quintile. Heritage reported that “these trends are even more pronounced in the Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program, in which 40% of enrollees come from the wealthiest neighborhoods, a number that has increased substantially over the past four years.”

Indeed, the Heritage report showed that "low-income families are underrepresented in the military and high-income families are overrepresented. Individuals from the bottom household income quintile make up 20.0 percent of Americans who are age 18-24 years old but only 10.6 percent of the 2006 recruits and 10.7 percent of the 2007 recruits. Individuals in the top two quintiles make up 40.0 percent of the population, but 49.3 percent of the recruits in both years."

The next time you hear a progressive make some kind of idiotic claim about the poor being cannon fodder for the rich, send them that link.

Or, better yet, kick them square in the nuts and then run away. Violence doesn't win arguments, but sometimes it just feels so right.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 10:46 AM | |

NC Democrat Recommends Suspending Next Congressional Election (Updated & Bumped)

Update: The Daily Caller has the audio. You decide - was she joking or serious?

From NewsObserver blog via Unified Patriots, NC Governor Beverly Perdue stated (emphasis mine):

"You have to have more ability from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over the partisan bickering and focus on fixing things. I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won't hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover. I really hope that someone can agree with me on that. The one good thing about Raleigh is that for so many years we worked across party lines. It's a little bit more contentious now but it's not impossible to try to do what's right in this state. You want people who don't worry about the next election."

Earlier, I was reading an unrelated article where a commenter suggested the possibility that the Obama Administration is deliberately stoking racial and class tensions with the intention of inciting riots and anarchy in the streets. The Administration would then declare Martial Law and use that as a pretense to delay or suspend the 2012 Presidential election.

I laughed at the suggestion. Until I read the article above. Now I'm starting to wonder...

(Hat Tip: Kenny Solomon's Tweet)

By DMartyr at 10:31 AM | |

Hallmark Introduces "Unemployment" Sympathy Cards


Mediaite says it best:

...because there’s nothing unemployed people like more than knowing their friends still have enough money to spend $5.99 on a piece of paper.
By DMartyr at 10:30 AM | |

Muslim Pole Dancer Causes Stir In UK

Too Sexy!

A pole dancing instructor is causing a stir after traveling to Saudi Arabia to teach a rich Saudi woman the trade. Some UK Muslims have expressed offense after photos of the woman were released:

A pole dancing teacher has caused outrage after travelling to Saudi Arabia to teach a woman the sensual dancing style.

27-year-old Lucy Misch has caused disapproval amongst Muslims in the UK after she was invited to the the strict Muslim kingdom by one of the country's richest and most influential families, the Daily Mail reported.

Her employment caused a stir after photos of her client performing a pole dance in traditional Saudi Arabian clothes were released.

One said: "I found your photos disrespectful towards women who wear the hijab with dignity in Saudi and who would never step next to a dancing pole knowing its hideous roots."

(Hat Tip: Pat Dollard)

Below the fold, and just to be fair, an Infidel pole dancer. (Happy YHAUG?)

Read More "Muslim Pole Dancer Causes Stir In UK"
By DMartyr at 09:25 AM | |

Chesler :Israel Alone...With G-d

It would be remiss of me not to remember the Jewish New year by linking Phyllis' op ed:

Israel National News: I believe that Israel and the democracies will, once again, at great cost—always at cost--win against the forces of barbarism and evil that are seeking to wipe us out, to render the entire Muslim world “judenrein.” And also free of Christians, Hindus, Bah’ai, Buddhists, Zoroastrians—all the infidels whom are despised and endangered in Muslim lands.

As Jews and as Israelis, we must set the standard for taking the offense. Israel knows more about terrorism, more about the difficulties of asymmetrical and urban warfare, more about diabolical “Big Lie” propaganda than any other country on earth.

Israel can no longer afford to remain on defense. Now is the time for truly bold acts of sanity and truth-telling.

Israel is surrounded and Israel is alone. Therefore, appeasement is no longer an option. Illusions are far too dangerous to hold. We must, yet again, become heroes.

It only seems that Israel is alone. Yes, we are alone—but G-d is with us. We must act, we must do all that we can in order that G-d may join us.

I can understand that Israel may feel that it is standing alone. But you're not alone. We remember you, our brothers and sisters, all that we are stands on a foundation you built, you have carried to the word of God to all of us.

May God bless you and may God bless both our nations with freedom, wisdom and peace.

September 27, 2011

FAIL: AQAP Celebrates 9/11 .... 16 Days Late!

A special issue of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula's English language Inspire (#7) magazine celebrating the 9/11 attacks has been released ... 16 days after the 10 year anniversary of the event.

The magazine's editors, American Samir Khan and "Yayha Ibrahim", dedicated:

this special supplement to the great events of the Expeditions of Washington DC and New York, as Shaykh Usama would call it, or simply 9/11. As America mourns and we celebrate this glorious event, we look into what 9/11 means ten years on.
But the pair of traitors couldn't get the magazine to the internet forums until two weeks after the rest of the world marked the anniversary.

Since the two are obvious failures in the propaganda department, we recommend that their leader Anwar al-Awlaki transfer them to the suicide bomber division. We're sure they'll go places with the rest of the low-IQ class.

This edition of the magazine appears to have been thrown together rather halfheartedly. Unlike other issues, it only has two original articles and a few minor editorial comments.

One of the articles, written by the former Charlotte, N.C. resident Samir Khan, explains how al Qaeda is winning the propaganda war. Ironic given that his own AQAP brand couldn't get out it's 9/11 magazine on time!

In further humiliation to the branch of al Qaeda now considered the most dangerous, the forum the group should have posted the magazine on -- the one most closely associated with al Qaeda -- was either very slow or offline over the past few days due to a large scale DOS attack. A second site considered "legitimate" by the group, was offline for several hours today after the online hacktivist th3j35t3r targeted it.

Boom, winning!

The only other article of note is a short editorial by "Abu Suhail" refuting 9/11 conspiracy theories, especially those out of Iran. It accuses Iran of duplicity with the US: sometimes opposing the US, sometimes supporting the US. But:

Iran and the Shi`a in general do not want to give al Qaeda credit for the greatest and biggest operation ever committed against America because this would expose their lip-service jihad against the Great Satan.
We at The Jawa Report wholeheartedly agree and recommend immediate action be taken by al Qaeda against Iran.

Red on red, baby.

One last thing of note, the magazine promises an exclusive interview with al Qaeda central's own English language propaganda czar Adam Gadahn. The Orange County, CA native is the only American to have been indicted for treason since the 9/11 attacks. So, I guess this answers the question of whether or not Gadahn is alive or dead. But it leaves unanswered the question of: why haven't Samir Khan & Anwar al-Awlaki been indicted for treason?

In sum: Inspire #7 is a big cup of fail.

Personal note to Samir Khan: You guys are winning the online media war, eh? If that's the case, then why have none of your friends over at AMEF yet posted a link to the new issue? Oh, that's right -- they're all in jail!

Keep looking up Sammy, there's a drone with your name written on it.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 03:31 PM | |

Good News! 20,000 Surface-To-Air Missles Missing In Lybia

This was first reported six months ago.


U.S. officials had once thought there was little chance that terrorists could get their hands on many of the portable surface-to-air missiles that can bring down a commercial jet liner.

But now that calculation is out the window, with officials at a recent secret White House meeting reporting that thousands of them have gone missing in Libya.

"Matching up a terrorist with a shoulder-fired missile, that's our worst nightmare," said Sen. Barbara Boxer, D.-California, a member of the Senate's Commerce, Energy and Transportation Committee.

The nightmare has been made real with the discovery in Libya that an estimated 20,000 portable, heat-seeking missiles have gone missing from unguarded Army weapons warehouses.

The missiles, four to six-feet long and Russian-made, can weigh just 55 pounds with launcher. They lock on to the heat generated by the engines of aircraft, can be fired from a vehicle or from a combatant's shoulder, and are accurate and deadly at a range of more than two miles.

Peter Bouckaert of Human Rights Watch first warned about the problem after a trip to Libya six months ago. He took pictures of pickup truckloads of the missiles being carted off during another trip just a few weeks ago.

"I myself could have removed several hundred if I wanted to, and people can literally drive up with pickup trucks or even 18 wheelers and take away whatever they want," said Bouckaert, HRW's emergencies director. "Every time I arrive at one of these weapons facilities, the first thing we notice going missing is the surface-to-air missiles." [More...]


By Stable Hand at 02:55 PM | |

Cal State Northridge: Report Of A Man With Gun At Oviatt Library

I don't see any updates with this yet. This was posted at CSUN ELPS Facebook 16 minutes ago. Noticed it on Cal State Northridge twitter account

Emergency notification (Oviatt Library) message for the CSUN community: At 10:27 this morning University police received information of a white male 5'8 wearing a white tee shirt that says "human rights violation", of potential Middle Eastern descent, short spiky hair, short jeans, indicated he had a gun. University police are currently conducting a thorough search of the Oviatt library. Campus is advised to be on the lookout for this individual. If seen - do not approach and contact Police at 818-677-2111. Further information will be released as available.
h/t @TheNewsBlotter

By Stable Hand at 02:21 PM | |

Dumbass Would-be Jihadi Tries to Escape from Jail

Proving, once again, that the jihad is in good hands:

The Marine reservist facing charges in connection with five separate shootings at military facilities in northern Virginia attempted to escape from the Loudoun County Adult Detention Center.

Yonathan Melaku has been charged with damaging the facility to aid escape and possession of an instrument to aid escape.

He is accused of damaging a small portion of a cinderblock in his cell.

We really ought to ship this guy off to Pakistan. He'd make a great suicide bomber!

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 01:46 PM | |

Iran Set to Execute Apostate

More evidence on why legally instituted sharia -- in any form -- is a bad idea. Yes, Muhammad really did (if the hadiths are to be believed) order the execution of any who abandoned the faith:

Iran may execute Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani for refusing to recant his Christian faith.

As my colleague Paul Marshall recently wrote, evangelical Pastor Nadarkhani was sentenced to death for apostasy because he converted to Christianity. He had been tried and found guilty a year ago, even though the court also found that he had never been a practicing Muslim as an adult. Nadarkhani, from Rasht, on the Caspian Sea, converted to Christianity as a teenager.

Iran’s Supreme Court, which upheld the verdict in June, ordered that the pastor be given four chances to renounce Christianity and accept Islam. Two hearings for this purpose took place yesterday and today. Two more are scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday.

He has until tomorrow. Keep him and his family in your prayers.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 01:40 PM | |

Interview with Sheikh Hussain al Shuaib, mediator to Al Qaed in the Arabian Peninsula (Bumped)

SH: Bumped because it is important, scroll down for newer**

via email. This is an excerpt that deals with tribal mediation efforts last month in Abyan with top al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) leaders. Sheikh Hussain is one of the local dignitaries that attempted to convince al Qaeda to lay down their arms and withdraw. Another section regarding evolving concepts of jihad, US counter-terror tactics and other related topics will be published later.

Zinjibar, Abyan’s capital, has been under the control of al Qaeda mercenaries since May when security forces withdrew, leaving behind a large cache of weapons. State sponsored jihaddists captured the weapons, looted the city and declared an Islamic Emirate. They later beheaded a suspected witch and chopped off the arm of a teen-age thief. Yemen’s counter-terror forces did not engage the terrorists but instead deployed to Sana’a to protect the palace.

Q4: I learned from XXX you have contributed in mediation between the al-Qaeda, which controls parts of the south, and the tribes. Can you explain to us what kind of mediation and what resulted?

A4: Yes, I mediated after some tribal and other notables asked me, including some leaders of the ruling party in the province of Abyan. I responded to the request and was accepted in the tribes in the city claiming in the province of Abyan. Despite all the good that I do, our efforts are still ongoing, and the most important thing for us is to convince the young al-Qaeda to withdraw from the provincial capital of Zanzibar and return the situation as before, then arrange the return of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). Our efforts are underway and there were some obstacles, the most important of which is that there are parties in the State and others that struggle to serve its interests and the achievement of its objectives, but there is no shortage of God's solution.

Q5: There is a lot of talk that some of the devices of the Saleh regime are in favor of al-Qaeda taking control of some areas of the south. Are you able to confirm that?

A5: The role of the leaders of the brigades of the Saleh regime in Abyan and Aden was clearly evident on what happened and is happening in Zanzibar, the capital of Abyan province. The city was handed over entirely to al-Qaeda. Security pulled out of the military forces that were stationed there, including the central security. The sudden withdrawal from the city sparked surprise among all observers.

The modern Yemeni street and the south know of the existence of a conspiracy by the Saleh regime to deliver Abyan into the situation as it is now. We are accustomed to such policies from the Saleh regime which uses and always used al Qaeda fighters in any internal conflict between him and his opponents. The regime used them in the summer 94 and used them in wars on the Houthis in Saada. It is no secret that those who blew up the U.S. embassy in Sanaa on 17 \ 9 \ 2009, were some military officers and they used a military vehicle and hired al Qaeda fighters giving them military uniforms. The Saleh regime is not to be trusted on anything, it is the cause of all problems of the country.

I think that the situation worsened for Ali Saleh when he learned that the southern movement has almost complete control of the province of Abyan, after control of Lahj, and the young Qaeda fighters were planted there by Saleh, as it is known that Abyan province is representing the South.

Q6: What is your view of the U.S. role in combating terrorism in Yemen?

A6: I welcome the U.S. role in the fight against terrorism through dialogue and scientific discussion rather than violence and military intervention. As I said before, violence only begets more violence, we welcome that any role of the U.S. put an end to violence and terrorism and that is peaceful.

Most Yemenis believe that AQAP operates as an arm of the Yemeni intelligence and security services. There are substantial indications of the relationship. With the revolution in full swing, defectors are starting to come forward with details.

Judge Hamoud al Hittar is the head of Yemen’s now defunct Koranic Dialog Committee that "rehabilitated" 342 hardened al Qaeda operatives. A former Minster of Endowments, al Hittar said recently that the Saleh regime is "supporting a number of al Qaeda members in Abyan to frighten the West, and to suppress the Yemeni revolution."

Judge Al Hittar said many of the top al Qaeda members who he met during dialog sessions are, “dealing with the Yemeni regime and receiving financial rewards." A well established system of communication and payments to al Qaeda militants is headed by three security officials, “one in a Presidential Guards, the second in the National Security and the third in the Interior Ministry." (The Central Security forces are within the Interior Ministry and contain one of the counter-terror units.) In essence, the same counter-terror commanders the US is relying on for its national security are paying al Qaeda to engage in violence, foster insecurity and heighten the US’s threat perception.

Former Foreign Minister Abdullah al Asnag wrote in June about the conflict in Abyan, “Although the government has declared the dead as terrorists, a substantial number of these supposed terrorists have turned out to be on the payroll of the National Security Agency (headed by Ammar Saleh). Many families of the deceased and supposed terrorists have reported that their sons were employed by the National Security Agency and some families even presented NSA ID Cards belonging to the deceased.”

Over 100,000 Yemeni civilians have fled the violence in Abyan, and are sheltering in schools in Aden. A military brigade that refused to surrender to the terrorists was left stranded by the Defense Ministry and under assault by al Qaeda for two months without reinforcements or food. The US ultimately resupplied them by air. About 1500 local tribesmen came together to fight alongside the besieged unit against al Qaeda, and in late July, the Yemeni air force “accidentally” bombed the tribesmen, killing dozens.

- Jane

Turkish Paper Publishes Hit List of Israelies

We've seen these kinds of lists naming names of "legitimate" targets in Israel before. Specifically, lists of Israelis claimed to have taken part in Operation Cast Lead (can't find the link, if you have it send it to me).

The Turks claim the data mining is about prosecuting members of the Israeli military they accuse of being involved in "war crimes", but I, for one, am not buying it.

We all know that none of these alleged "criminals" will ever make it into a Turkish court. In fact, all indications are that the list is entirely wrong as to the people involved. In other words, most of the names on the list are innocent Israelis who had nothing to do with the incident in which a Turkish vessel was illegally trying to get around Israel's embargo of the terrorist run Gaza strip.

Given that, it seems obvious to me that the real reason the list is being published is to give license to murder more Israelis.


A Turkish newspaper published the names and photographs on Monday of more than 140 Israeli soldiers who the paper said took part in the raid on a Turkish flotilla to Gaza last year that ended with the death of nine passengers and created a diplomatic standoff between Turkey and Israel....

Television analysts in Israel noted that the list included some well-known Israeli figures who had long since left the military, which they said gave some indication of its accuracy....

The newspaper, a pro-government daily, reported that a senior Turkish prosecutor had authorized the investigation, which filtered all available film and other visuals from the flotilla raid for facial images that could be matched to photographs on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

Yeah, I know, when has any one in the Middle East needed license to murder Jews?

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 01:22 PM | |

Sweden: Two Men Charged For Breivik (Norway Shooter) "Tribute" Attack

Norway shooter Anders Behring Breivik

Via The Local

Two men arrested in Västerĺs on suspicion of attempted murder expressed support for Anders Behring Breivik's massacre in Norway prior to stabbing two men of non-Swedish origin[...]

Four days after the attacks in Oslo and Utřya which left 77 dead, a man sleeping on a bench in the town of Västerĺs was attacked. He was seriously injured and was relieved of his mobile phone.

Two days later another man, this time of Sri Lankan origin, was stabbed and seriously injured while completing his paper round.[...]

According to the Dagens Nyheter daily the police report details that one of the defendants sent the follow text message to the other shortly after Behring Brevik's terror attack on July 22nd:

"A Norwegian 'Nazi' has killed like, around 84! From the left who, like, cheered on Islam. HAHAHA!! WHITE POWER!"


Norway Massacre: Anders Breivik Behring Court Appearance (Claimed 2 Active Cells/Belonged to Swedish Nazi Forum)

h/t @intelwire

By Stable Hand at 01:21 PM | |

DOD: Airstrike Kills Key Taliban Fighter in Afghanistan

Sweet, keep splodin those bas**rds

From an International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Release

KABUL, Afghanistan, Sept. 27, 2011 – Afghan and coalition forces used a precision airstrike to kill a key Taliban leader in Afghanistan’s Wardak province yesterday, military officials reported.

The combined security force conducted the airstrike in Wardak’s Sayyidabad district, resulting in the death of a man they said was responsible for providing weapons and logistical support to insurgents for ambush and roadside-bomb attacks along the main thoroughfare, Highway 1.

The force called for the airstrike after ensuring no civilians were in the area, officials said, and following the strike, they assessed the area and determined no civilians were harmed.

In other operations around Afghanistan yesterday:[ More...]

h/t @JoLo219

By Stable Hand at 12:18 PM | |

Muslim Brotherhood Leader: "Every Zionist Who Enters Egypt--Tourist Or Not--Should Be Killed."...

Last month Dr. Salah Sultan, a member of Yusuf al-Qaradawi's International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, declared on al-Jazeera that the IUMS would restore the fatwa they issued in 1994, which stated that "every Zionist who enters Egypt--tourist or not--should be killed."

Despite the importance of this fatwa for Egyptian-Israeli relations, this unfortunately received little attention in Western press. MEMRI did publish a short excerpt of the statements, but I believe there is more in Salah's comments that we should be aware of, namely that this is not about mere retaliation for Israelis supposedly killing Egyptian officers, but rather it is about the desire to destroy Israel altogether.


h/t Front Lines

By Stable Hand at 11:50 AM | |

Finland Says Terror Suspects Linked To Al Shabaab

Update on Two Arrested for Terror Financing in Finland, in which we answer Rusty's question: "who were they raising funds for"?


A Somali man and woman arrested in Finland on suspicion of financing terrorism and terror recruitment are linked to the Somali insurgent group al-Shabab, police said Tuesday[...]

The 34-year-old man is also suspected of recruiting at least one person abroad to commit an act of terrorism "in the direction of Somalia," linked to al-Shabab, the agency said. He has lived in Finland since 2005, has a residency permit and has had several jobs.

The 28-year-old woman is a student who arrived in Finland in late 2008, police said.

Stay tuned...

By Stable Hand at 11:11 AM | |

Pakistan: Nah, I don't think we'll go after the guys killing Americans

And thus we see why Osama bin Laden was as snug as a bug in a rug for so long:

Pakistan's military will not take action against the Haqqani militant group, despite mounting American pressure to do so, a Pakistani newspaper reported on Monday.
The Pakistanis only understand one kind of pressure. And with a billion Indians knocking on their door, we don't even have to be the superpower that teaches them the lesson they need to learn.

H/T: Intelwire

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 11:07 AM | |

Obama Jobs Plan Includes Re-Arranging States

"One problem we've encountered," said Obama in a recent interview, "is that unemployed people live in areas in which no jobs are available. Part of my 'American Jobs Act' would move those communities to better areas and to help stimulate the local economy."

Up first, re-locating Colorado. It will be moved to the area we currently call "Wyoming."

colorado obama map.jpg
(Map from White House press handout, which details the controversial move.)

Jobs would be created as a new workforce builds an exact replica of Rock Ridge the State of Colorado. Colorado residents will be discreetly tranquilized and re-released in their new habitat, which the Administration is confident will be indistinguishable from their old. If all goes according to plan, and the GOP stays out of the way, Coloradians will wake to new opportunities and many more job openings.

The Administration was unclear as to what would happen to the state of Wyoming, but insiders speculate it would be relocated to the void left Colorado's previous position, thus creating even more jobs.

The White House declined to comment on plans for the other 55 states.

(Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin Tweet)

By DMartyr at 11:04 AM | |

YouTube: Music to Kill By

Download this song from YouTube, plug it in to your favorite MP3 player, and start killing infidels!

It's like that Eye of the Tiger song, but for Islamist terrorists.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 10:42 AM | |