World Affairs

Gaddafi: Drawing the dictator

Rocco Fazzari The newspaper office of the early 1990s was a busy time for an artist as far dictators were concerned.

Asylum seeker debate out of proportion

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young

Sarah Hanson-Young Yesterday the full bench of the High Court began hearing a challenge to the Malaysian solution. The Greens hope David Manne and Debbie Mortimer, SC, and their legal team succeeds, not least because ..

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Syria faces international condemnation

Julie Bishop

Julie Bishop As we contemplate the promise and peril of what lies ahead for Libya, international pressure on the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria should be intensified.

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Labor - a tradition of reform

Mark Dreyfus

Mark Dreyfus This week marks 20 years since the superannuation guarantee was announced in the 1991 budget by then Labor treasurer John Kerin; an announcement that laid the groundwork for the superannuation system...

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GFC equals political opportunism


Rocco Fazzari GFC equals political opportunismThe GFC was a disaster for many, complete meaningless hyperbole for others and sadly political opportunism for some.However,

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Building an energy efficient culture

Mark Dreyfus Just like Australians have done with water consumption, we need to make a change in the way we think about energy use.

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Julia's perfect fit?

Rocco Fazzari illustration

Rocco Fazzari While the debate continues to rage as to whether the economic/military power base has swung from west to east,

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Labor must not walk away from moral leadership at the UN

Julie Bishop

Julie Bishop There is no excuse for the Federal Labor government to delay an announcement that Australia will boycott the upcoming Durban III conference in New York.

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Rights of children should be above politics

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young

Sarah Hanson-Young Yesterday the High Court extended an injunction to hear a legal challenge to the Malaysian people-swap deal. The full bench of the court in Canberra will now sit on August 22. The Greens maintain ...

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Stop campaigning against our economy

Mark Dreyfus Australians are proud of their economy and so they should be — it is one of the strongest in the advanced world.

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We're back in town

Sarah Hanson-Young We politicians are back in Canberra this morning after a five-week winter recess. It sounds like a long break, but federal politicians work seven days a week, so it passed by in a flash. As a mother .

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Our sporting diplomats

Julie Bishop

Julie Bishop There are many superlatives to describe the achievement of Cadel Evans as the first Australian winner of the Tour de France.

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Let conscience rule on gay marriage

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young

Sarah Hanson-Young It's been a bit of a Bizzaro World in Australian federal politics in recent weeks. First we had the opposition saying they were concerned about the human rights of vulnerable people who will be ...

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Liberals' carbon confusion


Mark Dreyfus I've given up expecting the opposition to tell the truth about the government's clean energy future plan. But they could at least tell the truth about their own past positions.

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Save and expand foreign aid

Sarah Hanson-Young This month the world is learning about the ongoing famine in the Horn of Africa, where about 12 million people have been hit by the worst drought in almost 60 years. Australia has pledged more than ..

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Carbon offsets have already run out of credit

Julie Bishop

Julie Bishop A key element of Prime Minister Julia Gillard's carbon tax policy is designed to ensure that Australia reaches the target of a 5 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, not by cutting...

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Coalition's carbon deceit

Mark Dreyfus Julie Bishop's claim that the global carbon ...

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Something much worse than hate drove Norwegian gunman

Warwick McFadyen

Warwick McFadyen ''Would it be true to say that you finally felt that they weren’t really human beings?''

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Government abandons principles over Malaysia deal

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young

Sarah Hanson-Young Australian Immigration Minister Chris Bowen has visited Kuala Lumpur to sign the Malaysian solution and now he and Prime Minister Julia Gillard are promoting it.

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You call this a serious debate Tony Abbott?

Mark Dreyfus Let it never be said that Australians don't care about politics.

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