National Times

The columnists More columnists

Richard Ackland

Plenty of activity, if not activism, coming from High Court justices


Will we start to hear the present High Court being denounced as ''activist''? After Wednesday's drowning of the ''Malaysian solution'', you'd think a fresh burst of ''j'accuse'' from the darker recesses of the commentariat or blogosphere can't be too far off.

Comments 31

Peter Hartcher

Nowhere to run from this burning building


As Julia Gillard's troops choked back rising panic yesterday, one of her lieutenants compared the government to a "house on fire". Indeed, there are fires in many rooms. The smouldering problem of the asylum seeker policy has now burst into a full conflagration.

The contributors More contributors

David Marr

The bottom line: it's Australia's responsibility

David Marr

We can't get rid of them. That's the message the High Court has sent Canberra. It doesn't matter where we send the boat people who reach Australia, we remain responsible for seeing they are protected and their refugee claims are properly assessed. The subtext is: we might as well do it at home.

Andrew Bray

New laws toss energy jobs to the wind


It is a telling coincidence that Premier Ted Baillieu's new anti-wind farm laws have been sharing the headlines with Australia's manufacturing malaise.The Clean Energy Council estimates the laws will drive $3.6 billion of investment away from Victoria.

Comments 28

The bloggers More blogs

Rocco Fazzari

Mayhem, Disaster and Revolution?

Rocco BlogGo

7:26am In the parallet universe of Australian politics, two extremes battle it out on a daily basis.

Comments 33

Daniel Flitton

The danger in getting defensive


11:04am ''We must always be outgoing,'' Keating said. ''We must be alert, dextrous and positive...''


Mark Dreyfus

From apples to oil, Liberals get lost in afternoon light

mark dreyfus blog

The Liberal Party of Australia may need to change its name.

Comments 34

John Birmingham

Argument over boats reveals the worst of us

Blunt Instrument

So, PM, how'd that dodgy refugee swap deal work out for you?

Comments 52


Uneasy Truth

Steve Jobs's Apple legacy may not be so sweet at the core

Steve Jobs

Julian Lee: No sooner had Steve Jobs resigned than the process of his canonisation began. Genius, visionary, even revolutionary were some of the epithets used to describe the man who took Apple from the brink to the world's most valuable company.

Comments 463

Global Opinion

Al Daily
Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair

The best undressed


National Geographic

Patterns in nature: Butterflys


National Times Video More video

PM swipes at High Court

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has taken a swipe at the High Court chief justice over the decision to block the transfer of aylum seekers to Malaysia.


Editor's picks

Michael Pearce

Withdrawal from Refugee Convention may be last resort

Labor has failed in its soft and tough policies on emigres.

Malalai Joya

Afghanistan's occupational hazard

The international forces should leave this beleaguered nation.

Megan Clark

GM crops can play a vital role in health and food security

After a raid by Greenpeace, the head of CSIRO responds to critics of plant gene research and genetically modified crops.

David McKnight, Penny O'Donnell

Print is at the root of good news

An Australian inquiry into media bias would ignore the bigger crisis facing newspapers in the digital age.

Ros Marsden

Leave Bert and Ernie alone. They are not gay advocates

Puppets are for fun and should not be manipulated to suit political agendas.

Reader poll

Should the government now push ahead with processing asylum seekers elsewhere, namely PNG and Nauru?

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Related coverage

Michelle Grattan: Incompetence and disaster: another grim day for Gillard

Maria O'Sullivan: The rule of law prevails

Daniel Flitton: There are no winners, not even the asylum seekers

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