
The Coalition's Debt Reduction Plan

Helen Coonan Yesterday Malcolm Turnbull, Joe Hockey and I launched the Coalition's Debt Reduction Plan. The Plan outlines the Coalition's ...

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GFC equals political opportunism


Rocco Fazzari GFC equals political opportunismThe GFC was a disaster for many, complete meaningless hyperbole for others and sadly political opportunism for some.However,

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Stop campaigning against our economy

Mark Dreyfus Australians are proud of their economy and so they should be — it is one of the strongest in the advanced world.

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Don't dumb it down Tony

Mark Dreyfus

Mark Dreyfus In a speech in Melbourne this week, Tony Abbott explained that this year's budget amounted to a choice for the government between spending decisions that are 'smart' and spending decisions that are...

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Time for Good Neighbours to Act

Julie Bishop

Julie Bishop Never has there been a better time for Australia and its close neighbour Indonesia to deepen and strengthen trade and investment links.

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Election sweeteners missing in no-frills budget

Lindsay Tanner In the lead up to Tuesday’s federal budget Wayne Swan repeatedly indicated that this year’s budget would be a “no-frills” one. Rather than a budget full of the sweeteners and .

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The great share market heist of 2009

Martin Feil In early 2009 the ASX All Ordinaries Index was at about 3500 points.

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White Anting Australia

Martin Feil I have finally woken up to the fact that the global financial crisis (GFC) has been a distraction for Australians.

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Half empty or half full?

Martin Feil Ever since the global financial crisis (GFC) began, some people have been saying it is finished. We have heard about the climate change deniers but we haven’t heard too much about the GFC deniers.

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Ken Henry and the CAD that is good for us

Martin Feil For those who came in late, the current account deficit is the difference between what we pay overseas for intangible goods and services (an intangible good is something which cannot be seen such as .

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Pure (Green) Market Economics

Tom Arup Is it that hard to find a free marketeer nowadays, or at least a policy purist? In the climate change debate they are rare.

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No rest for the Razor Gang

Lindsay Tanner On Monday the Government released the 2009 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook.  The MYEFO, as it is commonly known, updates our economic and budget forecasts based on information since the ...

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