National Times

Wayne Swan

Stop campaigning against our economy

Mark Dreyfus Australians are proud of their economy and so they should be — it is one of the strongest in the advanced world.

Comments 41

Coal, carbon and contradictions

Julie Bishop

Julie Bishop Labor's chief carbon tax spruiker is faced with an acute dilemma. Prime Minister Julia Gillard has spent the past five months, since breaking her promise not to introduce a carbon tax, attacking the .

Comments 93

Schools deserve their say on chaplains

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young

Sarah Hanson-Young Last week the federal government's budget revealed the Education Department would spend another $222 million over four years on the

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Labor’s border protection chaos deepens

Julie Bishop

Julie Bishop The true cost of Labor's 2008 decision to weaken Australia's border protection laws became clearer last night when Treasurer Wayne Swan revealed a budget costs blowout of more than $1.

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Sustainable reforms you can bank on

Mark Dreyfus A fundamental goal of the Gillard Government is to continue building a stronger, broader and more competitive economy. The Reserve Bank's decision to lift the cash rate on Melbourne Cup Day was a ...

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Change for the good

Lindsay Tanner Reform is a strange word. Everyone's in favour of it, except when it's being done to them.

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Election sweeteners missing in no-frills budget

Lindsay Tanner In the lead up to Tuesday’s federal budget Wayne Swan repeatedly indicated that this year’s budget would be a “no-frills” one. Rather than a budget full of the sweeteners and .

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Not the Federal Budget Speech

Rocco Fazzari Big drum roll here it is ... it’s showtime, or federal budget time for the lovers of true theatre. Has anyone else noticed how the Government has repackaged the budget as a special media ...

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Oz, NZ taking flight

Tim Harcourt The greatest Kiwi export to hit the world stage is The Flight of the Conchords a TV show about two New Zealand  buskers , Jermaine and Bret, making their ...

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Ken Henry and the CAD that is good for us

Martin Feil For those who came in late, the current account deficit is the difference between what we pay overseas for intangible goods and services (an intangible good is something which cannot be seen such as .

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Rudd's got a big one... projected population growth path, that is


Jessica Irvine Kevin Rudd's got a massive one. It's even bigger than Barack Obama's. But it's not as big as King Abdullah's.  I'm talking about projected population growth rates, of course. (It's a long bow, ..

Comments 53

Winnie the Rudd and his donkey

Rocco Fazzari Peter Hartcher's opinion piece this week requires some broad knowledge of our ...

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The Coalition's Debt Reduction Plan

Helen Coonan Yesterday Malcolm Turnbull, Joe Hockey and I launched the Coalition's Debt Reduction Plan. The Plan outlines the Coalition's ...

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The Decision Makers...

Tom Arup There is a surprise or two among the members of the Government's environment and climate change caucus committee.

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No Money, No Action

Tom Arup While the PM was trying to look important, the G20 was avoiding getting anything done on climate change.

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Rudd's rocky road to recovery

Rocco Fazzari While the rest of the country rides the back of China (India) on its road to recovery, check previous blogs , Kevin Rudd and Wayne Swan have hitched their own ride on the back of Australia. 

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No rest for the Razor Gang

Lindsay Tanner On Monday the Government released the 2009 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook.  The MYEFO, as it is commonly known, updates our economic and budget forecasts based on information since the ...

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