Practicing architects, urban planners and academics, we are searching for potential spaces of possibilities that can be used to empower the fragmented Palestinian community and bridge the gaps between the divided spaces they now live in.
A new website offering a contextual framing of architectural intervention within the arena of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Linking contemporary acts of ‘critical spatial practice’ on the ground with the wider trajectory of the spatial struggle.
The Popular Struggle Coordination Committee was formed by prominent activists in the popular committees from all over the Occupied Territories and across the Palestinian political spectrum.aims to provide a base for strategic thinking on a wider scale.
+972 is a blog-based web magazine that is jointly owned by a group of Israeli journalists and bloggers. The writers’ goal is to provide fresh, original, on-the-ground analysis and reporting of events in Israel and the Palestinian territories.
The League of the Arabs of Jaffa was established as a philanthropic non-profit organisation in 1979, to preserve the Arab presence in Jaffa and to protect the rights of the Palestinians in Jaffa as a Palestinian minority now under siege.
The Old City of Hebron is an exceptional universal heritage.We need to act urgently because this cultural wealth is threatened: buildings are systematically destroyed and the efforts of rehabilitation and conservation are being obstructed.
The residents of Wadi Hilwah, have decided to open an Information Center for those who wish to hear the voice of the indigenous people.We will tell the story and history of our village to all people without reservation, hesitation, intolerance, or racism.
This site has been initiated by a group of British artists and filmmakers following the formation of similar networks by academics, writers and musicians in the UK and abroad. Our aim is to support the Palestinian call for a cultural boycott.
A website documenting Israel's apartheid policies with maps and articles backing the evidence
Australians for Palestine seeks to dispel the myths and disinformation about Palestine in Australia by actively engaging with the media, academic institutions, Federal and State Parliaments, governmental bodies, NGOs, and the community at large.
Reports on the struggle for civil and human rights in Israel and Palestine
HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual is an Israeli human rights organization whose main objective is to assist Palestinians of the Occupied Territories whose rights are violated due to Israel's policies. This site provides the evidence.
This site documents the spate of house demolitions in occupied East Jerusalem and action to take to stop this.
A database of the Israeli and international corporations directly involved in the Occupation,including the Settlement Industry, Economic exploitation, and popultion control.
A group of Palestinian and international architects and academics create ideas and solutions for reconstructing parts of occupied Palestine that have been demilitarised.
An Archive Documenting Israel’s Military Occupation of Palestinian Lands
A key Jewish peace activist website, offering an excellent resource and information on the struggle for a just peace.
The earliest peace activist group. Since 1990, Peace Now has taken upon itself to provide reliable and accurate information regarding the expansion activities of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip: see "Settlement Watch" project.
provides a comprehensive source of information about the villages and cities that were ethnically cleansed, looted, and destroyed by the Israeli army
Warfare methods and their implication on the private domain and the urban fabric
The Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
Zochrot ["Remembering"] is a group of Israeli citizens working to raise awareness of the Nakba, the Palestinian catastrophe of 1948
Multinational Housing Cooperatives in Israel is a non governmental, non-profit initiative striving to establish new integrative communities and strengthen already existing mixed communities throughout the country on the basis of equality of rights to all
a non-violent, direct-action group originally established to oppose and resist Israeli demolition of Palestinian houses in the Occupied Territories
an independent human rights organization, registered in Israel. It is a non-profit, non-governmental, and non-partisan legal centre
The Foundation for Achieving Seamless Territory in Israel
The Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network is a non-profit, non-governmental organization whose role is to serve the Palestinian environment by acting as a coordinating body for the Palestinian environmental organizations located in the Occupied
Jerusalem, a city shared by two peoples and three world religions, is destined to play a pivotal role, both symbolic and real, in any future political agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Bimkom - Planners for Planning Rights was established in May 1999 by planners and architects with the goal of strengthening the connection between human rights and spatial planning in Israel.
RIWAQ (1991) is a Ramallah based non profit organization whose main aim is the protection and development of architectural heritage in Palestine .
Palestine Solidarity Campaign – the main co-ordinating organisation the UK – with all the latest news of activities and the key information source on the Palestine struggle for justice.
ARIJ is dedicated to promoting applied research, technology transfers, sustainable development, and the self-reliance of the Palestinian people through greater control over their natural resources.
gives detailed progress on the building of the Apartheid Wall and the illegal Settlements , and the terrible havoc it is wreaking on Palestinian lives, homes and the environment. It specifies action to take to help stop this.
"Architects for Peace" is a forum for architects, urban designers, engineers, planners, landscape architects and environmentalists, seeking urban development based on social justice, solidarity, respect and peace.
"The civic and creative mission of architects, designers and planners is to build and create for peaceful purposes. The creative work of our professions consists of planning, designing and preserving the environment and human habitat.
Adalah-NY is a grassroots strategic alliance of concerned organizations and individuals in New York, formed to demand an immediate, unconditional, and permanent end to U.S.-sponsored Israeli aggression in the Middle East
An amazing collection of photographs as part of an exhibition at University College in London this February 2008.
A new website offering an alternative tour of ancient Jerusalem as a counteract to El'Ad's tours in the City of David. Mainly concerning the expropriation of Arab land and houses in Silwan by the settlers and the use of archaeology in order to do so.
Bil'in is a Palestinian village that is struggling to exist. It is fighting to safeguard its land, its olive trees, its resources... its liberty. The settlement of Mod'in Illt and other illegal settlements are built on expropriated Palestinian land.
The AIC is an internationally oriented, progressive, joint Palestinian-Israeli activist organization. It is engaged in dissemination of information, political advocacy, grassroots activism and critical analysis of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
Olive Co-operative is a workers' co-operative founded in 2003 by a group of peace activists.Olive run informative small-group tours to Palestine and Israel which would enable people to see the situation there for themselves.
This site monitors and documents Israel's progress in complying with its commitments made at the Annapolis Conference in late November 2007. In particular, it aims to expose Israel’s chronic attempts at obstructing the peace process.
The Coalition for Jerusalem is a league of religious dignitaries, political factions, civil society organizations, and individuals based in Occupied East Jerusalem. It is a non violent, direct action group formed in 2004 to oppose Israeli Government arbit
BUSTAN is a partnership of Jewish and Arab eco-builders, architects, academics, and farmers promoting social and environmental justice in Israel/Palestine. BUSTAN cultivates sustainable models to effect change by combining advocacy and political analysis
The Free Gaza Movement has bought ships to take vital suppllies to Gaza to use non'violent resistance to break Israel's illegal siege of Gaza.
A key Jewish peace activist website, offering an excellent resource and information on the struggle for a just peace.
FAST is dedicated to exposing abuses in ideological planning and architecture. It aims to freeze a redevelopment plan which threatens the heritage of Lifta, a Palestinian village uprooted in 1948.
Anarchists Against the Wall (AATW) is a non-violent direct action group that was established in 2003 in response to the construction of the wall Israel is building on Palestinian land in the Occupied West Bank.
Gallery of photos portraying the current situation from a Palestinian perspective in and around Jerusalem.
So why are we developing a campaign to save Lifta? We are trying to save a place from loosing all record of its cultural heritage as well as it's roots to a people whom of which it once belonged.
Urge Wiesenthal Centre to Halt Construction of Museum on Muslim Cemetery in Jerusalem.
Boycott, divest, sanction: Israeli Coalition of Women for Peace sets up a data base of who profits from the occupation
An exhibition by Zochrot of Palestinian houses, either destroyed or now occupied by Israelis after the 1948 war. A sad reminder of the Nakba, unacknowledged by Israel.
The London Borough of Hounslow has been officially twinned with Ramallah since 1988. The Twinning Association aims to promote and foster the development of friendship between individuals and groups in Hounslow and Ramallah
Videos and audio documentaries
Vital evidence and testimonies of Israel's injustices-
The disturbing plan to uproot 45,000 Bedouin of the Negev from unrecognised villages into sub-standard urban townships, without consultation, and reneging on all past promises.
Hundreds of thousands of Israelis protest rising prices while Israeli Palestinian citizens,who make up 20% of the population, organize for equality.The Real News' Lia Tarachansky spoke to Dror K. Levy, a professor of Cultural Studies at Haifa University.
Protest at Ben Gurion Airport while the remaining boats in the Free Gaza Movement’s flotilla are still trying to leave the Greek ports, activists from around the world organized a mass fly-in known as the Flytilla.
Four Palestinians and two Israelis used cameras provided by the Guardian and B'Tselem human rights organisation to record video diaries about their lives and experiences in East Jerusalem
The appalling brutality against a peaceful protestor against the Jerusalem Day youth march
Unmissable and courageous expose demythologising of the facts behind the propaganda of the Israeli state by the son of a famous Israeli General, and a challenge to the Israeli Lobby.
Yacoub Odeh, a Palestinian who fled from Lifta, west Jerusalem in 1948, shows film-maker Mat Heywood around his deserted home village, now under threat from Israeli plans to build a luxury resort
The illegal King's Garden proposal threatens 89 Silwan homes - while the residents' Alternative Plan is being obstructed by Jerusalem's municipality.
How Apartheid influences traffic control in Jerusalem.
A campaign to target Palestinian community leaders and organizations seems to be underway in Jerusalem with unjustified closure of over 25 community centers and the interrogation and arrests of various political leaders.
Revealing the ominous role of the extreme settler movement Ateret Hacohanim in buying up Greek Orthodox property in E. Jerusalem.
Following on from his 2010 Dispatches: Children of Gaza, Bafta Award-winning filmmaker Jezza Neumann provides a second shocking portrait of children living in the aftermath of war.
A new film by Zochrot showing the tragedy of the expulsion of Jaffa's Arab population and the destruction of their neighbourhood that continues to this day.
A masterpiece of arrogance, denial, obfuscation and inflexibility
November 28 2010 -Here is an al Jazeera video of Israel pulling down a mosque in the Jordan Valley village of Khirbat Yarza, Tubas, (deep inside the West Bank).
A revealing documentary on the Jerusalem municipality's intentions for Silwan, working in conjunction with the extreme Elad settlers to build the City of David and the King's Garden -at the expense of the existing Palestinian residents:
Is the removal of historic treasures from the occupied territories a case of cultural preservation or stealing a heritage? What role has the science of archeology played in the Arab-Israeli dispute? Al Jazeera searches through the alarming evidence
The Zionist Story, an independent film by Ronen Berelovich, is the story of ethnic cleansing, colonialism and apartheid to produce a demographically Jewish State. Ronen successfully combines archival footage with commentary from himself and other experts
The casual destruction by the brutish Israeli security forces of a Bedouin village in the Negev, unrecognised though with rights to this area since the Mandate era
Further destruction by the brutish Israeli security forces of a Bedouin village in the Negev.
Casual destruction of a playground in Beit Jala, and 100 fruit and olive trees to extend the Apartheid Wall
The uprooting of the olive trees and destruction of the land of Abu Nidal in the village of Al-Walaja. This heartbreaking experience was exacerbated by the fact that the apartheid wall being built will encircle the village on all sides.
This Aljazeera website will lead you to an eight part documentary on Jaffa. The program name is called Palestine Street. Well worth watching not just by people who hail from Jaffa, but by anyone interested in the Palestine story.
A Galway activist protests against the Israeli "Apartheid" wall built on occupied Palestinian Land. This short documentary explains his relationship with the village of Bil'in in the West Bank where the wall cuts off large areas of land from the village
Adalah takes us on a short but illuminating odyssey through the separate and unequal world of Israel. Watch it now!
This vieo shows teh targeting of the last Arab neighbourhood in Jaffa to harass the residents and expand the Jewish population in its heart.
This is a video interview with a resident of the East jerusalem neighborhood Silwan. He describes the systematic home demolition and confiscation of Palestinian land in East Jerusalem expected to displace 1500 people in the next few weeks and another 1500
Israel’s blockade of Gaza has been in place for almost three years.This short film from Medical Aid to Palestine (MAP) examines what the blockade means for the people of Gaza, as they struggle to rebuild their lives over a year after Operation Cast Lead.
Israeli troops fired tear gas and concussion grenades on Sunday midday at a Mass held by residents of Beit Sahour city, southern West Bank. Residents from Beit Sahour along with international supporters...
The fight is on for the holiest city in the holy land. The Israelis say Jerusalem must never be divided; the Palestinians say the east of the city is theirs and must become the capital of a new state. Jane Corbin walks through the disputed streets .
TRNN speaks to settlers, Palestinians, and experts to understand the process of land confiscation in OPT
Showing the ruthless take-over of a Palestinian house in Sheikh Jarrah by illegal settlers helped by Israel's border police.
The unhinged tunneling activity by the extreme religious El Ad foundation is revealed in this recording of a guided tour by El Ad's head, boasting of his permissive deception of the authorities and the courts.
The film is narrated by and features Roger Waters, who visits the Wall and comments on his observations. The film also features Palestinians affected by the Wall and three Israeli senior security officials who were directly responsible for planning it.
Video footage that aired Friday shows an Al-Jazeera reporter covering an anti-separation fence rally in the West Bank dodging a tear gas grenade fired by Israel Defense Forces troops.
Israelis restrict Palestinians' water supply World Bank report: Israelis have access to four times as much water as Palestinians due to restrictions
Riveting documentation of the illegal settler land grab in Jerusalem, particularly in Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah
The saga continues in Silwan and even across the infamous Wall, showing the devious and arrogant nature of land expropriation from Palestinians.
The extreme settler organisation ELAD backed by the government and Jerusalem Municipality in its takeover of Palestinian areas of Jerusalem
Israel uses its Absentee Property laws to supposedly hold Palestinian property 'in trust', but the Land Administration agency never intended to return them to their rightful owners.
The horrifying impact of the inhuman andn illegal security barrriers imposed on the WEst Bank Palestinians
Suroosh Alvi of VBS.TV, an innovative TV viewing site gives a fascinating account of the effect of the Wall and the contrast between lives in Israel and Palestine.
Very few Palestinian workers from the Occupied Territories are employed inside Israel. However, a few are employed in Israeli settlements or industrial zones situated in the OPTs. Watch this fascinating film about the super-exploitation of these workers.
This is what it's like going through one of the 586 checkpoints that separate every Palestinian town and village.The gates are deliberately built smaller than the recommended size.
A short video on the criminal destruction of Palestinian orchards in the village of Ertas near Bethlehem to make way for Bank
This short video shows the struggle by soap factories in Nablus to stay in business.
Video showing Ush Graib residents near Bethlehem taking back land that had been requisitioned as a military base, that had been home to many Palestinians.Settlers from a nearby newly formed illegal settlement are trying to grab the army base.
A powerful one-hour documentary in 4 parts giving an intimate portrait of the day-to-day struggle for education in the West Bank and in insight into life under Occupation in Palestine, and life under fire. Produced by Flashback TV for Al-Jazeera English
Seth Freedman hears how Palestinians in the West Bank have been affected by Israel's security wall, and what efforts have been made to find unity in the region
Has peace in the Middle East become nothing more than a pipe dream? As Bob Simon reports, a growing number of Israelis and Palestinians feel that a two-state solution is no longer possible.
A short documentary highlights the plight of Bedouin Israeli citizens living in the Naqab (Negev) desert. Approx. 70,000 live in the poverty of 'unrecognized villages', denied essential public services, facing fundamental human rights violations.
This video shows the impact of Israeli blocks on fuel supply
The following video describes in pictures and words the shocking details of Israel's deliberate ravaging of Palestinian life and society in Gaza. Its purpose is to call attention to the plight of a people under siege,ignored by the world.
A moment of freedom from the suffocating Israeli seige
Jonathan Miller travels the length of Gaza, reviewing the shattering scale of what has been done to the territory.
Rafael Greenberg - Israeli archaeologist shows how archaeology is being used by fundamentalist settlers to remove and intimidate existing residents of Silwan in illegally annexed East Jerusalem
The Jerusalem Mayor denies that tunneling by the Elad settlers has caused the collapse of a school floor, even though it is glaringly clear for all to see!
Videos and reports on the illegal Israeli siege of Gaza. Five videos by Clancy Chassay and reports by Rory McCarthy highlight the inhumanity of collective punishment inflicted on Gaza's citizens by the Israeli Occupation Forces.
This is the trailer of the documentary we shot in Gaza. We hope it is a realistic perspective, an insider point of view of the only foreign camera that filmed the whole attack
During Israel's 22-day military operations in Gaza, from December 27, 2008 to January 18, 2009, named Operation Cast Lead, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) repeatedly exploded white phosphorus munitions in the air over populated areas, killing many.
Professor Salman H. Abu-Sitta of the London-based Palestine Land Society gives a personal account of how he became a refugee in Palestine in 1948. Using data from his research, Abu-Sitta shows how over 600 Palestinian villages were systematically depopula