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Adalah's Newsletter

Adalah's Newsletter - Volume 85, September 2011

Reports and Calendar

New Briefing Papers

In advance of the EU-Israel Human Rights Working Group meeting on 13.9.2011 in Tel Aviv:

Lawyers' Training Course
On Land Settlement

Training course offered by Adalah in Hebrew for practicing attorneys in the field of land settlement in the Naqab.
When? Tuesdays from 15:00 to 19:00 (6 September – 11 October 2011)
Where? Mandel Institute, Beer el-Sabe (Beer Sheva)

New Activity Reports


Upcoming Court Hearings

The Inequality Report & Video Series
The Inequality Report
March 2011
Targeted Citizen (TC)
TC: Unrecognized Villages
TC: Israel Railways Workers
Directed by Rachel Leah Jones
Music from DAM
Anti-Boycott Law

Adalah Briefing Paper: The Legality of the Promotion of Boycotts in Comparative Law

Israel: new anti-boycott law violates freedom of expression, 21.7.2011

Adalah, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel and the Coalition of Women for Peace: The anti-boycott law harms freedom of expression and targets nonviolent political opposition to the Occupation, 12.07.2011

The Boycott Law - 2011 -- English / Hebrew

Press Release: Amnesty International, "Israel anti-boycott law an attack on freedom of expression", 12.7.2011

The Guardian, Harriet Sherwood, "Israel passes law banning citizens from calling for boycotts", 11.7.2011

Israel: Anti-Boycott Bill Stifles Expression

International NGOs urge the EU to condemn anti-boycott bill

After the passage of the Anti-Boycott Law: The Knesset is again calling to open a parliamentary inquiry committee into NGOs: 28 civil society organizations and activists in Israel: "The wind blowing in the Knesset endangers us all", 13.7.2011 (Hebrew)

Unrecognized Villages in the Naqab

"Nomads Against their Will"

New Report: "The Displacement of the Arab Bedouin in the Naqab: The Case of Atir-Umm al-Hieran" (Arabic)

New Video about the unrecognized village of Atir-Umm al-Hieran (English)

Report coming soon in English


Thabet Abu Ras, Director of Adalah's Naqab Project, "The Arab Bedouin in the Unrecognized Villages in the Naqab: Between the Hammer of Prawer and the Anvil of Goldberg"

Adalah representing protestors against home demolitions in unrecognized Arab Bedouin village of al-Araqib in the Naqab

Alternative Information Center: Video about the unrecognized villages


The Full Report

PRESS RELEASE: The EU Should Pursue an Enhanced and Proactive Rights-Based Strategy towards the Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel, 13.2.2011

EU: Israel Should Increase Efforts to Protect Rights of the Arab Minority, 23.2.2011

New report by Adalah detailing 23 main new laws and currently-tabled bills in the Knesset that discriminate against the Palestinian minority in Israel and threaten their rights as citizens of the state.


The Naqab in photos: We are all Naqab

Adalah in Photos - 2010

Adalah's News
Adalah Appeals to Water Tribunal to Connect Arab Bedouin Unrecognized Villages in the Naqab to the Water Network, 26.9.2011
Court to decide on Adalah's motion to cancel two charges issued against Arab MK Mohammed Barakeh, 20.9.2011
Adalah's General Director Hassan Jabareen discusses legal implications of the Palestinian bid for UN statehood, 19.9.2011
Israeli Supreme Court Orders State to Explain Why New Law that Threatens Cuts to Child Allowances for thousands of Arab Bedouin Children is Legal, 15.9.2011
After Years of Legal Struggle, Israeli Supreme Court Orders Community Town in Northern Israel to Admit Arab Family, 14.9.2011
Adalah's Director of the Naqab Project, Dr. Thabet Abu Ras, "Against a Forced Solution" (about the Prawer Report on the Arab Bedouin), published in Yediot Aharonot, 12.9.2011
The Government's Approval of the 'Prawer Plan' will Displace and Dispossess Tens of Thousands of Arab Bedouin Citizens of Israel in the Naqab (Negev) from their Land, 12.9.2011
Adalah to District Court: Order Israel Prison Service to Allow "Security Prisoners" to Complete their Academic Education, 8.9.2011
ACRI and Adalah to the Israeli Security Services: Don't turn September 2011 into October 2000, 8.9.2011
After a Five Year Legal Struggle Community Town in Northern Israel is Forced to Admit Arab Family, 6.9.2011
Adalah Urges Government of Israel to Reject Prawer Report as it Violates the Rights of the Arab Bedouin and will Displace Thousands from their Homes, 6.9.2011
Adalah's General Director, Attorney Hassan Jabareen, "Why the Palestinians can't recognize a Jewish state", Haaretz English Op-Ed, 2.9.2011
Adalah's General Director, Attorney Hassan Jabareen, "Why the Palestinians can't recognize a Jewish state", Haaretz English Op-Ed, 2.9.2011 / Article in Spanish
Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, Adalah and Al Mezan: Appeal to District Court for Independent Doctor to Visit Al Jazeera Journalist Samer Allawi Detained for 23 Days without Charge by the Israeli GSS (Shabak)
New Report by the UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Peoples includes strong recommendations to Israel regarding the rights of Arab Bedouin in the Naqab (pp.24-31), dated 22.8.2011
New Report of UN Secretary-General's Panel of Inquiry ("The Palmer Committee") on the 31 May 2010 Flotilla Incident, dated July 2011 (leaked to the NY Times on 1.9.2011)
NGO Partner News: Al Mezan Gaza Updates 18-20 August 2011
Israeli Navy Releases Boats Confiscated from Gaza Fishermen without Equipment and Large Motors; Fishermen Refuse to take Boats, 4.8.2011
One year later in Al-Araqib: Rebuilding, Destruction, and Resilience, 27.07.2011
Al-Haq's Questions & Answers on Palestine's September Initiatives at the United Nations, 21.7.2011
MK Ahmad Tibi Petitions Israeli Supreme Court against the Knesset's Decision to Disqualify Bill Prohibiting Nakba Denial, 21.7.2011
Adalah, Yesh Din, and Breaking the Silence to sue FM Avigdor Lieberman for libel after calling us 'terror groups and terror supporters'. His comments constitute mendacious, wild, and thuggish incitement, 18.7.2011
Adalah in response to Avigdor Lieberman's remarks in Ynet, 17.07.2011
Adalah, PHR-I & Al Mezan: Joint Position Paper "Israel Must Immediately End Use of Solitary Confinement of Prisoners", June 2011
Supreme Court Hears Adalah's Petition Challenging Discrimination against Arab Farmers in Production and Marketing of Eggs, 04.07.2011
Adalah: Proposed Bill Allowing for One-Year Ban on Meetings between Prisoners and their Attorneys is Unconstitutional, 28.6.2011
To Mark International Day Against Torture, Human Rights Organizations Host Event to Launch New Book - Threat: Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israel, 26.6.2011
Exclusion of Arab Citizens of Israel from Civil Service Jobs, Municipalities in the Mixed Cities and in the Private Sector, 26.6.2011
Adalah Demands Installation of Cooling Devices in Gilboa and Shata Prisons due to Intense Summer Heat, 26.6.2011
Israeli Supreme Court Rules to Turn Big Mosque in Beer el-Sabe into an "Islamic Museum", 24.6.2011
Adalah: Investigate Police Assault on Nakba Day Demonstrators in Israel, 20.6.2011
Supreme Court Issues Show Cause Order against Admissions Committee Law, 20.6.2011
Following Adalah's Urgent Intervention, Ramleh Municipality Reconnects Arab School in the Town to the Internet after it was Cut Off in Response to School Principal's Email Objecting to School Budget Cuts, 16.6.2011
Adalah Asks Water Board to Implement Supreme Court Decision and Immediately Connect Three Unrecognized Arab Bedouin Villages in the Naqab to the Water Network, 15.6.2011
