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Could there be an Orion wagon?

A new Ford station wagon will follow the release of an Orion sedan and ute. Though the... more...

HSV station wagon: third time lucky

After internal debate, HSV backs the wagon. THE next car from Holden Special Vehicles will be a wagon. The... more...

Subaru Impreza wagon returning

...as bait for younger buyers. It's the Sportswagon, a value-added wagon that first hit the road in Australia in the early 1980s. ...; more...

Skoda Superb Wagon wins bronze

...In fact, it's better than just plain good.  The Czech wagon is cavernous inside, is incredibly flexible, good to drive, well up on... more...

COTY 2010 bronze medal : Skoda Superb Wagon

...In fact, it's better than just plain good. The Czech wagon is cavernous inside, is incredibly flexible, good to drive, well up on... more...


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