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Best tyres for Hilux

...T 245/70/16 tyres to the rear of a 2006 Toyota Hilux 4x4 it now has very poor directional stability and very bad oversteer... more...

Hilux more comfortable

...a sign of weakness. Not in 2005, as the top-selling Toyota Hilux is revamped to go up against the new breed of work-and... more...

Ask Smithy Xtra: Faulty 08 Hilux

At 70,000 km my 2008 Toyota Hilux SR5 was running roughly when cold, but my dealer told me everything... more...

Toyota HiLux recall

Australia's favourite off-road workhorse, the Toyota HiLux, has been hobbled by a recall. More than 100,000 utes are... more...

Hilux is a a beaut ute with a soft side

...from the tough to the functional look. The inside of the latest Hilux is all Camry. It is a car with a tray in the... more...


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