Last updated: April 06, 2011

Weather: Sydney 17°C - 22°C . Few showers.

The death of Darcey Freeman

West Gate Bridge horror

Darcey Freeman died after she was thrown from the West Gate bridge in January 2009.

London protest march

london protests

A mass rally leads to violent clashes between protesters and police in central London.

National Photographic Portrait Prize 2011


The winners and finalists from the National Photographic Portrait Prize 2011.

Libya air strikes: Day 3

Libya in turmoil

The world watches to see what will happen in Libya as Allied forces bomb Libya for the third day.

Crisis in Libya


Pro-Libyan government forces continue in pitched battles with rebels as the UN declares a no-fly zone over war torn Libya

Prince William arrives in Queensland

Australia Prince William

Prince William has touched down in north Queensland to start his three-day tour of Australia's flood and cyclone-ravaged regions.


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