Last updated: April 06, 2011

Weather: Sydney 17°C - 22°C . Few showers.

Ask Bossy

ask bossy

No-holds-barred advice from modern-day agony aunt, psychotherapist and journalist, Kate de Brito. It's the sort of advice friends and relatives are too polite to give.

The Jack Marx Affair

Jack Marx byline

Jack Marx rummages around in the world of current and not-so current affairs, strange thoughts, fringe theories and utterances commonly left unuttered.

Women on Men

Emma-Kate Dobbin

Journalist Emma-Kate Dobbin tells you what she’s learned about the workings of the male mind and the opposite sex.

The Naughty Corner

naughty corner

Working mum Alison Godfrey spills her guts on everything from labour to tantrums and playground fights in a brutally honest assessment of life as a parent.

Money Stuff

Justine Davies, Money Stuff

Justine Davies is a finance writer, author and mum of three. With a decade of financial planning experience her mission is to make family finances easier.

Cube Farmer

cube farmer

Career queen Kate Southam gets to grips with all the emotional highs and lows, legal puzzles and human drama of the workplace.



Screenwriter Evan Maloney wants your help examining global social and cultural issues. Lining up celebrities from high and low culture: Splat!.

Hit Entertainment

Hit Entertainment blog

We've selected our Movie and Album of the Week and now it's time for you to tell us what you think of them in our Hit Entertainment blog.

Stars 'n' Snipes

us presidential election

There's a new face in the White House - see how he got there with our coverage of this historic US election.

Smart Investing

smart investing

Robin Bowerman discusses personal finance strategies and issues that can make the difference between success and failure.

Tech Blog

tech blog

Our tech team brings you the most interesting news, reviews and rants from the worlds of consumer tech and web culture.

Herald Sun

Andrew Bolt

andrew bolt

Andrew Bolt started his column in 1998, after working as a foreign correspondent. He is also a regular commentator on other media.

Faith Works

faith works

I've been writing the Faithworks column for 11 years. I'm no spiritual expert, just a searcher like everyone else. Talk to me, and don't hold back. As Mao said "Let a thousand flowers bloom".

Robyn Riley

robyn riley

Robyn Riley is one Victoria's most prominent newspaper columnists.


Turkey Shoot

turkey shoot

Andrew Fenton takes aim at movies and pop culture with new posts every day. Join him and bag the turkey of your choice.

The Australian

Ruth Ostrow

Ruth Ostrow

One of Australia's most controversial columnists. Her books and weekly columns on life matters, sex and Mind Body Soul, read widely here and abroad.

Caroline Overington

Caroline Overington

Caroline Overington is a senior writer and columnist with The Australian. She is a two-time winner of the Walkley Award for investigative journalism (2004 and 2006).

ALR Blog - Romei

ALR Blog - Romei

Stephen Romei has been editor of The Australian Literary Review since January 2007. His blog will discuss the latest literary news and views and link to interesting stories from around the world.

Janet Albrechtsen

Janet Albrechtson

Janet Albrechtsen writes a weekly column for The Australian. She is a member of the Foreign Affairs Council. In 2005, she was appointed a member of the Board of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

Daily Telegraph

Piers Akerman

Piers Akerman

Piers has been one of The Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph’s best-read columnists since 1993. He has worked in New York, London, Washington and Los Angeles.

Joe Hildebrand

Joe Hildebrand

Joe Hildebrand spent his formative years in the outer suburbs trying to work up the courage to ask Leanne Hrubos to go out with him. He never did.

Tim Blair

Tim Blair

JOIN Tim Blair's daily musings on life, politics, weird weather claims and the real America.


Emily Everywhere

Emily Everywhere

I'm a regular chick, who most mornings can't decide between wearing ugg boots or heels.

The Mother of all Blogs

Mother of all blogs

The Mother of all Blogs is written by mums for mums and covers all things parenting, from the funny to mundane and serious to sentimental.

Style Mistress

Style Mistress

Style Mistress Elizabeth Clarke cracks the whip on your fashion choices.



Candi, brizbands' music blogger, explores the Brisbane rock scene with news, pictures, videos and tracks.

Green Blog

Green Blog

Environment blogger Graham Readfearn sorts the green from the green-wash and the eco from the no-go.

Shop Smart

Shop Smart

Value doesn't have to mean cheap but those sale signs sure do help. The first step to getting value is being informed, so this site is for shoppers who love to share.


Over The Fence

Over The Fence

A quirky look at the issues and events that impact on the people of WA.

The death of Darcey Freeman

West Gate Bridge horror

Darcey Freeman died after she was thrown from the West Gate bridge in January 2009.

London protest march

london protests

A mass rally leads to violent clashes between protesters and police in central London.

National Photographic Portrait Prize 2011


The winners and finalists from the National Photographic Portrait Prize 2011.

Libya air strikes: Day 3

Libya in turmoil

The world watches to see what will happen in Libya as Allied forces bomb Libya for the third day.

Crisis in Libya


Pro-Libyan government forces continue in pitched battles with rebels as the UN declares a no-fly zone over war torn Libya

Prince William arrives in Queensland

Australia Prince William

Prince William has touched down in north Queensland to start his three-day tour of Australia's flood and cyclone-ravaged regions.


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Sex scandal hearing anger: 'It's completely stupid'


MINISTER "deeply concerned" over Defence decision to hold disciplinary hearing against female cadet at centre of sex scandal.

BHP near three-year high as market rallies

Share market

THE share market clawed back into the black to break through the key 5000-point barrier for the first time in more than six weeks.

Home loans in biggest decline in 14 years

home loans

HOME loans fell at a greater rate than expected in February, with one state seeing its biggest monthly drop in 14 years.

Fare hikes, job cuts but we're still happy


QANTAS passengers remain very satisfied with the airline despite being hit with airfare hikes, airline incidents and staff cuts.

No more fake tweets as website shut down


IT was a hoot while it lasted. The developers of TweetForger have shut it down, saying it was only a prank. Bummer.