IMPORTANT! Please Note:
We must receive your order prior to
publication. All orders must be made
before 2pm Monday.
Once the centrespread has been published,
no back copies will be available


About NIE

The History

Newspapers In Education is a concept dating back to June 8, 1795 when the Portland (Maine) Eastern Herald published the following editorial:

Much has been said and written on the utility of newspaper; but one principal advantage which might be derived from these publications has been neglected; we mean that of reading them in schools, and by the children in families. Try it for one session - Do you wish your child to improve reading solely, give him a newspaper - it furnishes a variety, some parts of which must infallibly touch his fancy. Do you wish to instruct him in geography, nothing will so indelibly fix the relative situation of different places, as the stories and events published in the papers. In time, do you wish to have him acquainted with the manners of country or city, the mode of doing business, public or private; OR do you wish him to have a smattering of every kind of science useful and amusing, give him a newspaper - newspapers are plenty and cheap - the cheapest book that can be bought, and the more you buy the better for your children, because every part furnishes some
new and valuable information!

SOURCE: Andrea Farage, NIE Coordinator NAA and the Pensacola News Journal in Education, Pensacola, Fl.

What is NIE
Newspapers in Education is a four-page liftout. The liftouts appear every Tuesday in
The Advertiser
during the school term. NIE produces packages which include newspapers and a teaching resource / student worksheets. The resource is copyright free.
Special liftout series are also produced during the school year

Feature Story
Every week NIE runs a feature story which covers
a range of educational topics.
The feature stories are written by the section
journalist and are planned by NIE Manager,
Martina Simos.


The Back Page

The back page of NIE is
a collage of student /
teacher stories, TTN,
competition corner - through
which we giveaway books,
book reviews written by
students, and articles
written by SA students.
NIE encourages students
to write for an audience,
through the NIE section.





How NIE Operates

Teacher Resources
Each term the NIE department produces at least three teaching resources. A teaching package is a comprehensive resource for teachers produced by NIE which usually includes:

  • A teacher resource with ready-made lesson plans, copyright free.
  • Class sets of The Advertiser (which include Education centrespreads to
    complement the teacher resource).
  • Occasional bonuses such as stickers/brochures/maps.
NIE produces at least three teaching resources a term. The teaching package can be photocopied and distributed to students with teachers having to do little or no work in preparing classroom activities (copyright free). The lessons are contemporary, in line
with the South Australian curriculum and, most of all, aimed at helping students learn. These resources are relevant to SACSA framework and written by NIE Manager Martina Simos who has more than 17 years' experience as a school teacher in public and
private schools.

The resources vary in price. The bonus is that they are copyright free.