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Art in the Biotech Era Feb 2008

Art in the Biotech Era

EAF publications - a selection
Excluding Books out of Print. Sizes are horizontal first. Alphabetic listing by title

Title All In The Silence
Author Eva Yuen Man-Wah
Edition & publication date 1979
Number of pages 44 pages
Binding soft
Images 36
Size 225mm x 165mm
ISBN 0 9596729 6 6
Main subject Performance art piece

Title Alter Egos
Author Jenny Watson
Edition & publication date 1986
Number of pages 36 pages
Binding soft
ISBN 0 949836 14 1
Main subject Sketches for paintings

Title Art in the Biotech Era
Editor Melentie Pandilovski
Contributors Introduction by editor, writers and artists include: Miguel Amado, Roy Ascott, André Brodyk, Stuart Bunt, Heath Bunting, Gary Cass, Oron Catts, Boo Chapple, Melinda Cooper, Critical Art Ensemble, Gina Czarnecki, Krsty Darlaston, Joe Davis, George Gessert, FOAM (Maja Kuzmanovic & Nik Gaffney), Eduardo Kac, Diane Ludin, Marta de Menezes, Mez, Anna Munster, Michalis Pichler, Liljana Simjanovska, Niki Sperou, Mike Stubbs, Eugene Thacker, Zoran Todorovic, Polona Tratnik, Raewyn Turner, Recombinant I-Chin Collective, Tissue Art & Culture, Tanja Visosevic, Morag Wightman, Adam Zaretsky, Ionat Zurr.
Edition & publication date 2008
Number of pages 234 pages
Binding soft
Images 36 pages full colour images, numerous mono colour
Size 210mm x 210mm
ISBN 0-949836-52-4
Main subject Essays and Art works, related to biotech art and the 2004 exhibition & workshops

Title Boarder
Author Dale Frank
Edition & publication date 1979
Number of pages 84 pages
Binding soft
Size 300mm x 215mm
ISBN 0 9596729 7 4
Main subject Documents performance pieces

Title ...but never by chance...
Subtitle (eroticism)
Author (ed) Linda Marie Walker
Edition & publication date 1992
Number of pages 128 pages
Binding soft
Size 170mm x 250mm
ISBN 0 949836 29 X
Main subject Fictional essays and images on the erotic in women's art

Title Calin Dan …til here from now… an Emotional Architecture stopover
Author (ed) Calin Dan and the EAF
Edition & publication date 2007
Number of pages 48 pages, full colour
Binding soft
Size 210mm x 147mm
ISBN 978 0 949836-53-3
Main subject Documentation of works and writing by Calin Dan including Trip, Sample City, sony/wmf/pp, RA, Monuments and Ruins, and more

Title The Ceremony of the Golden Bowerbird
Subtitle or Playground for Paranoids
Author Ian Hamilton
Edition & publication date 1983
Number of pages 36 pages
Binding soft
ISBN 0 949836 8 7
Main subject Script for performance piece

Title Cherished Objects
Subtitle An Illustrated Novel
Author Linda Marie Walker & Paul Hewson
Edition & publication date 1989
Number of pages 68 pages
Binding soft
Size 140mm x210mm
ISBN 0 949836 24 9
Main subject Literary text with photographs

Title A Decade At The EAF
Subtitle A History of the Experimental Art Foundation 1974-1984
Author (ed) Stephanie Britton
Edition & publication date 1984
Number of pages 80 pages
Binding soft
Size 210mm x 297mm
ISBN 0 949836 10 9
Main subject A history of the Experimental Art Foundation 1974-1984

Title Drawings For Photographs and Props
Author Robert Cumming
Edition & publication date 1980
Number of pages 22 pages
Binding soft
ISBN 0 949836 01 X
Main subject Drawings intended primarily as notations for photographic set-ups (an idea diary), many of which deal with the mechanics of illusion and their practical production, published in conjunction with an exhibition of photographs by the artist which toured Australia.

Title Everybody Should Get Stones
Author Noel Sheridan
Edition & publication date 1978
Number of pages 72 pages
Binding soft
ISBN none
Main subject Conceptual art work

Title The Ferrara Poems
Subtitle A Novel
Author Ken Bolton & John Jenkins
Edition & publication date 1989
Number of pages 192 pages
Binding soft
ISBN 0 949836 21 4
Main subject Verse novel

Subtitle South Australian Emerging Artists 1997-1999
Editor Chris Chapman/EAF
Publication date 1999
Number of pages 44 pages
Images 43 (inc colour)
Binding soft
Size 105mm x 297mm
ISBN 0 949836 41 9
Main subject Documentation of South Australian emerging artists 1997-99

Title Ideal Work
Author (curator) Richard Grayson/EAF
Publication date 1999
Number of pages 112 pages
Images 44pp (colour & b&w;)
Binding soft
Size 210mm x 297mm
ISBN 0 949836 37 0
Main subject Artists describe their ideal work without limitation and writers critique that work as if it really exists.

Title Lawyers, Guns & Money
Subtitle Art, Artists, Law and Power
Author (curator) Richard Grayson/EAF
Edition & publication date 1997
Number of pages 84 pages
Binding soft
Size 168mm x 245mm
ISBN 0 949836 33 8
Main subject Anecdotal texts and documentation of artworks treating the nexus of representations of power and law

Title Murray/Murundi
Author Bonita Ely
Edition & publication date 1981
Number of pages 89 pages
Binding soft
ISBN 0 949836 05 2
Main subject Aboriginal and white Australian attitudes to land

Title Oxide Street
Author Marr Grounds
Edition & publication date 1981
Number of pages 50 pages
Binding soft
ISBN 0 949836 04 4
Main subject Sculptural installation documented

Title Projects in Prospect
Subtitle Artist in Residence 1982-1983
Author Ann Newmarch
Edition & publication date 1984
Number of pages 40 pages
Binding soft
ISBN 0 949836 09 5
Main subject Documents public art works in Prospect, Sth Australia

Title Sculpture At The Top Ends
Author Marr Grounds
Edition & publication date 1978
Number of pages
Binding soft
ISBN none
Main subject Works made in Northern Australia

Title A Sixtieth of a Second
Author Sue Ford
Edition & publication date 1987
Number of pages 64 pages
Binding soft
ISBN 0 949836 19 2
Main subject Photography

Title Subject to Change
Author Fiona Hall
Edition & publication date 1995
Number of pages 64 pages
Binding soft
Size 210mm x 240mm
ISBN 0 949836 30 3
Co-publisher Piper Press, Sydney
Main subject Artist book of text and images.

Title Two Performances and DETOUR
Author Ulay & Marina Abramovic
Edition & publication date 1979
Number of pages 46 pages
Binding soft
ISBN 0 9596729 5 8
Main subject Two performances by two artists

Title Two Poems
Subtitle A Drawing of the Sky
Author Ken Bolton
Edition & publication date 1990
Number of pages 112 pages
Binding soft
ISBN 0 949836 26 5
Co-publisher in conjunction with Otis Rush
Main subject Poetry

Title Two Stories
Author Denis Gallagher
Edition & publication date 1982
Number of pages 20 pages
Binding soft
ISBN none
Co-publisher Magic Sam Books
Main subject 2 stories/literature

Title Using The Camera As A Club
Author Les Levine
Edition & publication date 1977
Number of pages 36 pages
Binding soft
Size 280mm x 215mm
Images 20
ISBN none
Main subject Political uses of photography in art


Title 1995 EAF Year Book
Author (ed) EAF
Edition & publication date 1996
Number of pages 28 pages
Binding soft
Size 168mm x 247mm
ISBN none
Main subject Documentation of EAF 1995 activities.

Title 1996 EAF Year Book
Author (ed) EAF
Edition & publication date 1997
Number of pages 44 pages
Binding soft
Size 168mm x 247mm
ISBN none
Main subject Documentation of EAF 1996 activities.

Title 1997 EAF Year Book
Author (ed) EAF
Edition & publication date 1998
Number of pages 44 pages
Binding soft
Size 168mm x 247mm
ISBN 0 949836 36 2
Main subject Documentation of EAF 1997 activities.

Title 1998 EAF Year Book
Author (ed) EAF
Edition & publication date 1999
Number of pages 28 pages
Binding soft
Size 168mm x 247mm
ISBN 0 949836 36 7
Main subject Documentation of EAF 1998 activities.

Title 600,000 Hours (mortality)
Author (ed) Linda Marie Walker
Edition & publication date 1994
Number of pages 52 pages
Binding soft
Size 210mm x 297mm
ISBN 0 949836 31 1
Main subject Considers various views and aspects of mortality in the late twentieth century

Title 1,799 of 600,000 Hours (mortality)
Subtitle Papers and Documentation
Author (ed) Linda Marie Walker
Edition & publication date 1995
Number of pages 118 pages
Binding soft
Size 210mm x 297mm
ISBN 0 949836 32 X
Main subject Papers from conference and images from season of exhibitions re mortality

Calin Dan Emotional Architecture Stopover