Privacy Policy.

The Skinker application is provided subject to the Skinkers privacy policy.

Skinkers privacy policy

The privacy policy for our Software as a Service Solution

Skinkers solutions are available either as an in-house deployment or as a Software as a Service.

This privacy policy is specifically for our Software as a Service (SaaS) customers who use a publicly available Skinker application accessed via the Internet. This privacy policy does not cover Skinkers Live Notification Platform server and Desktop/Handhelds Agents running within corporate networks as these operate within a corporate firewall and are subject to separate corporate policies.

Skinkers SaaS solutions are owned and operated by Skinkers Ltd ("Skinkers") and work as a communication channel where you, the user, influence the content that you receive according to a profile set up by you on your Skinker software.

Any personal information you provide via your Skinker is stored on YOUR device (personal computer, handheld device). We do NOT transfer any information about identifiable users to our own or other people's servers. You are able to modify this personal information at any time via your Skinker.

Receiving communication via a Skinker

Messages transmitted from Skinkers and our communication partners will transmit messages to the Skinkers software. Communication partners will have their own channels on the platform. You will have the ability to turn on or off any of these broadcast partner channels. This ability to turn a channel on or off is always available, so you can change your mind at any time.

We will transmit messages only in relation to the Skinkers service on the Skinkers home channel. This channel cannot be turned off except by uninstalling the software and ceasing to use the Skinkers service. Note that you will have the ability to opt in or out of certain types of messages at any time.

What information we need to collect

We collect and store a record of all broadcasts made and responses received from users as part of the operation of the Skinkers communication platform and the administration of our relationship with broadcast partners and other commercial partners. However these records do not include any data that identifies you the user. It is aggregate data without any form of personal identifier. We do not even record the IP address of your computer. Cookies or any similar technology used to collect additional information automatically are not used. 

How we store information

This aggregate information is stored centrally at a physically and electronically secure data centre. Direct access to this database is restricted to authorized Skinkers staff and their appointed agents. This database will also be transferred to any successors in title to our business.

What else we may do with the information we gather

We may, from time to time, perform analyses or allow others to perform analyses on all or part of the aggregate data held by us. The sort of information provided in this situation could include, for example, a record of the number of people who responded to a particular broadcast -- but without any reference to the individuals concerned. This information may be provided to broadcast partners, to other members of the Skinkers group of companies or to other commercial partners.

Privacy and broadcast partners

Certain broadcasts partners may invite you to participate in activities outside of the Skinkers channel. For example, to visit a broadcast partners website or purchase a product. Any such actions are entirely between you and the broadcast partner and are not covered by the Skinkers privacy policy. You should check the privacy guidelines of the particular broadcast partner for guidance on their policy for the protection of your privacy. You are free to accept or refuse any such offers.


We will notify you through the Skinkers home channel of any substantial changes to this policy; you accept any modifications by using the channel after the modifications have become effective and you have been notified. If you object to any modification, your sole remedy is termination of your account.