Manage your Blog advertising

We specialize in blog advertising, connecting advertisers with blog readers, the social media elite.

Use us to make a splash on premier blogs like PerezHilton, Dailykos, KnowYourMeme, Wonkette, MichelleMalkin, Dlisted, or CuteOverload, or blanket hundreds of niche blogs with a single advertising burst.

Use our DIY tool to sort 3,500 blogs by topic, compare traffic and prices, then place your order in minutes. You can easily reach specific blogospheres by selecting among over fifty niches of pre-grouped blogs such as parents, liberals, gays, lesbians, baseball fans, tech-lovers, conservatives, New Yorkers, environmentalists, news junkies, milblogs, lawyers, economists, foodies, or others.

We support a broad range of ad types, including our proprietary unit, the blogad, which is designed to excel in the blog environment, more traditional IAB units (leaderboards, rectangles, etc), and the new "live-link" unit, which allows advertisers to harness the power of Twitter or blogrolls via RSS feeds, or custom designed skins.

We know what works, having pioneered blog advertising in 2002. For help building a killer campaign, call 1-(919)-636-4551 or write


  • "Blogads is ahead of the competition as a thought leader on advertising in social media."
    - Ian Schafer
    Deep Focus
  • "I’m a huge fan of the Blogads platform and the flexibility it affords our campaigns."
    - Eric Cade Schoenborn, Web Communications Director
    American Civil Liberties Union
  • "We’ve had strong responses to campaign after campaign with BlogAds."
    - Juston Payne, Associate Director, Online Advertising and Promotions
    John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • "We believe Blogads to be one of the most effective sources to drive traffic and sales, as well as being an excellent way to establish brand awareness."
    - Amy Reed
  • "Advertising with Blogads is a terrific, cost-effective way to reach opinion leaders inside and outside the beltway."
    - Charles Territo
  • "New York blogs are a great way to advertise live shows! You can target blogs that are location-based and promote special offers or contests to drive additional traffic. We find it very effective in converting new audiences to Broadway and Off-Broadway."
    - Jim Glaub
    Art Meets Commerce
  • "The biggest bang for our advertising buck..."
    - Nick Berning, Press Secretary
    Friends of the Earth
  • "The blogad tactic that kicks ass for us is the RSS ad. We generally get three times the click-rate."
    - Kari Chisholm, President
    Mandate Media
  • "Blogads allows me to monitor, change, update, edit, add or delete ads easily allowing me to optimize the results meaning greater efficiency and revenue from the ads."
    - Zach Adamerovich
  • "Blogads is the 'Intel-inside' of the blog revolution."
    - John Hlinko
  • "...the next best thing to word-of-mouth."
    - Hugh Macleod
  • "Blogads offers a huge variety of great blogs, and its customer service is fantastic."
    - Lisa Cerqueira
    Senior Publicist, Interactive Marketing
    WGBH Boston
  • "You make it so easy to buy the right targeted inventory and even easier to make creative changes while a campaign is progressing."
    - Matthew Zablud
    Adfero Group
  • "My favorite 'buzz seeding' tool currently is the amazing network over at"
    - Brian Clark, creator of campaigns for SharpTV, Audi and Levis