Welcome to the PNHP Medical Student Forum!
Physicians for a National Health Program is a non-profit research and education organization of 18,000 physicians, medical students and health professionals who support single-payer national health insurance.

Click here to learn more!

Welcome Students!

Our health system is broken, and as future physicians, we are in a unique position to help fix it. The only way this can be accomplished is through a fundamental change in the way care is financed. We have an obligation to ourselves and to our patients to be informed about the current state of healthcare financing and to play an active role in shaping its future. This website exists as a forum to connect medical students working for single payer in order to facilitate education and collaboration. Learn more about PNHP »

Handouts and materials from the 2010 Annual Meeting

Attending PNHP's 2010 Annual Meeting? Please look at our handout "Student Organizing Ideas for Single Payer"

Educate Yourself

Unfortunately, most medical school curriculums do not have time to teach us about the nuts and bolts of health policy. Instead, we must learn the intimidating language of health policy, legislation and politics on our own. Here are some great resources about single payer, what it is, and more importantly, what it’s not! Often the best educational resource is a PNHP speaker.

Click here to learn more

Get Active

As future physicians, medical students represent the leading edge of social change; we are the future of medicine in this country! Political leaders want to hear what you have to say, and take it very seriously. Medical students nationwide are initiating student chapters in support of single payer advocacy. These groups have worked hard to make impressive progress locally, often begining with a PNHP speaker. If we combine efforts and pool our knowledge and enthusiasm, the results will be extremely powerful.

Click here to find out how to become active in the fight for single payer.