
Get Active!

PNHP is an organization that is run by and for its members. Dues and individual contributions support our staff and activities, but the bulk of PNHP’s work is done locally by thousands of committed activists like youself.

There are many ways you can help the movement for single-payer national health insurance. PNHP activists have a wide array of individual talents and experience, and we encourage you to find your niche as a single-payer activist. We are happy to assist with a large variety of projects, e-mail organizer@pnhp.org for more information.

Writing and Media

•    How to Write an Op-Ed and Letter to the Editor
•    Op-Ed Examples
•    Letter to the Editor Examples
•    How to contact the media and make calls to the press

Public Speaking

•    Public speaking tips
•    How to prepare a single-payer PowerPoint
•    How to build the movement through public speaking

Meeting with Legislators

•    Overview of legislative advocacy (pdf)
•    How to meet with legislators


•    Sample medical society resolution
•    How to hold a house party for health reform
•    Sample local Speaker’s Training Agenda (MSWord)
•    FAQ on PNHP chapter visits
•    PNHP activist business card template (coming soon!)
•    Sign-in sheets for medical events (MSWord)
•    Sign-in sheets for medical student events (MSWord)
•    Sign-in sheets for community events (MSWord)
•    Event flier template (MSWord)

Links and Resources

•    Finding your Niche in Activism (pdf)
•    Press Releases
•    PNHP Research
•    PNHP Slideshows
•    PNHP Newsletters
•    PNHP Leadership Training Institute
•    PNHP Annual Meeting
•    List of organizations that have endorsed single payer
•    Sample Organizing Calendar and Resources

The PNHP national office is here to support the activism of our members. E-mail organizer@pnhp.org or call phone at 312-782-6006 for assistance.