Real time web analytics

271,822 web sites depend on Clicky Web Analytics to monitor, analyze, and react to their visitor traffic in real time. What are you waiting for?
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The best dashboard

Data on the go

Up close and personal

Powerful segmentation

Real time goals & campaigns

Twitter keyword monitoring

Why Clicky?

Clicky is designed to be the easiest web analytics service you've ever used. Services like Google Analytics do everything except take out the trash, but you probably don't know what any of the data means. With Clicky, everything just makes sense. Register now and see for yourself.

What are people saying?

Clicky is one of the most intuitive tools for web analytics.
-- Ryan Kelly,

Clicky has an adorable and easy to use interface with traffic reports that organize data in such a way that makes it so easy to analyze and learn about your visitors. I find Integration with Twitter a very useful add-on. It's a great service and I'm spreading the word about it!
-- Zorica,

Clicky -VS- The Other Guys








Detailed information about every visitor Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes
Log custom data for every visitor (usernames, emails, etc) Yes No No No No No No
Track outbound links Yes Kinda Yes No Yes No Yes
Track downloads Yes Kinda Yes No Yes No No
Track Javascript and Flash events Yes Yes Yes No No No No
Video analytics Yes No No No No No No
Mobile hardware reporting Yes No No No No No No
Visitor hostnames and organizations Yes No No No No Yes No
Detailed info on organizations (address, phone number, revenue, etc) Yes No No No No No No
Twitter analytics - monitors and summarizes conversations about your web site or other topics of interest Yes No No Kinda No No No
Dedicated iPhone version Yes No No Yes No No No
Dedicated version for other mobile devices Yes No No No No No No
Create extra user accounts with
access to specific sites
Yes Yes No No No Yes No
Powerful filtering and segmentation Yes Yes Yes No No No No
Developer API Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
The best bounce rate metric in the biz Yes No No No No No No
Goals and conversions Yes Yes No No Yes No No
Campaign tracking Yes Yes No No No No No
Supports Google Analytics campaign tags Yes Yes No No No No No
Customizable dashboard Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No URL shortener integration Yes No No No No No No integration Yes No No No No No No
Search keyword rankings Yes No No No No No No
Favorites Yes No No No No No No
Alerts Yes No Yes Yes No No No
Available in multiple languages Yes Yes No No Yes No No
Email reports Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
IP tags Yes No Yes No No No No
IP filters Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No
Real time data Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Live view of every individual visitor on your site right now Yes No Yes No No No No
Widgets to put on your web site Yes No No Yes Yes No No
Get your stats via RSS feeds Yes No No No Yes No No
Aggregate (multi-day) view for all data Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No
Data export Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Works with visitors who have disabled JavaScript Yes No No No No Yes Yes
White label as your own product Yes No No No No No No
Official WordPress plugin for easy integration with your blog Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No
FeedBurner RSS stats integration Yes No No No Yes No No
Clean, modern interface Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
Public statistics Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Free version available Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Affiliate program to earn you cash or free premium service Yes No No No No No No

= Beta feature / No documentation / Kinda sorta / Requires hack or third party plugin
Chart last updated June 24 2010, and accurate to the best of our knowledge. If you believe anything to be incorrect, please contact us.