Common Questions

A lot of the emails we receive are related to the questions below. Please read through these before contacting us!

My account

How do I delete a site from my account?
You can delete a web site by going to that site's preferences page, and clicking "Delete this web site".
How do I delete my entire account?
Just send us an email with your username and registered email in your message. We strive to make the best analytics service on the planet, so your feedback on why you want to stop using our service would also be much appreciated.
How do I change my username / password / email address?
Your username is permanent and not changeable. To change your password or email address, click the edit link in the top right corner of your user homepage

If you've forgotten your password, use this page to reset it.
Can I create sub-user accounts with access to only certain web sites in my account?
Pro or higher accounts accounts have access to this feature. You can create new user accounts by clicking on the "manage users" links on your user homepage. There are limits to the number of users you can create, however. Our highest level of premium can create up to 7 sub-users. If you need more than that, please consider our white label service, which has no limits on the number of user accounts you create.
Can I merge two or more accounts together, or move a site from one account to another?
Yes, please contact us with specific details of which accounts you want merged or which sites you want moved from one account to another. We will need proof that you have the right to make this change to all of the accounts in question.

Payments / Premium service

Do I have to pay to use Clicky?
We have both free and paid options. Please see this page for more details.
How do I update my billing information?
If you are paying us directly with a credit card, click here to update your billing information.

If you are paying with Paypal, login to your Paypal account and enter your new billing details there. Then, click here to edit your subscription so that it is using your new payment information.
How do I upgrade to a paid account?
Please use this page to upgrade your account.
How do I upgrade from one level of premium service to another?
Just sign up for the subscription you want on this page. Your payment will be automatically pro-rated.

If you were previously paying us directly with a credit card, and are doing the same for your new subscription, then your old subscription will have been automatically canceled. However, for other payment methods, you may need to cancel the subscription manually. Please contact us for further details.
How do I cancel my subscription?
If you are paying with Paypal, click here to cancel your subscription.

For all other payment methods, just send us an email. To help us build a better analytics service for everyone, please be sure to tell us why you would like to cancel your subscription.
What payment methods do you accept?
We currently accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Paypal. We cannot accept any other form of payment.


How do I change my time zone?
You can change your timezone for each of your sites individually, in the preferences area for that site on Clicky.
Does the tracking code need to go on every page, or just my homepage?
The tracking code needs to go on every page that you want us to track. Most sites have what's called a "footer" file, that's automatically included at the bottom of every page. If your site has one of these (and if it doesn't, it should!), all you need to do is place the code in this one file and the code will then be included at the bottom of every page on your site automatically.
I lost my tracking code / Where do I get my tracking code?
Go to your site's preferences page, then click the "tracking code" link near the top of the page. This is the code you need to paste onto your site to enable us to monitor your traffic. And yes, it needs to be installed on every page you want tracked.
I'm using a plugin (Wordpress, Drupal, etc) and it's not working!
All of our plugins are developed by third parties so we are unable to provide support for them. Please contact the developer of the plugin for support.
What does ______ mean?
Please see the definitions on this page.
Clicky isn't monitoring my traffic! (And it never has)
This typically happens when you mistype your domain name when you first register it on Clicky. Go to your site preferences and ensure the domain is typed correctly. If it does not match exactly the domain of your web site, then Clicky will not log traffic for that site.

If the domain is typed correctly, there are two other causes. One is that you never got the tracking code installed fully on your web site. Check your live site's HTML, and if you don't see the tracking code, grab a fresh copy of your tracking code (how? details below) and get it installed on your web site.

If the code is installed on your web site, and still nothing is being logged, then your site may be using "frames" to mask the real domain. For example, you go to "" but it secretly loads "" in a frame. In this case, you need to enter in the second domain that is being masked, not the first!
Clicky isn't monitoring my traffic! (But it used to)
This is usually the result of you or someone on your team accidentally removing the tracking code from your web site. For example, you may have restored your site from a previous version which didn't have the tracking code installed on it.

Before contacting us, please go to live live web site and "view source" and search (Ctrl+F) for the tracking code. If you don't see it, this is the problem!
I know someone visited my site but they never showed up in my stats!
Here are some commons reasons why a visitor may not show up in your visitor log:
  • They are using a tracking blocker or other "privacy" software
  • Their firewall blocked our tracking servers
  • Their browser is not sending a proper referrer
  • They have a slow connection and didn't have time to download and execute our tracking code before moving on
  • They have disabled Javascript
  • They are in your IP block list
Traffic in Spy is not showing up in the rest of my reports!
Spy is truly "live" data, while the rest of the service it typically 1-5 minutes behind real time. This means you'll see data in Spy before you see it show up anywhere else.
How do I block my own visits to my web site from being tracked?
Go to your site preferences, then go to the "IP tags and filters" section. On this page, you can enter individual IP addresses to block from being tracked, including your own or someone else's. Note: This feature does not block ths person from visiting your site. It only tells us to ignore their visits in your stats.. You can also set a cookie on the same page to always ignore your own visits, no matter what your IP address is.
Clicky is reporting different numbers than another service I also use
Every service works differently, so you will never see the same numbers in any two services. In particular, "log analyzers" such as AWStats - these services log ALL traffic to your site, even from search engines and other bots. Clicky and most other hosted services only monitor human activity on your web site.
My friend who lives in City ABC visited, but it reports him/her as being from City XYZ!
We determine a visitor's location based on their IP address. Our geolocation database is 99% accurate on a country level, 84% accurate on a city level within the US, and ~70% accurate for cities outside of the US. It is stored in a proprietary format so we don't have the ability to make changes to it, however it is updated once a month by the company that provides it. When you consider that there are over 4.2 billion possible IPs and they are constantly changing hands, you may see the difficulties with keeping this information up to date.
What's the highest level of traffic that Clicky supports?
The highest level of traffic that we allow for a single site is 200,000 daily visitors and/or 500,000 daily page views. Sorry, but there are absolutely no exceptions to this rule. The reason we have this limit is because we provide such a high level of detail on every individual visitor that arrives to your site. Once a single site passes either of these thesholds, they put a very large strain on the database server that is processing its traffic.

In the future, we hope to add another level of service that removes the individual visitor aspect of the tracking, so very high traffic sites are able to use the service. We are also considering a "Spy only" plan, which requires no database processing. This would be an addiitional option for sites above our current thresholds.

Other questions

Can I hide the image on my web site?
Yes. The tracking code you paste on your site is about 5 lines of code. The very first line is this image. Delete that first line and the tracking code will be invisible.

Note that the last line is also an image, however, it is wrapped in a "noscript" tag which means a person's browser will only "execute" it if javascript is disabled. This image is used to track your visitors who don't have javascript. It is completely invisible in either case, so you should leave that one in tact.
Can I use Clicky on the same site as Google Analytics / Statcounter / etc?
Yes. Our tracking code plays nicely with other analytics services and should not interfere with anything.
Can I install or host a copy of the Clicky software on my server?
No. We do not offer this option and we have no plans to do so in the future.
Can I call you for questions and/or tech support?
We are a very small company and unfortunately cannot provide any telephone support. However, we try to answer all emails in a timely fashion and each one is a personal response to your inquiry - we don't use form responses or automated software or anything like that.
We want to partner with Clicky
Feel free to pitch us your idea, but know that we are always extremely busy and will likely only pursue a partnership if we believe it will be of tremendous value to both our company and our user base.

Contact us directly

If you have a technical support question, please consider searching our user forums before emailing us. This is also a great place to post questions, as you may get a response faster from another user, and this question will be publicly available for other users to read if they are having a similar problem.

: technical support, white label setup

: everything else