
About the ABC

The Anarchist Black Cross was originated in Tsarist Russia to organize aid for political prisoners. In the late 1960s the organization resurfaced in Britain, where it first worked to aid prisoners of the Spanish resistance fighting the dictator Franco's police. Now it has expanded and groups are found in many countries around the world. We support anarchist and other class struggle prisoners, fund-raise on behalf of prisoners in need of funds for legal cases or otherwise, and organize demonstrations of solidarity with imprisoned anarchists and other prisoners.

Active Solidarity

Active Solidarity is our occasional newsletter, with the latest news on prisoners, repression and solidarity.Free with an SAE to ABC, PO BOX 74, Brighton BN1 4ZQ, UK, or
click here and download it as a pdf...


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Support G20 prisoner Mindaugus Lenartavicius!

G20 protests outside the Bank of England, April 2009

Mindaugus Lenartavicius, XT6221, HMP Wandsworth, Heathfield Road, London, SW18 3HS.

Mindaugus Lenartavicius is a 22 year old Lithuanian national convicted of arson during the G20 demonstrations in London. His unsuccessful attempts to set fire to window blinds in the Royal Bank of Scotland earned him 2 years imprisonment. As a 'foreign national' prisoner he will be deported at the end of his sentence and, as he has been on remand since his arrest soon after the G20 and is eligible for the Early Removal Scheme and 270 days remission if he agrees to voluntary deportation, he could be out of prison and the country sooner rather than later. He has asked specifically for music on cassettes to be sent in, particularly 'old school non-commercial punk', or grindcore, crust and trash.