Geoffrey Notkin, one of the Science Channel's "Meteorite Men," speaks on the importance of dark skies.

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Success stories for lighting ordinances

Kitt Peak remains in dark, shows effectiveness of local lighting laws

Kitt PeakThe darkness of the sky directly above Kitt Peak "has stayed remarkably constant" over the past two decades—a phenomenon that researchers Kathryn F. Neugent and Philip Massey of Lowell Observatory attribute to local lighting ordinances…

They conclude that the brightness of the night sky at zenith is about the same as it was 20 years ago. The view toward Tucson has deteriorated significantly in that time but has stabilized in the past 10 years. Read article in the Arizona Daily Star >>

Porter County, IN Passes Light Pollution Prevention Resolution (06 October 2010)

County commissioners relate the resolution— the first in the state—to the existing "green space" ordinance to preserve the natural qualities of the county. Read article >>  Read Resolution >>


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IDA Board member Debra Norvil gives an interview to Chicago's WTTW. More IDA Mulitimedia>>

Gizmodo: Why Living in Cities Sucks

IDA Research Paper on Blue Light

Visibility, Environmental, and Astronomical Issues Associated with Blue-Rich White Outdoor Lighting

Read "Seeing Blue" article >>

Dark Sky Visa© Card

© Dennis Mammana /
, James Hilder, Dave Wymer

These images were specifically chosen from our Dark Sky Places program. What a great way to show off your support for a natural night sky.  Learn more about the Dark Sky Visa© Card >>

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