Welcome to CUPE

CUPE BC represents more than 80,000 workers in more than 170 local unions and across many different sectors. Nearly every community in the province has one or more CUPE locals. CUPE members work in hundreds of occupations that help keep communities strong.  More

Message from the CUPE BC Executive

Barry O'Neill CUPE BC, President

Time to embrace the Ten-Per-Cent Shift

As many of you know, I have often spoken of the importance of local communities and local economies. The two go hand in hand. Without a strong economic base, no community can truly succeed. more

Public Employee:


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What's hot
  • Help raise awareness of community health

    Help spread the word about the amazing services CUPE community health members provide. Check out the website. Share this site with friends and family to help build support for these CUPE members. See the video and listen more...


Respect leads to three year Kamloops deal

December 8, 2010

KAMLOOPS—CUPE 900 members ratified a three-year agreement with the City of Kamloops on Monday. The agreement includes two percent increases in each year as well as improvements to dental benefits. Contract language was more...

National Day of Remembrance Action on Violence against Women

December 6, 2010

BURNABY—CUPE BC representatives joined others in labour and the community at a breakfast this morning to mark the National Day of Remembrance Action on Violence against Women. Breakfast participants also heard from NDP more...

Fairness, respect ‘long overdue’ for community social services workers

December 1, 2010

VANCOUVER—The thousands of community social services workers who make British Columbia a better place to live have waited long enough to achieve justice in the workplace, a mass labour rally was told here today. “We need more...

Retired bus driver still shows kids the way

December 1, 2010

CRANBROOK—Retired school bus driver Ray White is still showing Cranbook kids about school buses and safety. White is continuing a program he developed for kindergarten and Grade 1 children based on the video “Pooh’s more...