
News Feed

December 8, 2010

Respect leads to three year Kamloops deal

KAMLOOPS—CUPE 900 members ratified a three-year agreement with the City of Kamloops on Monday. The agreement includes two percent increases in each year as well as improvements to dental benefits. Contract language was also clarified and updated.

“The City of Kamloops has very good workers and with this agreement we’ll continue to provide excellent services to residents of Kamloops,” says CUPE 900 president Gayle Nelson.

Nelson has received a lot of feedback from members who are pleased with the agreement.

December 6, 2010

National Day of Remembrance Action on Violence against Women

BURNABY—CUPE BC representatives joined others in labour and the community at a breakfast this morning to mark the National Day of Remembrance Action on Violence against Women.

Breakfast participants also heard from NDP women’s issues critic MLA Kathy Corrigan on failure of provincial government to support essential women’s services throughout the province.

December 3, 2010

Help raise awareness of community health

Help spread the word about the amazing services CUPE community health members provide. Check out the website. Share this site with friends and family to help build support for these CUPE members. See the video and listen to the radio ads that introduce visitors to CUPE members and the services they provide.


December 1, 2010

Fairness, respect ‘long overdue’ for community social services workers

VANCOUVER—The thousands of community social services workers who make British Columbia a better place to live have waited long enough to achieve justice in the workplace, a mass labour rally was told here today.

“We need to see employment security, and seniority rights for lay-off and recall, as opposed to the employer’s idea of handpicking their favourites,” Patsy, a transition ho

December 1, 2010

Retired bus driver still shows kids the way

CRANBROOK—Retired school bus driver Ray White is still showing Cranbook kids about school buses and safety.

November 29, 2010

CUPE BC to maintain BC Federation of Labour, Canadian Labour Congress membership

CLC dispute with NUPGE results in CUPE BC decision to hold 3-day CUPE Caucus

VANCOUVER—Rather than participate in the BC Federation of Labour 2010 Convention, CUPE BC will hold a 3-day caucus meeting in Vancouver, CUPE BC President Barry O’Neill said today.

O’Neill issued the following statement today:

“It is with great regret that I must announce that as a result of the decision of the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) to disaffiliate from the Canadian Labour Congress, the CUPE BC Caucus has made the difficult decision that CUPE BC dele

November 29, 2010

P3 White Elephant Draws a Crowd

PENTICTON—It was standing room only at a press conference in Penticton on Sunday where CUPE Anti-Privatization Coordinator Robin Roff released the report A White Elephant in Wine Country. The report examines the privatization of the South Okanagan Events Centre and the impact of this P3 on the community.

[img_assist|nid=1764|title=|desc=The press conference release CUPE's report "A White Elephant in Wine Country" was well attended by media as well as CUPE members and the general public.

November 29, 2010

Bargaining continues for health science professionals contract

VANCOUVER–The Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association continues to meet with the Health Employers Association of BC to negotiate a new collective agreement.

Two weeks ago, the union association served notice to the employer that a concessionary package is completely unacceptable to health science professionals.

Discussions have continued and the unions are optimistic that HEABC and the government have received the message that the contribution of health science professionals delivering modern health care in the public health care system must not be discounted.

November 25, 2010

The White Elephant in Wine Country

PENTICTON— CUPE National anti-privatization coordinator Robin Roff is releasing her 2010 Privatization Report, “A White Elephant in Wine Country” on Sunday, November 28 at the Ramada Penticton Hotel at 1PM.

The report focuses on Penticton’s experience with public-private partnerships with the South Okanagan Events Centre and the high cost to residents.

“In the case of the South Okanagan Events Centre, operational deficits, delays and cost overruns have forced Penticton to reduce services in other vital areas, like policing and community recreation,” says Roff.


November 23, 2010

Union moves forward with ambitious human rights agenda

MAKING IT HAPPEN—Delegates and staff pose following adjournment of the high-energy, two-day conference. The workshops produced several recommendations for CUPE BC to pursue in advancing human rights.

Conference ends with key recommendations on several issues

RICHMOND—CUPE BC’s first human rights conference wrapped up on November 20 with delegates united and excited about the union’s role in advancing equality in B.C.