Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 25, a Day That Will Live in Infamy

On February 25, 1994, Dr. Baruch Goldstein murdered 29 Muslims and wounded 270 others with an assault rifle and hand grenades at the al-Ibrahimi Mosque while they were kneeling in prayer in Hebron. This became known as the Hebron Massacre or al-Ibrahimi Massacre.

On February 25, 1860, 3-7 white men rowed out into Humboldt Bay to an Island called Indian Island in the state currently known as California, USA, and using knives and hatchets, slaughter some 80 Wiyot Indians. The Wiyot were performing an annual ceremony. Simultaneously, hundreds of Indians along the shore were slaughtered as well. This was known as the Wiyot Massacre. The townsfolk of Eureka knew the killers to be fine upstanding men in their community. None were ever brought to justice.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Grapes of Wrath: What's to Come?

"Our people are good people; our people are kind people. Pray God some day kind people won't all be poor. Pray God some day a kid can eat.

"And the associations of owners knew that some day the praying would stop.

"And there's the end."[pg. 326]

I have just finished reading John Steinbeck's novel, "The Grapes of Wrath," for the first time. Yes, there is a reason why I have chosen this book, because I want knowledge about what is to come. Millions of folks worldwide are losing their jobs...all at once. What's to come?

"The Grapes of Wrath" follows the Joad family on their journey of forcible removal of their family from their farmland and they head to California looking for work.

In California, the growers, especially the giant landowners, force down the prices of labor because they know people will work for food (or less) and when you are starving, and when your family is starving, and when your children are starving, most likely you'll work for what you get. What this type of behavior does for the corporations is INCREASE profits. Of course, they have to hire thugs, pay for guns and equipment to keep the PEOPLE down to the levels of starvation, but by gum, they're gonna do it because...most folks aint rich.

Then, of course, folks try to organize and the paid thugs of the wealthy do their job of bringing them down, and that is what happens to the Joad family.

Many MANY human beings died of starvation while the wealthy made out like, well, the bandits that they are.

"...A great owner bought a cannery. And when the peaches and the pears were ripe he cut the price of fruit below the cost of raising it. And as Cannery owner he paid himself a low price for th fruit and kept the price of canned goods up and took his profit. And the little farmers who owned no canneries lost their farms, and they were taken by the great owners, the banks, and the companies who also owed the canneries. As time went on, there were fewer farms. The little farmers moved into town for a while and exhausted their credit, exhausted their friends, their relatives. And then they too went on the highways. And the roads were crowded with men ravenous for work, murderous for work.

"And the companies, the banks worked at their own doom and they did not know it. The fields were fruitful, and starving men moved on the roads. The granaries were full and the children of the poor grew up rachitic, and the pustules of pellagra swelled on their sides. The great companies did not know that the line between hunger and anger is a thin line. And money that might have gone to wages went for gas, for guns, for agents and spies, for blacklists, for drilling. On the highways the people moved like ants and searched for work, for food. And the anger began to ferment."[pg 387-8]

And along with all that comes the issues of today's world. There are not going to be jobs that magically appear. The stimulus is being handled by the wealthy. The banks were given billions to reboot the billions they STUPIDLY squandered.

Rewilding is a good thing to learn. Learn to identify what you can eat around town. Most importantly in my opinion...HELP EACH OTHER!

Not only have their been excesses in inhumanity by the wealthy against the rest of us, there is also a lot of humanity within all of us. There is one tool we can use. Defend yourself, defend the territory, learn to survive, help your friends and family, help each other.

Shusli just pointed out: "Funny how the Mexicans are getting treated like the Okies were treated."

Time to stop fighting each other and help each other instead.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

and Where Are the Pro-Lifers?

As referenced in this article by Kevin Annette, "Why There Is No Healing and Reconciliation" a while back, on Febraury 10, the crimes of the First United Church of Canada are being covered up by the destruction of the evidence (the crimes being children buried in building walls and illegal grave sites as well as children being forced into sexual slavery for the good christian staff members and traveling pedophile officials to keep the schools running). I mean, look at all those cute little Indian kids from the Carlisle Boarding School where they were FORCIBLY (here in the land of alleged freedom) removed to. Don't you just want to fuck or kill a bunch of them? That's what happened to most of them, raped, murdered, tortured, brutalized, and imprisoned by the predecessors of what are currently known as the good christians of the alleged pro-life movement.

On February 10, evidence of murdered children by the First United Church of Canada was destroyed at the Alberni Indian Residential School. And all of that is OK, especially with alleged pro-lifers, because it helps protect the criminal organization of which they conduct their alleged good works from. Most churches have become pro-life, aka, ANTI ABORTION. You see, they don't really care about life, otherwise they would care about getting justice for all of those murdered and raped children at Alberni and all the rest. But they don't. They want that covered up as well because otherwise it is bad publicity for the alleged pro-life movement. They don't give a shit about the life that is outside of the womb, otherwise they'd be fighting for universal health care, struggling against poverty (for real, that is), be ANTI WAR (as war is the ANTITHESIS of life), and since they aren't, and all they actually are is ANTI ABORTION, they couldn't afford the bad publicity of all those murdered little Red Nigs. Thus, they support their christian allies in burying the evidence so they don't have to face justice for crimes they committed against already living children.

And, of course, it is not only the little Red Nigs that face abuse by Christians, look at what is happening in Gaza and has for a long time. All the Nazi's (except for 1 who was a psychologist and objected to the Nazi final solution) at the Wannsee conference were christian. One of the most horrific death camps, Jasenovac in Croatia, was ran with the full complicity of the Vatican. And there are many other millions of examples that can be given. And lets not forget all the raping of white kids as well. (Christian organizations like to refer to pedophilia, the rape of children, as "having sex with children," and thus NOT rape.)

Pro-Lifers don't give a shit about life, they give a shit about unborn fetus type life. They will remain silent on the issue at Alberni and so many other pro-life organizations because they are complicit and such publicity would only give understanding to the fact that they could really give a rats ass about life and only their own organizations petty worthless alleged life.

I tell you these things because their are many such organizations, Christians or otherwise, that you should question. This one is just blatantly obvious and so rarely questioned because so many folks (even non-christians) think that christians rarely if ever do harm.

And just like in Carpinteria, California, the Red Nigs who survived Alberni are reminded of their place on their ILLEGALLY colonized lands.


The Fighting Whites have won again. RACISM WINS AGAIN!

In Carpinteria, California, where a racist Native American mascot was removed by the school board, white folks got together and decided to stand up for good ol' American racism.

They were all naturally racist and committed terrorists acts against Indians and supporters in the area (good ol' American terrorism) in order to get their way. No, you don't want to get your way via coming to a common understanding...why...that may do something horrific like expand ones consciousness or even...dare I say it...bring about some empathy within those folks determined not to have any. Force in one form or another usually works. Wasn't Love and understanding that stole all this Indian land for non-Indians, it was force. Since it is CURRENTLY illegal to kill Indians, unlike the good old days when it was actually LEGAL, other forms of force, such as terrorism, are equally necessary in order for Whitey to get what they want, an acceptance and Love of racism without any of that uncomfortable empathy stuff.

So how did the "Fighting Whites" handle the issue of getting back their racist mascot and continuing with their "Warriors" name? Why, they stacked the school board. They elected school board members that were pro-racist mascot types. No, they didn't elect these board members because they know that school funding is gonna be tough so they were looking for someone with fiscal knowledge...NOPE! They didn't look for folks who were promoting mutli-lingual education knowing that studies show that children who know more than one language are better at learning...NOPE! (In fact many people prefer that their children speak only one language, Americanized English). They didn't look for folks who were into arts and humanities, sports activities, education, or any other such stupid shit, they specifically looked for pro-racist mascot types and got them elected. Do these folks care about their children? They definitely care about making sure a bunch of Red Nigs know there place. And since their sole purpose in stacking the school board WAS NOT their children's education and definitely their childrens pro-White dominance and racism, I think it is safe to say that those parents don't really give a rats ass about their child's education. I mean, when are we gonna realize we lost the war, right?

I often have this fantasy of a dream sequence of a basketball game. In the game, it is the Indians against the whites. All sides are cheering and screaming before the opening of the game. The refree stands between the teams as they square off, the whistle in his mouth as the chain hangs loosely around his neck and the silver whistle. Everything goes slow-motion as the Ref tosses the ball in the air. As it heads for the sky and the whites reach for the ball, the Indians are pulling out guns of all kinds that would make Quentin Tarrentino jealous. Then the focus is on the ball as it turns slowly in the air and you hear massive amounts of firepower coming from the court, but don't see it. The announcer starts screaming:




The ball bounces slowly on the floor as a stream of blood starts flowing into view and the cheering of the crowd is enormous as sporadic gunfire continues and the announcer continues his chant.

Then I wake up with a smile on my face to the alarm beside my bed.

All of this is fantasy, of course, but a perfect metaphor to how the game has been played. Play nice with the Indians, then when opportunity arises, kill as many of the Indians as possible, rape their women, kidnap and sexually enslave their children, force feed them unhealthy diets, blame them for all the horrible things that happen to them.

Carpinteria, California is just a kinder gentler version of the brute force used against us Red Nig types anytime we stand up for our rights and justice for crimes the U.S. and its citizenry have committed against us.

Racism wins...this time...but the war isn't over.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

"Mitakuye Oyasin"

We had another "Mitakuye Oyasin" radio program on KBOO today, Thrusday, February 5, 2009. Click on the name to check out the blog and the music we played.

Speaking of Terror

The American Indian Movement, a Chumash young Eli Cordero, and the school board of Carpinteria, California are facing terrorism from some of the citizens there. Why? Because Eli and his school board and AIM supporters managed to get the racist high school mascot and logo removed from the school.

In older state sanctioned terror news, 28 grave sites of missing Indian children from boarding schools in that free nation of Canada have been identified. Children in Canada, the U.S., and Australia, who were from the first nations peoples of those respective nations were kidnapped and forced to go to boarding schools where they were often beaten, raped, tortured, imprisoned, enslaved, and murdered. Why? Because they were the wrong race and the superior white race had to show these folks using state sanctioned terror who was the boss. With force, comes benefits of not just sex abuse of children, but you can murder them and get away with it. (Like with Gaza, where the fuck are the pro-lifers on this issue? Oh, yeah, it was their organizations that did this.) You see, it was not uncommon for children to be beaten to death by these terrorist organizations and then buried in secret graves. Chemawa in Salem, Oregon is known to have a secret graveyard, and correct me anyone, if I am wrong, but the school even erected a building over one of the gravesites in recent years.

Terrorism, it isn't terror when the state sanctions it in order to create wealth for the few, but it is terror when folks defend themselves against state sanctioned terror even IF THEY DON'T USE VIOLENCE as a tool of that defense.

The above stories were gleaned from Brenda Norell's blog, Censored News. I noticed Shusli looking at this site and decided to make you all aware of it.

A Rocket in their Pocket

Iran recently launched a satellite they claim to be scientific into outer space (as it were), which, of course, has the world up in arms.

I heard on the news yesterday that the Obama administration is worried that Iran will use their rocket technology to attach a nuclear weapon to and aim it at Israel. They also mentioned how Iran sponsors terrorists.

However, the U.S., who sponsors Israel, does not consider Israel's actions in Lebanon and Gaza as terrorist. Those actions were defensive, and thus, the U.S. had to ship mass amounts of child mutilating munitions known as cluster bombs to Israel to use against Lebanon a couple of years ago and weapons to use to kill Palestinians and destroy infrastructure in Gaza. Those acts of terror are "state sanctioned" mass murder and thus don't fall under the U.S. official meaning of terror which is anyone who resists the violence and forces of the more powerful nations of the U.S. and Israel. Thus, folks like "Earth First" are considered terrorist organizations but folks who make peanut butter tainted with salmonella and knowingly sell it to the public and kill 8 people and wound 500 others are just considered good business folks.

Besides, let's be honest. The U.S. wants to keep other nations down in order to more effectively put to use their weapons and military should any nation "freely choose" not to live under the U.S. thumb. For example, a nation that chooses to use their oil resources to help their people instead of U.S. corporations could face mass destruction like that of Iraq. If said countries have, say, proportional or even close to proportional defenses against U.S. or U.S. lead aggression, that would be unacceptable. You see, it is much easier to slaughter masses using overwhelming force when they are unarmed or at the very least, lesser armed.

Thankfully, the economy is about to collapse and such options as mass murder like that of the U.S. against the world and Israel agains Gaza, Lebanon, Egypt, etc., might not be as easily feasible as it used to be.