Sunday, November 29, 2009

If the Economy is Improving...

...then why aren't folks crowding the parking lots during this Christmas shopping season?

On the Black Friday of 2007, I worked as a driver. At about 4:30 am, I drove past Woodburn, Oregon where there are shopping outlets located right off the West side of I-5. There were so many cars that folk had literally created a parking lot off of the shoulder of the freeway in order to shop for the Black Friday deals. This was one of the most insane things I've seen done in a mass hysteria basis. I found out that the outlets opened at midnight and the crazy American populace was out there and ready to get them some stuff.

Last year there were signs preventing folk from parking on the freeway as in the previous year, but there were long lines of cars waiting to find a spot in the already overcrowded parking lot. I have never understood this behavior, especially when it leads to riots. Folk will riot all over the place to get a limited edition something for their kid, but they won't riot over health care which has a potential of killing their kid.

Since the economy is allegedly improving, at least for the wealthy bankers who were given $700,000,000,000 in our tax dollars, and with Dubai World billions of dollars in debt with the current economic upturn for the wealthy whom the U.S. government gives our tax dollars to, I wondered what the parking lot would look like this year as I headed to Eugene and drove past about 4:30 in the morning. Plenty of parking. Plenty. Good chance you would have not had to walk far.

Furthermore, on a prime shopping day, Saturday, Shusli and I went to Fred Meyer to purchase a few items. There were maybe 2-3 dozen cars in the whole lot. Fred Meyer used to be crowded especially on prime shopping days such as Saturday evenings between alleged thanksgiving and Christmas presents day.

So the government (who would NEVER lie to you), is propagating that the economy is on its upward spiral even with Dubai World coming out as billions in debt and their giving away $700,000,000,000 of our tax dollars to wealthy bankers, and with joblessness continuing to skyrocket and the loads of produce I now deliver a quarter to a third lighter than last year and being reduced to 4 days a week with no overtime, but the parking lot index says otherwise. The parking lot index shows there is more than ample parking even on what should be the busiest shopping days prior to Christmas presents day.

Without jobs, there is little money. With little money, folk cling tighter to what they have and purchase less. With less purchasing power, less profits for the corporations, further job losses, less money, etc. However, it is good to know that the bankers have our tax dollars to insure their continued way of life.