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Colin Firth Links:

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ill titleWelcome!

This site is devoted to promoting the restoration and re-issue on DVD of the 1987 British film gem A Month in the Country — a story of two emotionally damaged war veterans picking up the pieces of their lives in the Yorkshire countryside during the summer of 1919.

ill_1Directed by Pat O’Connor, and featuring powerful early performances by Colin Firth, Kenneth Branagh, and Natasha Richardson, A Month in the Country was heralded by critics at the time of its release. “Originality and simplicity create a magic mood,” said the San Francisco Chronicle. “Deeply moving,” and “haunting” wrote the Philadelphia Inquirer.

ill titleThe Film Today

Twenty years later, A Month in the Country is not available in the United States except in out-of-print and deteriorating VHS copies. Even these aged tapes are incomplete. The original film ran 96 minutes; the VHS is only 92. It appears an extended scene is missing. In 2004 Glyn Watkins, a British writer and fan of J.L. Carr, began combing the U.K. for a 35mm print of this quintessential English picture. To his surprise the original film seemed to have disappeared. ill_2After an exhaustive search he finally turned up a single print, forgotten in a vault. This one copy was in poor shape. [Read more ...] Nevertheless Watkins managed to track down the rights and to convince Channel Four to release the film on DVD (region 2). Sadly, this 2005 DVD is of little better photographic quality than the 1990 VHS version, and is also incomplete at 92 minutes.

ill titleThe 20th Anniversary Goal

We hope to locate a complete, undecayed print of A Month in the Country and to see the restored film released on high quality DVD (for both region 1 and region 2) in honor of its 20th anniversary.