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The Spending Review: Policy Exchange's response

Policy Exchange responds to the measures announced in today's Comprehensive Spending Review. The announcements for the Home Office, Ministry of Justice, Department of Communities and Local Government, Department of Energy and Climate Change, Department for Education, Department for Business Innovation and Skills and the Department of Health are all examined.



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Controlling Public Spending: How to Cut 25%

The Coalition government plans to cut departmental budgets by 25% by 2014/15. This major report considers how to achieve this for six key departments: Education, Business, Innovation and Skills, Communities and Local Government, the Ministry of Justice, the Home Office and Energy and Climate Change. For these, we examine the status, feasibility and merit for spending reduction for each programme and consider alternatives means of provision, categorising each new cut as “intrinsically desirable”, “plausible” or “unpalatable”.

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Press coverage Telegraph blog Inside Housing Inside Housing II

The Alternative Vote - the system no-one wants

This report tests the Alternative Vote in six key areas: proportionality; safe seats; decisive results; wasted votes; tactical voting and MPs being elected on less than 50% of the vote and finds that in only one (the latter) does it constitute an improvement over First Past the Post.  Indeed, the report finds AV to be worse than FPTP and concludes that it should be rejected.



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Press coverage The Daily Telegraph The Guardian FT blog Conservative Home

Local Seats For Local People?

Local Seats For Local People? finds that the Boundary Review process in the UK is inefficient and produces undemocratic results.  The last Boundary Review took seven years, whereas countries such as New Zealand and Australia manage to conduct theirs in six months. The report sets out proposals which will drastically reduce the time taken to conduct a review, depoliticise the process and ultimately improve representation.



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Cuts Invite Comparison With Thatcher 21/10/10

The Wall Street Journal quotes Policy Exchange's Chief Economist Andrew Lilico on the success of Margaret Thatcher's spending reductions and cites figures from Policy Exchange report Controlling Spending and Government Deficits.

Let 'em out and throw away the key

The Economist quotes Blair Gibbs, Head of Policy Exchange's Crime & Justice Unit, stating that community sentences should involve punishment but low compliance hampers this.Controlling Public Spending: How to Cut 25% • Published 17/10/10 • Latest coverage 20/10/10

Read press coverage of our latest report Telegraph blog Inside Housing Inside Housing IIAxe to fall hard on Britain public spending 20/10/10 quotes Policy Exchange Chief Economist Andrew Lilico supporting Coalition spending cuts as tough but necessary.Are Cuts Too Deep Too Soon? 20/10/10

Neil O'Brien, Director of Policy Exchange, appears on Sky News emphasising how serious the UK's debt emergency is and citing OBR figures that the private sector will absorb public sector workers whose jobs will likely be cut.
Neil O'Brien: The truth about public sector jobs20/10/10

Neil O'Brien, Policy Exchange's Director, shows on Conservative Home that public sector job losses will not be as drastic as would appear at first glance and that in fact the state will still be employing more people in 2014/15 than it did during the decade 1993-2003.The defence review is over. But the arguments certainly aren't 19/10/10

Policy Exchange Director Neil O'Brien reveals on his Telegraph blog criticisms from our report Upgrading Our Armed Forces that the MoD inefficient, top-heavy and unaccountable.Market rents for council house tenants will be counter-productive 19/10/10

Housing and Planning Research Fellow Alex Morton writes on Conservative Home that a potential increase in rents on social tenancies by the coalition government as 70% of the extra revenue will be immediately lost in increased housing benefits and may eventually cost the government more than they raise.Getting housing right - it's not an optional extra 19/10/10

Public Service quotes Economics Research Fellow Alex Morton, author of report Making Housing Affordable, saying that getting housing policy right is essential not only to reduce costs, but also inequality, poverty and welfare dependency.Protection for the NHS, schools, and defence... it looks like welfare and the home office are going to take the strain 18/10/10

Policy Exchange Director Neil O'Brien shows on the Daily Telegraph website that ring-fencing will result in certain areas of government taking very serious cuts.  He refers to latest report Controlling Public Spending: How to Cut 25% which examines where spending cuts may fall.Bo-Jo loses his Mo-Jo 18/10/10

Tim Collins of the Home Builders Federation references work done by Policy Exchange into building more affordable housing in an article on Conservative Home.Architects beginning to think big 15/10/10

The Independent quotes Policy Exchange report Unaffordable Housing on its findings that demand for larger houses has been choked off due to high land prices, forcing Britons to live in smaller and more expensive housing than their European counterparts.The bonfire of the quangos 14/10/10

Crime & Justice Research Fellow Max Chambers sets out in The Spectator the reasons Policy Exchange gave for the abolition of the Youth Justice Board, which was scrapped today, and gives recommendations from Policy Exchange report Arrested Development on how youth offenders should be dealt with instead.Youth Justice Board is abolished 14/10/10

Children and Young People Now reports on the closure of the Youth Justice Board, as Policy Exchange in 2009 report Arrested Development.The Alternative Vote - the system no-one wants • Published 12/10/10 • Latest coverage 13/10/10

Read press coverage of our latest report The Daily Telegraph The Guardian FT blog Conservative Home The Spirit Level: Britain's new theory of everything? 12/10/10

The debate over The Spirit Level continues, with the BBC citing Policy Exchange's rebuttal, Beware False Prophets, which questions many of the statistics used in the book.A case for vouchers (but by any other name) 12/10/10

The Independent Schools Council blogs on the recent talk that Paul Collier gave at Policy Exchange on how to reduce the gap between private and state education.Let housing supply match demand - and build more homes 12/10/10

The Daily Mail references figures published in Policy Exchange report Making Housing Affordable which show that Britain has a smaller proportion of urban land than other European countries and as such has room for new developments without spoiling the countryside.Neil O'Brien on The Daily Politics 11/10/10

Neil O'Brien, Director of Policy Exchange, appears on The Daily Politics to discuss the costs of universal benefits to the country.Designing Student Loans To Protect Low Earners • Published 11/10/10 • Latest coverage 11/10/10

Read press coverage of our latest report The Guardian Mail on Sunday Conservative HomeProfile: Iain Duncan Smith 11/10/10

Deputy Director of Policy Exchange Natalie Evans is quoted by Regeneration + Renewal profiling Iain Duncan Smith and his vision for welfare reform.
Benefit cuts and fairness: We're all in this together... or are we? 10/10/10

Policy Exchange Director Neil O'Brien is quoted by The Observer arguing for cuts in middle-class benefits and reducing the number of people on unemployment benefits.
Andrew Lilico on Good Morning Scotland 08/10/10

Policy Exchange Chief Economist, Andrew Lilico, appears on Good Morning Scotland to discuss latest economic developments and to warn of the need for further quantitative easing.How Japan, Canada and Sweden coped with recession • 07/10/10

The Daily Telegraph references findings from Policy Exchange publication Controlling Spending and Government Deficits which examines twelve international and historical case studies of deficit reduction.
Kenneth Clarke reveals what cuts will mean for the courts
• 07/10/10

The Guardian reports on announcements made by Jonathan Djanogly at Policy Exchange Conservative fringe event Reforming Legal Aid: How Can Costs Be Cut Without Harming Access To Justice? on how legal aid is being reviewed.

How Big a Threat is British Islam?
• 06/10/10

David Frum writes on his blog frumforum about moderate Islam, referencing Policy Exchange's fringe event at the Conservative Party Conference “It’s the ideology, stupid!” Why non-violent extremism matters.
Pickles grilled over weekly waste support
• 05/10/10 reports on Policy Exchange's fringe event at the Conservative Party Conference, Waste Not, Want Not? Planning And Waste Infrastructure, where Eric Pickles answered questions on the frequency of waste collection.
David Frum: Britain's Tories address the future of 'Big Society'
• 05/10/10

David Frum writes for the National Post on the Policy Exchange fringe event The Big Society: What Does It Really Mean? at the Conservative Party Conference.
Oliver Letwin offers hope for government's green agenda
• 04/10/10

The Guardian reports on comments made by Oliver Letwin at Policy Exchange fringe event Greener, Cheaper: Cost Effective Climate Change Policy that green measures taken by the government have to be pursued together because they form a "coherent whole".
Osborne can go even further on middle-class benefits
• 04/10/10

Writing in The Spectator Fraser Nelson quotes findings from Policy Exchange report Cold Comfort that 82 percent of Winter Fuel payments go to people who are not in fuel poverty.
CBI urges strike law update to avoid disruption
• 03/10/10

STV references recommendations from Policy Exchange report Modernising Industrial Relations that a minimum of 40% of the trade unionised workforce vote in favour of strike action, in addition to a majority of the votes cast.Upgrading Our Armed Forces • Published 30/09/10 • Latest coverage 30/09/10

Read press coverage of our latest report TelegraphGuardianTimesTimes IISunday TimesBBC NewsBBC News II BBC Radio 4 Conservative Home
Redundant staff at compensation body awarded ten times that handed to victims • 30/09/10

Blair Gibbs, Head of Crime & Justice at Policy Exchange is quoted by the Daily Telegraph criticising the payment of high levels of redundancy compensation to managers at the "bureaucratic and very inefficient" Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority.Don't split banks, says E&Y partner • 28/09/10

Accountancy Age reports on comments made by speaker Patricia Jackson at Policy Exchange's fringe event Baby Out With The Bathwater: Has Banking Regulatory Reform Fallen Short Or Gone Too Far? at the Labour party conference.Risky lending should not have state insurance • 27/09/10

Policy Exchange's Chief Economist Andrew Lilico writes in City AM offering proposals from Incentivising Boring Banking on how to ensure that banking deposits are safe without relying on the state to insure them.Bankers under fire at Labour conference • 27/09/2010 reports on Policy Exchange fringe event at the Labour party conference Baby Out With The Bathwater: Has Banking Regulatory Reform Fallen Short Or Gone Too Far?Blair Gibbs criticises the police over their failure to tackle anti-social behaviour • Latest coverage 24/09/10

Daily Mail Daily Mail IIIndependentEvening StandardWhat is a political think tank? • 23/09/10

The Daily Politics covers Policy Exchange's presence at the Liberal Democrat party conference and interviews Director Neil O'Brien on what a think tank does and the impact Policy Exchange has had.Housing People; Financing Housing • Published 22/09/10 • Latest coverage 24/09/10

Read press coverage of our latest report Spectator Press Association Conservative Home Inside Housing New Civil Engineer urged to collaborate with LTC providers 23/09/10

MoneyMarketing quotes Henry Featherstone, who co-authored the report Careless, in an article looking at the possibilities for the future of government funding for long-term care.
Taking back the streets 23/09/10

Max Chambers, from Policy Exchange's Crime and Justice unit, blogs on the current state of British policing.
Petrol price fear under £22bn green tax plan 21/09/10

Thisismoney refers to warnings made by Policy Exchange's report Green Bills in an article discussing the potential shape and direction of aviation taxes.Now, at last, we can root out bad teachers • 20/09/10

Policy Exchange Director, Neil O'Brien, comments on the current lack of accountability amongst teachers and the problem that this presents when striving for higher teaching standards.Despite a barrage of criticism from many of the town's residents, Sky News has defended A Town Like Merthyr • 14/09/10

WalesOnline covers a debate on social issues in Merthyr Tydfil, in which Policy Exchange Director, Neil O'Brien, took part.Free care for the elderly in their own homes saves money in the long term • 14/09/2010

Age Scotland writes a letter citing figures from Policy Exchange report Careless, suggesting that better care for the elderly saves money by reducing hospital costs.Are we heading for a second winter of discontent? • 13/09/2010

Policy Exchange Director, Neil O'Brien, blogs for The Daily Telegraph on the impending threat of industrial action from trade unions and the uneven balance of power in the situation.Lilico Says Taxpayer Funding of Trade Unions 'Has To Go' • 13/09/2010

Policy Exchange Chief Economist Andrew Lilico is interviewed on Bloomberg on the subject of trade unions.Modernising Industrial Relations • Published 11/09/2010 • Latest coverage 14/09/2010

Read press coverage of our latest report • The Daily MailThe SunBBC NewsThe Today ProgrammeThe EconomistThe Spectator • Press don't have to be taxed to death • 10/09/2010 
Policy Exchange Director
Neil O'Brien writes on his Telegraph blog on the problems with a graduate tax, and highlights a middle way between a graduate tax and higher fees.Andrew Lilico on the Daily Politics • 09/09/2010
Chief Economist
Andrew Lilico appears on the Daily Politics to discuss potential cuts to the public sector.Police only caution Coventry sex offenders and drug dealers • 09/09/2010

The Coventry Telegraph points to Policy Exchange research into youth sentencing after a spate of lightly punished crimes in the area.Who gets hurt by high house prices? All of us • 09/09/2010
Policy Exchange Director, Neil O'Brien, blogs for The Daily Telegraph on the social repercussions of high house prices.
Against the Political and Constitutional Reform Bill • 06/09/2010


Policy Exchange's Government and Philosophy Research Fellow, Robert McIlveen, sets out his argument as to why AV is not an adequate voting system.l;">

Hard times for offshore savers • 06/09/2010

The Daily Telegraph cites Policy Exchange Chief Economist Andrew Lilico's prediction that interest rates will rise to 8% by 2012.

Making Housing Affordable • Published 31/08/2010 • Latest coverage 09/09/2010 Read press coverage of our latest report • GuardianIndependentThe Daily ExpressDaily MailThe SunThe Yorkshire PostEvening StandardBBC NewsPress AssociationLocal Government ChronicleRegeneration & RenewalInside HousingInside Housing IIInside Housing IIIIain Dale's DiaryConservative ChronicleHampshire Chroniclethis is Cornwall
Will the government scale back sustainability schemes? • 03/09/2010

Inside Housing references recommendations by Policy Exchange report Greener, Cheaper that Feed In Tariffs be scrapped and the Renewable Heat Incentive be scaled back.
Energy secretary Chris Huhne warned not to cut subsidies for green electricity
• 02/09/2010

The Guardian refers to Policy Exchange report Greener, Cheaper, which criticises the Feed In Tariff and Renewable Heat Incentive in their article on subsides for green electricity.Spirit of the age • 01/09/2010

The Economist reports on the ongoing debate over The Spirit Level, objections from Policy Exchange report Beware False Prophets that The Spirit Level's conclusions are a result of data skewed by a few outliers.
The Business: Choice • 01/09/2010

Chief Economist Andrew Lilico features on a Guardian podcast discussing choice and the role it plays in business, politics and our day-to-day lives.UK economy grows at fastest pace in nine years • 31/08/2010

The Telegraph quotes Chief Economist Andrew Lilico on his predictions that the UK is heading for a double-dip recession.Some more detail on the outlook for interest rates and inflation • 31/08/2010

Policy Exchange Chief Economist Andrew Lilico writes on Conservative Home with further predictions for the UK economy, setting out three paths that he considers plausible.Neil O'Brien critiques the IFS analysis of the Budget • Latest coverage 27/08/2010

Policy Exchange Director Neil O'Brien criticises the IFS statement that the latest Budget was “regressive”, pointing out that the focus of the report was only on benefits, and failed to take into account economic growth.

Read press coverage • TelegraphTelegraph IIConservativeHomeSocial housing is currently an expensive way of limiting peoples' lives • 27/08/2010
Deputy Director of Policy Exchange Natalie Evans writes in Regeneration & Renewal on how perverse incentives in social housing allocation are encouraging welfare dependence.

Think tank calls for Youth Justice Board to be axed • 26/08/2010

Police Professional reports on calls by Policy Exchange to close down the Youth Justice Board, quoting Crime & Justice Research Fellow Max Chambers.Five politically relevant things about where we are on the economy • Published 21/08/2010 • Latest coverage 26/08/2010

Chief Economist Andrew Lilico has predicted that a double-dip recession in the UK would be followed by a big boom, which in turn would send inflation as high as 10% with interest rates needing to be raised significantly in order to prevent runaway inflation.

Read press coverage • BBC Radio FiveBBC NewsTelegraphExpressMailMail IICity A.M.SpectatorNew StatesmanBloomberg BusinessweekBirmingham're not wreckers. We just think The Spirit Level is bad social science • 26/08/2010

Peter Saunders (author of Policy Exchange publication Beware False Prophets) and Christopher Snowdon write in the Guardian to counter claims that they are "ideas wreckers" and reaffirm their criticism of the empirical claims made by The Spirit Level.'Bungling' prosecutors share £330,000 bonus • 23/08/2010

Crime and Justice Unit Research Fellow Max Chambers is quoted in an Evening Standard article that reveals that Crown Prosecution Service staff have received hundreds of thousands of pounds in bonuses in recent years, despite a recent 'damning' report on its performance.The hard truth about soft subjects • 20/08/2010

Head of Education James Groves writes on Conservative Home that too many schools are offering soft A-level subjects, and universities are not being transparent by informing applicants of their preferences, citing Policy Exchange report The Hard Truth About 'Soft' Subjects.
The return of traditional subjects • 19/08/2010

James Groves, Head of Education at Policy Exchange, comments on the Spectator's blog about the greater number of students having studied more traditional subjects at A-level, citing findings from report The Hard Truth About 'Soft' Subjects that universities were more likely to admit students who had studied these more traditional subjects.London boroughs where one in 10 police is off sick • 18/08/2010

Max Chambers, Policy Exchange's Crime and Justice Research Fellow, reveals to the Evening Standard that one in ten police officers have health problems that prevent them carrying out their frontline duties.
Fuel Poverty and the Winter Fuel Allowance • 18/08/2010

Energy & Environment Unit Research Fellow Robert McIlveen writes for the Spectator's Coffee House Blog on fuel poverty and the winter fuel allowance, referencing the Policy Exchange report Cold Comfort.
Too many sickies • 18/08/2010

Policy Exchange findings on the levels of sick leave in the Metropolitan Police are referenced in an article in the Evening Standard.Policy Exchange findings on youth offending • Published 18/08/2010 • Latest coverage 18/08/2010

Read press coverage on recently released Policy Exchange research into youth offending • Daily MailDaily Mail IIPress AssociationITNWestern MailChildren & Young People Now

Green Bills • Published 17/08/2010 • Latest coverage 18/08/2010

Read press coverage of our latest report • TelegraphMailConservative HomeUtility Week

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