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The vast majority of our support comes from committed individuals. They want to ensure that there is an intelligent, informed debate at the highest levels and we believe that the greatest benefit of getting involved with Policy Exchange is participating in the democratic process.
We have seen our proposals on education, policing and prisons, the health service and community cohesion adopted by the major political parties and there can be no doubt we are framing the debate of the new politics.
We know that the commitment of our supporters stems from the strength of their ideas and we strive to keep all our donors as involved as possible. We have many different levels of supports and we keep each of them engaged in and informed of our work.
Through public and intimate events leading policy makers and other public figures we give them a front row seat for the debate we are fostering and they have unique opportunities to inform and feedback on our work. Our regular bulletins give you an insider’s glance of the Westminster Village and the story behind the stories in the political press.
I hope you will join us by supporting our work.
Neil O’Brien
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