The succesful occupation of Lewisham Bridge primary school, in order to prevent its closure, is one example of a community taking action for itself in order to oppose the power of those in charge
  • What is anarcho-syndicalism?

    Anarcho-syndicalism is distinctly a minority tendency within the labour movement. I want to see it become dominant.

    I don’t believe that, otherwise, workers can effectively organise and fight back against the bosses either to defend our interests in the present or to push for the reorganisation of industry (and society) in the future.

    But, if anarcho-syndicalism is (as I believe) the best hope of the working class, what exactly is it?

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The motivations of an activist

A blog, though a useful outlet for thoughts and opinions, is never going to change the world. As I pointed out in Social network radicalism, it can be a useful tool to aid in such goals, but ultimately it can’t do the work for you on the ground. That is why, as well as venting … Read more

The succesful occupation of Lewisham Bridge primary school, in order to prevent its closure, is one example of a community taking action for itself in order to oppose the power of those in charge

What is anarcho-syndicalism: forging community consciousness

The fifth part of a series exploring anarcho-syndicalism, its aims and principles, and the practicalities of enacting them in the real world. One of the first things that I pointed out in this series was that anarcho-syndicalism is more than just syndicalism. That is, it is not just concerned with the workplace and with class … Read more

Social network radicalism

As I write this, I’m on a train to Sheffield, playing with WordPress on my phone. Which, I think, shows how far we’ve moved from the days of bearded radicals hand-writing pamphlets in a candle-lit basement. (I exaggerate somewhat.) It also offers me the flimsiest of excuses to write about the use of social networks … Read more

Left-wing front organisations, such as the Socialist Party's "Youth Fight for Jobs," are organised around single-issues which many people are concerned about but are used as a recruiting tool and a way of selling papers whilst serious and radical action is demobilised from above in favour of passive, ineffective protests
Pickets from the United Auto Workers union beat a man for attempting to cross the picket line during a strike

What is anarcho-syndicalism: the line you do not cross

The fourth part of a series exploring anarcho-syndicalism, its aims and principles, and the practicalities of enacting them in the real world. There is one principle that organised workers of different tendencies all agree on. Ask trade unionists, syndicalists, anarcho-syndicalists, communists, and socialists of any stripe, and you’ll get the same answer. Never cross the … Read more

Children, sex, and the age of consent

A few days ago, human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell gave a speech to the Sex and Law Conference in Sheffield, where he called – not for the first time – for the age of consent to be lowered to 14. This is a controversial issue, but also one where I am broadly on Tatchell’s side, … Read more

Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, and Christopher Hitchens

Atheism and all the things it’s not

On his recent visit to Britain, Pope Benedict XVI brought with him a stark warning; As we reflect on the sobering lessons of the atheist extremism of the Twentieth Century, let us never forget how the exclusion of God, religion and virtue from public life leads ultimately to a truncated vision of man and of … Read more

Although the B-Specials were part of the loyalist tradition in Northern Ireland, they were also described by David Lloyd George - a supporter - as more closely analagous to "the Fascisti in Italy"

Some thoughts on fascism and loyalism

Amongst British antifascists, particularly those of an anarchist leaning, there has been considerable debate over the English Defence League (EDL). Specifically, over the nature of the beast and whether “fascist” is an appropriate label for them. If not – what is, and why? I have been meaning to write on this topic for quite some … Read more

An IWW cartoon which captures how important the general strike is as a tool to bring about revolution

What is anarcho-syndicalism: revolutionary unionism

The third part of a series exploring anarcho-syndicalism, its aims and principles, and the practicalities of enacting them in the real world. Although it isn’t limited to workplace struggles as traditional syndicalism is, industry remains an important battleground for anarcho-syndicalism. After all, it is here that the working class create the wealth of the world, … Read more

Some further thoughts on anarcho-primitivism

My article on anarcho-primitivsm, written in May, has of late sparked some quite interesting debate. In particular, a commenter called Cecil Curry has posted a lengthy response which has also appeared on his blog, Mysidian Dreams. Especially as it claimed to put forward an argument I had failed to address, I thought that this deserved … Read more