Phil Dickens


Anarcho-syndicalist and fantasy horror writer. NEC member. Assistant Secretary. and Organiser. Husband of .

The "fuck you, dad" left
Beigetreten November 2009


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    29. März

    I've now got two books out as an . From the Hill of Megiddo tells the story of the apocalypse: Set 18 years later, Orphans of the Dead is the start of a 5 book sequel series:

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  2. hat retweetet
    30. Apr.

    general secretary Mark Serwotka on today's civil service pay ballot result

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  3. 30. Apr.

    This looks terrible. Obviously gonna watch it.

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  4. 30. Apr.
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  5. hat retweetet
    27. Apr.

    So for at least some industries, they actually can afford workers doing a four day or even three day week, because total productivity would balance out. This doesn't mean it would come without other social changes, but it's not that radical a demand even if it's a good one.

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  6. 26. Apr.
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  7. 26. Apr.

    Nice little three days in , rounded off with a visit to see the lads.

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  8. hat retweetet
    25. Apr.

    Group are now open. Members should receive an email off For the GEC, please consider voting for Independent Left candidates. For GEC, please support the .

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  9. hat retweetet
    24. Apr.

    I knew Spiked/RCP were awful but I had no idea they peddled the idea that AIDS was a conspiracy theory to control working class people's sex lives?! Incredibly sinister and a must read thread about Claire Fox's "socialist" credentials...

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  10. hat retweetet
    24. Apr.

    ✊❤️ Voting ❌ opens tomorrow (25 April) in PCS group elections 🗳 Members will receive e-ballots to their personal email addresses registered on the union's membership database. Look out for the email 📧 from

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  11. hat retweetet
    21. Apr.

    Everything is shit, not like in my day, there are no great books written anymore (no, I don’t read them), young people are vacuous & don’t read, I am so much more cool. Another ‘great, white, male literary author’ furious about being past his heyday. Bored of these interviews.

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  12. hat retweetet
    20. Apr.

    apple's co-founder said the garage story is a "myth" bezos is a princeton grad/got a $300k investment from his parents for amazon google founders were stanford grads who had millions in venture capital before the garage dont yall get tired of promoting boot strap ideology?

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  13. hat retweetet
    20. Apr.

    Ballot packs for the NEC elections should be reaching members. This is a reminder of who the branch nominated at our AGM. Please vote, as those successful NEC candidates will run PCS for the coming year and the elected AGS will be in post for the next five years.

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  14. hat retweetet
    20. Apr.

    Phil Dickens is standing to be a vice president in the . He helped win the 2016 HMRC cleaners dispute and argues for a more systematic approach to organising outsourced workers. Please consider voting Phil for VP, IL candidates for NEC, and John Moloney for AGS.

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  15. hat retweetet
    20. Apr.

    Working class made good are literally *the worst*. They know for a fact they are an extreme exception. Nobody they grow up with, none of their family, nobody on the estates suffered sheer luck in the way they did, yet their advice is still, 'I did it, why can't everyone?'

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  16. hat retweetet
    18. Apr.

    A vote for John Moloney isn't just a vote to have a different person in the AGS position. It's part of a bigger project to change the culture of . When you get your ballot packs, please vote John for AGS and the Independent Left for NEC.

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  17. hat retweetet
    17. Apr.

    Just to be absolutely clear: ‘the climate crisis is the greatest threat to ever face humanity and we need comprehensive action immediately’ and ‘Extinction Rebellion’s approach to engaging with the police is naïve, ineffective and dangerous’ are not contradictory positions.

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  18. 17. Apr.
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  19. hat retweetet
    15. Apr.

    Rejecting being described as “cis” is like rejecting being described as “tall” or “blonde”. You may describe yourself however you wish, but these adjectives have a descriptive use. Of course, what he means is “I consider myself the norm.”

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  20. hat retweetet
    16. Apr.
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  21. hat retweetet
    14. Apr.

    Orphans of the Dead is my new book, set eighteen years after the end of the world. Read chapter six (and all the preceding sample chapters) online here: Buy the book now:

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