Archive for the ‘Direct Action’ Category

Statement from Revolutionary Organisation – Informal Anarchist Federation, Indonesia Section (Indonesia)

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

325 receives and transmits:

Bandung, Indonesia – Cells of International Conspiracy for Revenge, a few days ago, have claimed responsibility by spreading leaflets surrounding the ATM BNI firebombings. The leaflet is almost the same tone as in Makassar and Manado:

PT Indomining (Bima) has been brutally repressing the local population, Jogja Magasa International wants to evict 30,000 farmers in Kulon Progo. Farmers in Takalar are facing the threat of land-grabbing. These actions are carried out in a brutal way, including shootings, terror, sexual harassment as well as the various forms of repression that we never hear about in the mainstream media.

That’s not surprising because these capitalist-bureaucratic companies do not care about anything except making their wallet thicker!”

“Our attacking of an ATM (bank) is an important target, because banks are always involved in financing natural resources and the repression of the people in the name of capital! We have no intention of injuring anyone, the destruction of property is not violence! No mercy for the forces of repression! No mercy for the State and Capitalism.”

May the Social War escalate and we forgot to mentioned comrades in Greece, Italy, or anywhere else but you all know our hearts are with you.

Got Ist Tot – Free Association of Individualist-Communists.

Salute to: Revolutionary Organisation – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. The Revolutionary Struggle. The Chilean insurrectionists. Giannis Dimitrakis and Polykarpos Georgiades, our hearts are with you!

Long Live the Rebellion and stay free. And with this statement we claim to join the RO-FAI, Indonesian Section.

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Solidarity Molotov Attack against BNI Bank ATM in Bandung (Indonesia)

Thursday, June 30th, 2011

325 receives and transmits:

30 June 2011

A significant molotov attack explodes the ATM BNI in Dipatiukur Street – Bandung. Perpetrators leaves message:

“The State and Capital is the real terrorist. Solidarity with Kulon Progo Peasant Struggle!”

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Earth Liberation Front Solidarity Action for Luciano “Tortuga” (Russia)

Saturday, June 25th, 2011

21 June 2011

ELF-Russia claims responsibility for firebombing of a Lexus/Toyota car dealership in Western Moscow on June the 21st.

Four luxury cars (of them – 3 Lexus SUVs) were lost to a firebomb explosion (butane gas canisters, gasoline and a fuse), according to corporate media reports.

Best wishes to Luciano! The Struggle continues!

ELF-Russia, International Network of Action and Solidarity / International Revolutionary Front

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Posted in Direct Action, Eco Struggle

Communique from Luciano Pitronello Incendarity Cell in solidarity with prisoners of the world (Argentina)

Friday, June 24th, 2011

From culmine, translated by war on society:

During the international week for total liberation we went to the Banco Santander Rio at Av. Gaona and Cuenca in the Flores Neighborhood, we doused two ATMs with gasoline and we left an incendiary device that then burned and destroyed them.

We share this action with those who take the decision to go on the offensive for human, animal and earth liberation.

Remembering Mauricio Morales.

For the freedom of Walter Bond, Marie Mason and Eric McDavid in the United States; Silvia, Billy and Costa in Switzerland who next month will be judged by the authorities of that country; 10 months into the bombs case, solidarity with the anarchists in Chile.

The war against this society continues in all places, in Italy, France, Spain, Mexico, etc.

Imprisoned, the comrades of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire do not collaborate with their enemies and struggle until the end.

For those fallen in combat against the forces of social control in Argentina, prisoners in the Ezeiza, Marcos Paz, Devoto prisons…

For all those who conspire in the extension of permanent conflict against the powers that dominate our lives. A fraternal greeting.

For the proliferation of attacks against authority and its properties.

Until the last animal is free, we are all prisoners.

Long live direct action that breaks with those established in the system.

To not wait; the spectacle must end; to be participants in what we desire.

Luciano Pitronello Incendiary Cell

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Communique announcement of new C.C.F./I.R.F. cell ‘Core of Vandalisms’ (Greece)

Friday, June 24th, 2011

From Actforfreedomnow:

4 June 2011

The following text is dedicated wholeheartedly to the Anarchist Revolutionary Theofilos Mavropoulos who with his unrepentant attitude confirmed that the Revolution does not retreat even when fired at. Also we do not forget his comrade who escaped with a cop car. Finally, we express our unlimited respect to the two comrades but also our great sorrow for the fact that the cops were not mortally wounded.

On the 4th June and while the formal amusement of the Saturday night was climaxing we carried out a new revolutionary plan. We gathered, put on our fullface masks and carried out a raiding attack with sledge hammers on T-Bank on the cross road of Panormou and Achaia street, “transforming it into a summer shop”*, in order for it to suit the climate of the days. Our target was selected based on the following criteria: We wanted to strike a target in the centre of Athens and not in an accidental spot. Firstly, its situated near the central headquarters of the Police, so that the whore cops can receive the message that, no matter how much this area is “theirs” and how many patrols they might make, our plans are always one step ahead, (keep in mind you little bastards, your patrols are being charted). And on the other, it is near the area of “mass amusement” of the shops on Panormou street and thus, were exposed to the eyes of many the broken windows.

In this way we had the possibility to show to a lot of people the way that we “have fun”.

Above all however, we carried out this attack in order to stamp an agreement. We include our own network of fighters in the wider network of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire as well as the International Revolutionary Front. Ready to give it all to the Revolutionary Crime and Widespread Revolutionary Guerrilla, we are also an internal enemy of the regime. A permanent internal threat. All these because we are tired of the void of life that is offered to us by this World through the civilization that is promoted by its society. We despise the relations of Authority and the misery of Economy. We are tired of the standardized behaviors. We are disgusted with the psychiatric clinics, prisons, schools, work, religion, but also with all the slaves that are subjugated and maintain all the above. We ought to turn AGAINST those who hurt Freedom. Not only in paper but by putting our wishes into practice on a daily basis.

We know that this decision of ours is difficult and holds for the unlucky and careless gigantic consequences, since we are going against the most difficult of opponents. With the holders of the army and science. Our heretical brains however cannot be cured neither with imprisonments neither with threats. The revolutionary remains for ever free. Until the end. Thus, with a clear conscience, we also put our hand in order to develop the International Revolutionary Illegality. Our next plans are already being examined and soon will be materialized.


P.S. 1: Our unlimited solidarity to comrade Luciano Pitronello Schuffeneger who had a bomb explode in his hands that he had manufactured for an attack.

P.S. 2: A warm handshake to the “priest” who in 1997 in Albania tortured and killed a cop, set fire to another one and was arrested recently. Bless his hands!

International Revolutionary Front
Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
Revolutionary Groups for the Spreading of Terror
Core of Vandalisms

Translated by actforfreedomnow/boubourAs

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Attack on G4S Security Company (UK)

Friday, June 24th, 2011

New attack in Nottingham against the murderous Group 4 Security / G4S. No Borders – No Prisons – No State. Originally posted anonymously on IMC UK, whose admins took it down:

24 June 2011

Last night shortly after 11pm a G4 security guard was followed home from his local pub and before he reached his door was quickly beaten. Later that night two G4S vehicles had their windows smashed and exhaust pipes destroyed using expanding foam.

We carried out this attack knowing full well that there would be those who would criticize it for being the work of thugs out for cheap thrills. And we knew there would be others that would state that the attack of individual workers is ineffective and a poor choice of a target. To this we say, everyday G4S guards play their role in the institutional violence carried out against prisoners around the world, occasionally a story creeps out that this guard or that guard got carried away and a prisoner has ended up in hospital or has been murdered. But these stories are not exceptional, the beatings and the violence are the way of life of G4S guard, it is their role in this sick society. We acknowledge the systematic effects that mean working class men and women wish to find work which is stable, secure and financially rewarding, we merely wish to encourage the idea that working for G4S is the work of a mercenary. That in choosing to work for G4S you are choosing to be on the side of the racist, patriarchal system which in the end benefits only those from the elite governing classes. The guard who was attacked last night knows where we stand, as he was given a copy of this message, hopefully he’ll pass it along to his colleagues.

The two vehicles were attacked, because we are filled with hatred for G4S and everything they do, we know it’s not the G4S staff who are solely to blame, but the giant corporation which profits from the imprisonment, torture and murder of our brothers and sisters.

We remember Jimmy Mubenga, an Angolan man murdered by G4S.

This action is in solidarity with all who resist the way the things are, including the anti-fascists currently being oppressed in Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia.

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Solidarity Attack on Developer in Waterloo, Ontario (Canada)

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

June 17, 2011

In the spirit of June Eleventh and inspired by recent actions against development in the Southern Ontario region, anarchists paid a visit to a condo development site on Belmont Ave. in Waterloo. The presentation building was painted in class war graffiti, all of the windows broken, and a nearby construction machine was covered in paint stripper and had its windows broken.

The Tricar Group (Real Estate Development & Property Management) are creating more space for the rich across Southern Ontario by building luxury condominiums in Waterloo, Guelph, Sarnia and London. Condos attract more yuppies into the cities where we live, increasing property values and pushing out the poor, broke, and working class people.

This action is in solidarity with Eric McDavid, Marie Mason, struggle in Greece, and all long-term anarchist prisoners, against the expansion of capitalism.

Condos are Class War!


Ps. Brianna Waters: your betrayal disgusts us.

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Arson of Church in Solidarity with Marie Mason, Eric McDavid & Imprisoned Comrades of the Social War (Peru)

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

From vivalaanarquia, translated by war on society:

11 June 2011

This past 11th of June a fire was started on the side of a church which was under construction; we climbed the wall with mats in order to reach the entire wooden frame, instead of climbing the wall and going inside, we proceeded to leave plastic bottles filled with gasoline on which a sticker was placed, (alluding to the comrade fallen in combat, Mauricio Morales); and an additional amount [of gasoline] was splashed across the fence. Moments before climbing the walls again, we set fire and showered leaflets in solidarity to the eco-anarchist comrades Marie Mason and Eric McDavid; it was the same place where days before we painted slogans, while we were making an inspection of the area.

By way of this action we express solidarity with those who, like many other prisoners of the social war in the world, do not give up in this struggle; through this form we also show that our solidarity continues and will continue to be a weapon against the whole system of domination, and that those on the inside are not alone.

We do not surrender, we continue onward, we know that with intentions we do not change anything, but only with actions. Seek to live anarchy!

For fear to not destroy solidarity… for solidarity to destroy confinement!

Against the prisons of capital!

Freedom to the accused of the “Bombs Case”!


Circle of Iconoclastic Action / Informal Anarchist Federation

text of the leaflet:


Eric McDavid was arrested in January 2006 after being betrayed by “Anna,” a paid government informant, and was charged with a single count of conspiracy. Eric (who never carried out any action; we can say he was committed for a “thought crime”), refusing to cooperate with the State, was brought to trial, where he was sentenced to almost 20 years in prison.

Marie Mason was arrested in March 2008 after her partner turned FBI informant. Faced with life-long imprisonment if she went to trial, Marie accepted a plea deal in September 2008, admitting her involvement in an arson of an office involved in genetic engineering. In February of the following year she was sentenced to almost 22 years.

We express solidarity this June 11th with the eco-anarchist comrades who like many of the other prisoners of the social war in the world do not give up in this struggle.

For fear to not destroy solidarity… for solidarity to destroy confinement!

Against the prisons of capital!



family / school / work / psychiatry / church



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Glue, Spraypaint and Disorder in Cambridge against the System (UK)

Friday, June 17th, 2011

17 June 2011

“Early Friday morning, 17 June, we brought disorder to Chesterton Road, Cambridge. The HSBC bank was graffitied, its locks glued, its cashpoint trashed using glue and spraypaint. The offices of Seetech, a ‘back to work’ training company, was graffitied with the words FUCK WORK and circled As, a bike lock was used to chain the front doors and the locks were glued. We then visited the Chesterton Road JobCentre and graffitied the front saying FUCK WORK B4 IT FUCKS U and so on. We then sabotaged the cashpoints of the Lloyds TSB and the Barclays banks nearby, also graffiting both offices and gluing locks. A few other nearby businesses had their locks glued and were graffitied, including the slogan SMASH AUTHORITY, FUCK THE POLICE.

This goes out to other marginalised people, those who cannot and/or will not integrate into this sick society.

International solidarity to imprisoned fighters, including American eco-anarchist prisoners Marie Mason and Eric McDavid, also not forgetting another long term caged freedom lover Ted Kaczynski (aka FC or ‘Unabomber’).

We will not forget or give in, subversive complicities are our strength! Until all cages are destroyed…

Anonymous Autonomous

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Berlin : Attack On Citroen Dealership (Germany)

Thursday, June 16th, 2011

13 June 2011

“We heard a few weeks ago the words “Urgent Appeal for international solidarity!” written by libertarian communists from Athens. For the common fight against the terror of the EU Troika and the police and their armies, which have long worked closely together, we would welcome more of such clear words from Greece.

The antagonistic cooperation projects and clandestine structures in Europe is not as reliant on personal acquaintance, as having regard to the mutual needs and strategic objectives. With us there is no clarity as to what level of militancy (after the disaster in the Marfin Bank) is now accepted and what forms of international solidarity is welcome.

From the cultural and human hell of barbarism in Germany it is against this background to support not just the social or anti social struggles in Greece. The clearer the requirements are formulated, the easier to be guided in the distant strikes against the common enemy. Therefore, we have got this call, and we always expect a clear statement in our international relations.

Specifically, we express our solidarity with the non-reformist protests of the Greek population against the dictatorship of the banks and their parliamentary puppets.

We demand freedom for the prisoners from the armed groups, for the prisoners of the anarchist movement, and for the social prisoners in Greek prisons.

We want to support their fight against the MAT killers, the secret police, the terror of the Nazis, and various specialized units such as Delta.

On 13 June we have so attacked in Berlin-Lichtenberg a Citroën dealer with incendiary devices. Ten cars were destroyed. We opted for Citroën, because this French company supplies vehicles to the Greek police. Greek cops operate with patrol cars from Citroen, preying on migrants and use the technology of this company for the suppression of social tensions.

With our attack on a Berlin Citroën dealer, we show the profiteers of the internal war that there is no clear front. What transports Athens Bulls to their operations, can burn in Berlin before they get there.”

Autonomous group “Christos Tsoutsouvis”

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Railways sabotaged in anarchist solidarity action (Finland)

Thursday, June 16th, 2011

The following communique was originally published in the Finnish anarchist portal Takku.net ——- Mainstream media news: 1.

Communiqué, June 13th [2011]

“With this communiqué we claim responsibility for the railway sabotage directed at a rail security electronics installation at Rekola in Vantaa. For this action we only needed a crowbar, some toilet paper, a few canisters of gasoline and a light. We broke in through the door and used toilet paper soaked in lighter fluid as a fuse, so we could flee the scene in peace before the arrival of the police and the fire department.

The decision to take action again was aided by the mass media’s response to the communiqué that was sent to the Takku.net site on June 6th, claiming numerous instances of sabotage over the last few months. The media’s outrageous accusations toward the comrades in Social Center Satama and the mixing up of the Roma migrants to these actions only displays what kind of scum we are dealing with. You can blame yourselves for the latest action.

The representatives of the media left the anarchist prisoners all over the world (and especially in the nine states we phoned in bomb threats to on June 6th), for whom the actions were also carried out in solidarity to – as well as to the Roma people and Social Center Satama, completely uncovered. As long as the situation of our comrades is not brought to light, we will strike against targets that are relevant to capital and the state.

Attacks on the railway network are as old as the anarchist movement itself. We are proud to continue the legacy of rebellious anarchy in our localities and we do so with confidence and a readiness to confront the possible consequences.

We once again send our subversive greetings to our comrades in Social Center Satama, the Roma migrants in Helsinki and anarchist prisoners all over the world. You are not alone!

We send warm greetings to our Chilean comrade Luciano Pitronello Schuffeneger, who was seriously injured when a bomb prematurely exploded outside a bank in Santiago de Chile. We also send greetings to the United States to Marie Mason, Eric McDavid, Grant Barnes and the other ecoanarchist prisoners on the international day of solidarity of June 11th.

Fire to the prisons!

To spread the rebellion everywhere – direct action and solidarity!”

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Cable sabotage shuts down train network (UK)

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011

9 June 2011

Vandals caused mayhem for rail commuters when they wrecked a signal cable, bringing 60 rush-hour services to a standstill for 3 hours. Some passengers were so desperate they climbed on to the tracks, forcing the power to be cut and causing further delays on Thursday evening. On one packed South West Trains service, the guard appealed to passengers with internet access to find out what the problem was – because the phones in his control centre were not being answered. The request was greeted with laughter on the 6.30pm service from London Waterloo to Portsmouth, which ground to a halt near Woking in Surrey.

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Earth Liberation Front Russia – Informal Anarchist Federation / International Network claim series of attacks in Solidarity with Marie Mason, Eric McDavid & Long-term Anarchist Prisoners (Russia)

Monday, June 13th, 2011

325 received the following communique from Earth Liberation Front Russia – Informal Anarchist Federation / International Network of Action & Solidarity, about a series of attacks in conjunction with the 11th June International Day of Solidarity with Marie Mason, Eric McDavid and Long-term Anarchist Prisoners. Strength and force to all those imprisoned for their ideas, words and actions of resistance – We will never forget our prisoners of war. For a global insurrectional network based on revolutionary solidarity, direct action and subversion:

Solidarity with Marie Mason and Eric McDavid – ELF actions in Moscow region of Russia

“For me solidarity is a constant proposal to struggle, is the continuation and the development of the revolutionary action for which the comrade was captured” - Gerasimos Tsakalos, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

01.06 we torched electrical measuring and control devices in 2 underground service booths of a water communication system that brings hot water to a military intelligence site in Butovskiy forest. To add to the fact that this infrastructure serves military personnel, more than 800 trees were cut during earthworks for this water supply line to even appear in the forest. To hamper service brigades further, we also spiked the road they use for maintaining the system.

05.06 we torched an excavator at a highway construction site west of Moscow (Volokolamsk direction).

06.06 and 10.06 we expropriated some construction equipment and destroyed geologists’ measurement posts in the glades of Butovskiy forest.

11.06 we broke into yet another underground service booth and put to fire all the digital and analog devices and tools inside.

We dedicate these attacks to Marie Mason and Eric McDavid. We don’t have the honour of personal acquaintance with them, but their dedication to protecting our Planet and conscious choices they’ve made not only to act, but also to stand their ground in the wake of state repressions, inspire us and help us to continue on our path.

For Earth Liberation! For Human Liberation!

ELF-Russia, Informal Anarchist Federation / International Network of Action and Solidarity

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Posted in Direct Action, Eco Struggle

Solidarity actions for Social Centre Satama, Roma migrants and anarchist prisoners (Finland)

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

The following communique was originally published in the Finnish anarchist portal Takku.net. During the last weekend an Islamist blogger tried to take credit for the bomb and molotov cocktails, until an anarchist communique was published on Monday 6.6.11, putting the attacks within the anti-state/anti-capitalist frame of struggle. Mainstream media news can be found here: 1 & 2

From the comrades:

“Tuesday night 13.4.2011 we burned five dumpsters at Pukinmäki train station in Helsinki. We also wrote some slogans for free spaces on some walls.

During the next two nights we burned dumpsters at several places in the city of Vantaa.

Tuesday 19.4. we attacked the police; we set up a bonfire on the street, and when the police showed up, we greeted them with stones and paint bombs. The police responded by attacking the nearby Social Centre Satama, which they found empty after a long siege and assault inside.

During the night 31.5.-1.6. in the district of Pukinmäki, Helsinki, we closed the Kenttätie-road, frequently used by the police, by setting several dumpsters on fire.

Early Friday morning 3.6. in the Helsinki district of Pasila, we put a bomb under Turvatiimi’s (a private security company) car. Although the bomb was fully functional, we decided not to explode it, to ensure that bystanders and workers in other nearby companies wouldn’t be put in danger. This is also why we placed the bomb so that everyone in the courtyard could see it.

Early Saturday morning 4.6. we attacked two gas stations with molotov cocktails in the Helsinki district of Tapaninvainio.

Monday morning 6.6. we called bomb threats to the following embassies: Belarus, Russia, Spain, Mexico, Chile, United States, Germany, Greece, Italy.

We chose these countries because of the ongoing struggles there. We wanted to make the representatives of these countries feel a bit of the fear, that our anarchist comrades face in their everyday struggle against the violence machine of the state.

With these attacks we want to show our solidarity to the comrades of Social Centre Satama and their struggle for free space. We also send revolutionary greetings to the Roma migrants in Helsinki, who are oppressed daily by the violent apparatus of the state.

With these attacks we also express our support to every anarchist prisoner, and want to remind that the struggle will continue despite the attempts at repression by the state. The time of empty talk is over, long live anarchy!

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Attack against Santander Bank in Temuko – Solidarity with Luciano Tortuga (Chile)

Monday, June 6th, 2011

Attacked Santander bank

From culmine, rough translation by sysiphus.

4 June 2011

“Today one day from Luciano Pitronello’s accident and then the foul media handling, Today when the Peñi [Mapuche prisoners] have reached 80 days of liquid hunger strike, when the ‘caso bombas’ continues, when wages do not stop being worth less and Education is still used by the guardians of the capital as a tool of indoctrination. We masked up in Temuko and decided to break with everyday habits and show our discontent. Reclaiming the subversive struggle as a legitimate tool against capitalism and all forms of oppression.

Thus, when our spontaneity walks with us and the image of Luciano is no longer molested by the bourgeois press, a group of comrades decided to attack the headquarters of Santander in Santiago paradoxically located in front of the library within the university it is not surprising. The attack included molotov cocktails, paint, and camotazos that broke the cynical image of the thieves, with each stroke claiming the destruction of capital and all the institutions that crush the dignity of the oppressed, recalling with each stroke the act of overcoming fear, like the comrades early Wednesday at the intersection of Victoria Vicuña Mackenna, as they pick it up again today as an example of struggle and therefore against Capital and all authority.

Solidarity with Luciano and his family and all brothers and sisters that attempt and will act against capitalism and the state.


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Offices of Justice Secretary Ken Clarke attacked in Nottingham (UK)

Sunday, June 5th, 2011

2 June 2011

“Direct action was taken against Ken Clarke’s constituency offices on Thursday. While doughnut eating cops were dozing near by, the Tory social club on Rectory Road, West Bridgford had its doors D-locked shut and “Tory Scum” painted on it. The offices of the Rushcliffe Conservative Association across the road were attacked with paint and the messages “Class War” and “Fuck Ken in the Head” were painted. (more…)

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Banks smashed in Bristol (UK)

Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

1 June 2011

From IMC UK:

Action against banks claimed in Solidarity with Stokes Croft rebels.

In the early hours of June 1st TWO banks on Gloucester Road in Bristol had the majority of their windows and ATMs smashed out with hammers. This was in despite of the still increasing number of high quality security cameras along that stretch of road and the surrounding area, and despite of the fact that those involved knew it was a well used police route. Bleached clean hammers were used to avoid finger prints and masks and all disposable clothes were used for the cameras. (more…)

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Communique for the bombing of BBVA-Bancomer branch (Mexico)

Sunday, May 29th, 2011

from Culmine, translated by War on society:

The 23rd of May, at 2am, we set off an explosive device in the branch of BBVA-Bancomer located at Calzada Ignacio Zaragoza and Agua Caliente in the Iztacalda Delegación of Mexico City.

The target chosen is not accidental. This bank, Spanish in origin, is the second largest bank in Latin America and the first in management of pensions and securities. These are some of their “corporate responsibility” strategies: fomenting military conflict in the world by financing armament companies and armament trade, financing of cluster bombs (used by Gadafi to bombard Misrata in Libya), laundering drug trafficking money, financing of highly polluting projects (the Heavy Crude Pipeline (OCP) in Ecuador, Gasyrg pipeline in Bolivia, ENCE mega-papermill in Uruguay and financing of open-pit mining in Chile and Peru), financing of Repsol YPF and Iberdrola (which product energy in part from fossil fuels) contributing thus to CO2 emissions and climate change.

Although Mr. Mancera labors to disqualify this morning’s action, speaking of hooligan youth with their faces covered, through this communique we want to say that we have motives for attacking these symbols of capital. In the face of what we consider strategies of extermination, we will respond with fire until the last of these neocolonial companies disappears from this country and from the world.

We claim this action as a form of solidarity with our imprisoned comrades in Chile. With this action we also remember compañero Mauricio Morales who fell dead when an explosive device went off that was to be used against the School of the Gendarmería.

Solidarity knows no borders. Nor does insurrectional action.

For the destruction of the capitalist system

For the freedom of the 14 political prisoners of $hile

For the freedom of our imprisoned Mexican comrades Adrián Magdaleno and Braulio Durán

For the freedom of our imprisoned comrades in Greece, Belarus and EU

In memory of Mauricio Morales and Patricia Heras

CRIA (Insurrectional Anarchist Revolutionary Cell)

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Communique of actions for Mauri by Praxedis G. Guerrero Autonomous Cells for Immediate Revolution (Mexico)

Sunday, May 29th, 2011

from Culmine, translated by War on society:

We claim ourselves the agents of the following attacks with explosives:

*The placement and detonation of the explosive device that blew up in the Santander [bank] at Tlalpan and Normandía streets, Mexico City.

*Explosive device against a Starbucks located on the commercial avenue “Paseo de la Reforma,” Mexico City.

The morning of the 22nd of May of 2009, a warrior for freedom left us, but he will never be forgotten, he will live forever in the anti-authoritarian offensive, which is directed against the promoters of insane violence and of social control. Punk Mauri died in combat, struggling against the enemy, fighting for his ideas, despite what the enemies of our rebellion say, comrade Mauri died in the direct solidarity struggle with the comrades caged in the prisons of the state.

What happened yesterday is our way of remembering him, of showing what between ourselves stays alive–the spirit of that iconoclastic warrior: attacking those he always attacked, committing an outrage against the system of domination and the social peace that he, like us, loathed. Without mediation in our struggle and with our firm convictions. His words remind us every day that we must not take even one step back, that beyond our fronts there lies a capitalist world that needs to explode. One bomb, two, three…. Arm yourself and become violent, beautifully violent, until everything explodes… Arm yourself and combat the terrorism, burn, conspire, sabotage and become violent, beautifully violent, naturally violent, boldly violent… Anarchy does not die in the mouth, it prevails in active hands… were his words and his action.

The targets against which we directed our attack this time are part of the machinery by which the state/capital continue to remain intact. The banks and capitalist businesses are what dominate the world in this new stage of capitalism: technological capitalism. They are who, with the ownership of the economy, make, direct, and control the life of millions of slaves of the illusory well-being, the life of a society submissive to the longings to receive crumbs from power. Not to mention the banking institutions finance the construction of new public and private prisons in which they exploit the prisoners for the supposed purpose of reinsertion, obviously a reinsertion into capitalist society. They are in part those responsible for sexism, misogyny, destruction of the environment…

The devices were made from metal cans, butane gas canisters, screws and dynamite. All these actions are minimized by the inferiorist [a play on the words "inferior" and "interiorista" meaning person in the ministry of the interior - transl] Miguel Mancera in a clear intention to cover up the anarchist offensive and who, on seeing his order upset and his security evaded, with decaying arguments and explanations intends to explain the components of our devices, our form of action and our motives, which he certainly will never understand, since our motive is to annihilate the system that protects him. His lie-laden declarations contradict the version he gave to a TV journalist after the explosive attack against the Santander in Navarte in April of last year.

A greeting of solidarity to compañero Gabriel Pombo… We are with you… always with the rebels!!!

“We are not in agreement with what they impose on us and we will destroy those who press on us many problems we will have to face but more will be the reasons to struggle nothing imports on us that we have to fight now that our struggle will never finish… We will not allow them to control our lives and we will struggle against all authority not only the bad times will exist, there also will be moments of great joy. We should initiate subversive actions to stop thus power from reaching freedom…”



For freedom, for anarchy…. For the multiplication of bombings and actions against the state/capital!!!

Against the prison society and the police state!!!

For the expansion of the social war on all fronts!!!

Mauricio Morales… Presente!!!!

At war against the state:

Autonomous Cells for Immediate Revolution – Praxedis G. Guerrero

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Claim of incendiary attacks, Curicó (Chile)

Sunday, May 29th, 2011

21 & 23 May 2011

from Culmine, translated by War on society:

We are a small stone of the mountain, a drop within the ocean, a sigh running through the wind, we are the minoritarian struggle, the despised, the dangerous, the reckless, those who love violence, those who make the fire to sing the insolent song of their dead…

The early morning of Saturday the 21st we made our approach to the PDI [investigative police] headquarters located on Rodríguez street in the heart of Curicó and we placed a fuse-lit incendiary device under a bus, at one of its wheels, located some 100 meters from the place; the truth is that it appears this set off an alarm, so that while we were quickly getting away we heard fire sirens approaching the place, and so we did not make sure after, the bus only suffered minor damage. Two days later, the morning of Monday the 23rd, we set fire to a barricade in the northeast sector of the city at the intersection of Av. Colon and Av. Balmaceda.

We wish to dedicate these fires to the memory of Punk Mauri, at two years since his parting, also we send strength to comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva recently repressed by his jailers, our minds and hearts are with you in these difficult moments, not forgetting the countless warriors imprisoned around the world, to Silvia, Costa and Billy in their hunger strike, to the latest hostages captured by the Greek dictatorship especially to Theofilos Mavropoulos, the comrade wounded by the police in a clash and likewise to the anonymous combatant who took flight, to the warriors who fill the $hilean dungeons, and to those who fly far away in their insurgent escape.




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