Patras: This is what a junta looks like!

eyewitness report

Tuesday’s demonstration was called by local anarchist groups. Participation was phenomenal by the city’s standards – around 3,000 people (some reports put this number up to 5,000) took the streets of Patras behind the anarchist banners and against state violence. The march cruised through the city; banks were smashed. Meanwhile, the city’s police force had gathered around the main police station in order to protect it.

Toward the end of the demo however the riot police launched a major attack, forcing it to retreat toward the city’s historical university building (the so-called parartima). Soon thereafter, the most incredible attack began: Tens of fascists (that seem to had gathered in Patras from across the country, in a pre-planned joint operation with the police) attacked the demonstration with knives and stones. Co-ordinating perfectly with the police, they continued their attack and, according to some reports, even did some joint arrests. The demonstrators were confronted with the following unbelievable spectacle: They were facing a group of people throwing them police-owned tear gas while chanting “blood-honour-golden dawn” (the name of a nazi group in Greece).

The demonstrators’ block (which only numbered around 500 at the time, as this happened near the end of the demo) was completely torn apart; people were chased all the way into their flats; demonstrators had to seek refuge in flats in 10s and 20s, while the cops and the nazis would smash their windows and try to force entry.

Patras Indymedia reports 26 detentions and 9 arrests. Thankfully, the reports that the fascists would head for the city’s Afghan refugee camp have proven false so far.

What makes the above story even more unbelievable is that the mainstream media report it as the “local business owners” being the ones who attacked the demonstrators, “taking the law into their own hands”. Putting aside the …minor detail that absolutely no local businesses were damaged (only multinational banks, the courts and the police station), these supposed “shop owners” and “respectful citizens” were depicted in media in their balaclavas, holding knives! There was an unbelievable joint police-fascist operation in Patras today and they are trying to cover it up and to claim the public has turned against the demonstrators.

It is crucial to confront their lies and to resist their repression – the future of this movement could depend on this. Please spread the word.

junta Patras: This is what a junta looks like!

Athens, the day after Alexandros’ death: a policeman aiming at demonstrators, the second one pretending to be doing so. On 9.12 in Patras, police shot ruber bullets at the demonstrators


  1. the fact that the state works with the fascists is not at all surprising as there are many instances in modern history of statist instrumentalization of far-rightist group as a means for oppression.
    nonetheless, these developments are very alarming. i should suspect they signal WEAKNESS and some kind of grave insecurity on the part of the government or lack of belief that the gov can “handle” the situation on its own. you are stronger esp vis-a-vis a government that is progressively losing its legitimacy. i am aware this realization was brought home to you in a very painful way. yet it might prove beneficial for the cause as more people will realize their absurd state found something in common with fascists, and that whenever a government collaborates with neo-nazis, the job is most likely to be ill-done.

    soldier on! you are a great inspiration for all of us.

    Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 7:38 am | Permalink
  2. wildcat wrote:

    Your information, together with other sources from Patras and Athens went into this:

    Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 9:13 am | Permalink
  3. Shokora wrote:

    Very worrying advancements indeed, although i cannot say i’m surprised. The scumbags of the corporate world and state will do anything to uphold their position.

    I do have to say that these nazi fuckers are actually quite brave (or at least insane) attacking thousands of people. But a shame that the normal media says it’s ‘local business owners’.

    Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 12:12 pm | Permalink
  4. Micah wrote:

    I am praying for all you brave and beautiful people and have been keeping up with the info for days! This Fight Will Not Have Gone On In Vain!!!

    Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 1:07 pm | Permalink
  5. fish wrote:

    Σ ‘αγαπάμε! Γαμώ την φασίστες! Ο λαός θα νικήσει!
    10 του Δεκέμβρη θα είναι μια ημέρα που ζει σε ένα ιστορία!

    Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 1:24 pm | Permalink
  6. Claudia wrote:

    My name is Claudia and I’m working on a radio programme called World Have Your Say at the BBC World Service.

    Our programme tonight is about what is happening in Greece and we are keen to get as many voices on air as possible, people who are on the ground in Greece (not just Athens) but also people from around the world.

    Please post your comments on our website

    Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 3:48 pm | Permalink
  7. Peter wrote:

    Why did you remove my comment? Do you refuse freedom of speech?

    They should kick out all these destructive immigrants and muslims. Why do they tolerate this destruction?

    Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 9:11 am | Permalink
  8. Jeroen wrote:

    To all who are concerned about the portrayal of the fascist’s as ‘shopowners’ in Patras.

    Everyone that feels that this most blatant form of misreporting is something that cannot be, pressure your local newspapers into reporting it right or at least casting the previous articles in doubt.

    We should all make a joint effort to send as many comments concerning for one this article:

    Since the bbc one will be one that will be read quite alot.

    Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 11:54 pm | Permalink
  9. Demize! wrote:

    Peter,you are a reactionary imbecile.May you get your ass kicked along with all the other fascist scum.Solidarity with my Greek Brothers and Sisters.May it spread worldwide!!

    Friday, December 12, 2008 at 3:07 am | Permalink
  10. Robbiedoes wrote:

    Ridiculous! They should award the police officer for killing that criminal! All of those rioting anarchists should be hanged. Where is the world going?, where is the authority?

    Saturday, December 13, 2008 at 3:02 pm | Permalink
  11. Pierre wrote:

    Hey Robbiedoes,
    If police brutality can exist like this and we all stand aside to watch, were will it end? It will grow rapidely to a fascist-policestate. And maybe one of your friends gets shot in the head, for no reason. Would you not become one of those you say should be hanged? Just for your friends life alone, a side for politics?
    I would.

    Monday, December 15, 2008 at 12:14 pm | Permalink
  12. кyкyш wrote:

    Да уж… Тут как говорится: А как худ князь, так и в грязь.:)

    Sunday, July 5, 2009 at 8:51 am | Permalink
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    Friday, December 11, 2009 at 11:27 am | Permalink

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  1. » Blog Archive » Greek riots and strike action: Live on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 2:09 pm

    [...] Eyewitnesses report violence in Patras. [...]

  2. blogs über die riots in griechenland « bikepunk 089 on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 2:42 pm

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  3. Bullen und Nazis gemeinsam gegen Demonstrant_innen « Medium on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 3:57 pm

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  7. 5 Gyan Charity Trip on Thursday, December 18, 2008 at 3:33 pm

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  8. [...] Patras vond toen een demonstratie van 3000 mensen plaats. De politie viel deze betoging aan, samen met een groep van tientallen fascisten. Die laatsten riepen: “Bloed-Eer-Gouden dageraad”. Geen bewijs dat het daadwerkelijk [...]

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