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3 CDs, 66 song, $18!

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April Update

The Royalties


"The New Royalties" (2009) 

Order Today -- $18.00

"The Royalties" (2007) 

Order Today -- $18.00

"The Lost Royalties" (2008) 

Order Today -- $18.00

 Even though The Royalties are Norwegian, much of the band`s DNA is embedded in the Swedish pop sounds of the 90s harking back to such bands as The Merrymakers, Beagle, Eggstone, This Perfect Day and The Grass Show. Fans of other modern power pop bands like Farrah, Halfday and Supergrass will find familiar territory to plant your flag confidently.

There are three album from Norway`s The Royalties listed here. 

How a band as consistently great for ears attuned to pure pop joy and `power pop`s primal root of armies of heavenly vocals laying on top of chewy, sweet melodies and completely unknown is, at the least, surprising. 

Let`s change that and give you the chance to explore three works from The Royalties, all of which are very, very highly recommended.

Rick Altizer


"I Want Mine"
Order Today -- $10.00

Altizer is BACK!  Pledging allegiance to the united states of Melody, Hooks and Song Craftsmanship, Alitzer exhibits some of the finest pure pop magic you`ll hear this year. Fans of the Parthenon Huxley, Bleu, The Grays work from Jon Brion and Jason Falkner will find much to enjoy here, as well as Doug Powells` work.

Rick has a lot on his mind and an over-abundance of passion, tapping into all the timeless veins of his previous work and adding new dimensions and points of reference to make `I Want Mine` is strongest piece of work. Which is saying something, to be blunt as he has a body of work that does not a duff or dull release."It would seem that Rick has been America`s little secret for far too long and hopefully this album will change all that. The biggest compliment I can pay is that if John Lennon were alive today then he would probably be making records just like this one." - PowerplayUK. 

A display of pure passion, talent and timeless skill from an artist you need to start allocating time to bring into your life and enjoy the rich rewards of a release that will stay with you for many, many years.




"Not Scary! Friendly" (w/ Limited Bonus CD!)
Order Today --$10.00

 Statement Of Purpose: Buva`s "Not Scary! Friendly" will be one of my Top 10 releases of 2010 as there is no way it could slip from this list.

Fans of Jon Brion, Elliot Smith, Brendon Benson, Roger Joseph Manning`s solo material and Mike Viola are some of the touchstones here. Smooth, clean vocals, multi-part harmonies and instantly indelible hooks with layers and layers of sublime nuance to peel back and find a different joy every time you listen to it. 

Each song on here has a unique personality to introduce. The great thing is you want invite each one into your heart.The smooth, superbly executed lush and mellow sounds, the many layered soundscapes just pull you in. In. And In Again. Start-to-end and the rewards will be both many and not-so-common. Indeed, they were and are. 

One of 2010`s very, very best!


Timmy Sean


"Songs From & Inspired By Noisewater"

Order Today -- $10.00

Listen. You got to give this one a try, please. It`s not just another album. The intensely hard work in every note on "Noisewater", the solo debut of ex-Luzer leader, Timmy Sean, drips of obsessed passion that evokes inspirational pinings of ELO, Queen, Ben Folds and Wings-era McCartney.

"A must have record for fans or power pop and rock. Timmy Sean will delight fans from early E.L.O. to Jellyfish to Ben Folds. Genius...pure genius, through and through." - Bill`s Music Forum.

"In the tradition of pop impresarios like Todd Rundgren or more recently Paul Steel, Timmy performs nearly every instrument and dabbles in virtually all his childhood influences here. Bookended by an instrumental overture and reprise it has a grandiose scope that touches on McCartney, Brain Wilson, ELO and Queen it certainly sets up your expectations." - Power Pop Aholic blog

A truly special, lingering, long lasting favorite for many years to come.

The Moons


"Life On Earth"
Order Today -- $16.00

UK import and a contender for one of your top choices for 2010`s very best. Fans of Dodgy, Supergrass, The Bishops, The Coral, The Bees, XTC, Squeeze and The Zutons will recognize the distinct British flavour of this systle of pure pop bliss. Bliss is, exactly, what is delivered on all fronts with `Life On Earth` as The Moons confidently deliver 12 perfect dosings of sunny, soulful slice of melodic goodness.

"A slice of late 60s rock/pop, more recent guitar-based indie, a touch of the Small Faces, certainly a dash of Weller and some Beatles-style vocalisms, all coming together without actually being a pastiche of any of them. That`s a tough one to pull off." - Electric Roulette

"If anything, Life on Earth proves that The Moons are certainly rising stars on the British music scene... It sets up the rest of the album, which keeps up the same pace and bouncy energy." - Contact Music. 


Dom Mariani


"Rewind And Play"

Order Today -- $20.00

Australian only import and NEW 2010 studio release from Dom Mariani, the pop great leader of The Stems, The Someloves and DM3 along with a large catalog of solo releases!

"Great stuff. Mariani steps forward in the midst of his second age to recount his songwriting career with a collection of stripped-back versions of songs from his catalogue. Normally alarm bells would ring here - aging rocker goes acoustic for a greatest hits play-list - but this is different. 

Firstly, it should be pointed out that Mariani wrote some genuinely great songs - songs that shine through as true pop statements, regardless of the format in which they`re played. And Mariani has not decided to opt for a super-clean, adult contemporary approach to performing these semi-acoustic numbers. Instead he`s recruited a band of close friends and perform the songs in a relaxed, rough-hewn way that feels at keel with the garage leanings of the Stems." - Alt Media

Joey SYkes


"Joey Sykes"

Order Today -- $12.00


Big, tight and massively hooky pop/stadium rock hooks abound, but it`s just stellar, shining power pop. Echoes of Tommy Keene, The Churchills, Owsley(we miss you Will...), Rooney, Rick Springfield, Kyle Vincent at his most rocking and amplified, The Elms and Tal Bachman(remember him?) - the list goes on.

Listen to the soundbites here. Wait for the choruses. Smile. Repeat. Each track has a warm complexion and soft coloring that maintains a commercial pop/rock appeal. Instrument parts are thinly tiered so the listener`s attention is drawn to Syke`s vocals. 

It`s all a shot of pure pop oxygen for smoggy musical times. Bottom Line: each song snugly fits into the ear canals filling them with pure pop pleasure. An uncanny combination of pop smarts, soaring melodies and deft guitar work which has been years in the making.

Oh Yeah: Extremely Highly Recommended.



Order Today -- $ 13.00

  JELLYFISH FANS - Listen Up! Literally, listen - below. It`s all here. We`re lucky to get one or two bands a year in the power pop world that truly can live up the standards of Jellyfish. 

It`s not all a Jelly-fest, either. There`s other inspirational jumping off points: Beach Boys, Bleu, Wondermints, others. But, at the end of any day, it still has gotta be about `songs` arrangements, musicianship and band vibe. Well, 3 of the 4 apply here with Oranjuly but `and` is not in the mix - this is all one guy. Brian E. King.

"10 out of 10. The album recalls plenty of classic pop influences without leaning too heavily on them and making hook filled magic... Every track just shines with no filler to be found makes it a slam dunk to be the best power pop debut of the year." - Power Pop Aholic

From beginning to end, Oranjuly is filled with interesting melodic interpretations and slow-building, yet immediate eruptions of delicate harmonies. 


Edward O'Connell


"Our Little Secret"
Order Today -- $11.00

The best Tom Petty you`ve heard in 20 years! So much to rave about here, but fans Petty, Elvis Costello circa `80, Walter Clevenger, late era ELO chomp on down. Edward O`Connell delivers up a meaty, fulfilling experience.

"9 out of 10. O`Connell is very much a power popper in the Richard X. Heyman mold. His sound builds on influences from Nick Lowe, Tom Petty, and Elvis Costello...The quality and craftsmanship of this album is impeccable and with no filler to be found. It makes the top ten list for sure so don`t miss it!" - Power Pop Aholic.

"Imagine the Byrds meet Warren Zevon! Edward O`Connell , singer, guitarist, and main songwriter, is living proof that Power Pop is alive and well...Catchy and guitar-driven this is just the kind of music you can sing along to in your car and not mind if others are watching...It doesn`t get better than this." - Power Pop Overdose 

The Offbeat


"In Love Field"
Order Today -- $7.00

A Full Length CD at an amazing LIMITED LOW PRICE!!

While there is all kinds of songs here that remind us of early Beatles, it is really The Zombies that strike as the primary reference point. There is some added Beach Boys touches that get planted inside some of these songs. It has an instant vibe that eases itself into a comfortable pastoral vibe, with Bluntone-y `ba-ba-ba vocals and guitar and warm Beach Boys-esque harmonies.

"The Offbeat are out to make you grin from ear to ear. This UK outfit led by Darren Finlan is quite literally bringing the British Invasion back - "In Love Field" sounds like it was pulled straight out of a 1969 time capsule. The record is full of gorgeous melodies, sunny beats, and harmonies that rival Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young...The Offbeat will please fans of The Beatles, The Buckinghams, Lovin` Spoonful, and The Monkees." - Bill`s Music Forum.

Joel Streeter


Order Today -- $13.00

YES!! Fans of Neil Finn, Crowded House, Michael Penn, Wilco, later era Squeeze and Jim Boggia need to embrace "Matador" and look it straight in the eye. Matador is an ambitious pop record in the style of the previously mentioned artists, and it fuses classic 70s singer/songwriter sophistication with modern and adventurous production.

"Vintage sensibilities extend to its sonic complexity and depth and a seemingly conscious return to the dogged studio mastery and songsmithing more common to late 60`s and early 70`s pop than to today`s latest retrofitted rehash acts. Streeter is nothing less that an avowed melody junkie." - Adequency.com

"Joel Streeter might be one of pop`s best-kept secrets...With one pop gem after another, this Matador is no bull. Ole`" - Absolute Power Pop

Duncan Maitland


"Lullabies For The 21st Century"
Order Today -- $13.00


An ear-grabbing Dublin-based artist that is going blow many, many Not Lamers away! 

"9 out of 10. The album draws influences from many favorites...The legacy of XTC will always be safe as a Duncan joins the stellar group of bands that take the similar musical approach (Pugwash, Jackdaw4, Paul Steel). Overall a serious pop gem that can`t be ignored and deserves to be on the top ten list for this year." - Power Pop Aholic. As it appears XTC is no longer a going concern, the void left by their Beatles Meets Brian Wilson with a British Pop sensibility sound has begun to be filled with artists like Pugwash, Captain Wilberforce and The Eisenhowers. The latest entrant into this pop sub-genre is Dublin`s Duncan Maitland and his most excellent debut disc. " - Power Pop Aholic  


The Neighborhoods


"The Last Rat" (2 CDs)

Order Today -- $19.00


2 CD Set! Boston power pop/rock/punk legends have returned and they will lay waste to all your young not really to rock righteously to the heavens. This is, simply, a jaw-dropping live album that serves as a document of how many great songs this band wrote. This has 29 songs recorded live on October 24, 1992 at the band`s final show. 

The songs touch on every phase of the band`s storied career, featuring tunes culled from almost all of the band`s studio recordings, but given the full Hoods live workout on the double CD set. The CD`s also feature 5 previously unreleased songs from the band`s 1992 basement demos, known to Hoods cognoscenti simply as the "Last Of The Mohicans." 

In keeping with the band`s hard-won reputation as a stellar and stalwart live act, there are absolutely no overdubs, edits, samples, or autotune on the live CD -  It`s pure, un-cut, 100% live.

Skeleton Staff


Order Today -- $12.00

Bemoaning the loss of any new material from XTC? Whine no more! 

The Australian-based one man show of Skeleton Staff has been slaving away, chiseling out sublime, quirky pop confections that emulate the masters and even some other gurus like Jeff Lynne as a bonus. This is intensely careful, well-crafted songsmanship of the highest order that does not take itself too seriously, at the same time.

"What a stunning piece of work "Solipsism" is! I am very, very impressed! Memorable tunes, wonderful vocals, crisp production... a well crafted disc of excellence in my book! I`ll be recommending this to all my ShockPop listeners!" - ShockPop.


The Oneders


"That Thing We Done"

Order Today -- $14.00

 Extremely Limited Project! Only 140 Pressed, sold 30 right away in early August and have about 10 left right now. And then...that - is - it! So this one will be down off the site pretty soon - don`t wait.

This project features Michael Carpenter and members of The Pyramidiacs, The Richies and The Lemonheads getting together live in a hotel and recording 17 songs of kick-ass covers that will make the pop geek heart` soar!

This limited edition, self released CDR of selections from two multi-tracked live shows from 2008 is a great example of how exciting it is to hear a dream playlist of powerpop classic played live. It`s not perfect, nor does it try to be.. but it is fun and exciting to hear these songs live, all in one place!

Mimi Betinis


"All That Glitters"
Order Today -- $16.00

DUE end of September! First solo album from Pezband leader! 

More details to come but this is something fans of Betinis, Off Broadway and Pezband have been waiting for - a long time. So the time has arrived. 

We`ve grabbed some samples of a variety of the songs on "All That Glitters" for you to savor and enjoy!

Pop Garden

V/A - Pop Garden Radio

"Presents The Rock On The Road Tour"
Order Today -- $10.00

Pop Garden Radio is a power pop show based in Florida that has been broadcasting since 2005 by Adam Waltmeire and now the last five years of this passion-infused transmission are documented for formal presentation with the release of this 18 song collection featuring tracks from Walter Clevenger & the Dairy Kings, Maple Mars, Stratocruiser, The Successful Failures, Michael Slawter, Dave Stephens, Popdudes, Nushu, D Henry Fenton, Dennis Holseybrook, The Anderson Council, Smith Bros, Todd Dillingham, Sparkle*jets UK and many other Pop Garden Radio favorites.


Rusty Anderson


"Born On Earth"
Order Today -- $16.00

 Paul McCartney's guitar player for the last 8 years, strikes out on 2nd solo disc and it is filled with richly produced lush melody structures, gorgeous vocals, high-reaching arrangments and song-after-song of memorable music. 

"This is canny, intelligent music with a rocker`s sense of drama and brawn sitting side by side with a popmeister`s knack for the clever hook and smart lyrical conceit; it`s fun music that never slights your intelligence or your appetite for the grand gesture. "- AMG

Electric Mess


"Electric Mess"
Order Today -- $10.00

A most seriously righteous slab of vintage garage rock, straight off of Little Steven`s garage - reminds me of early The Gripweeds.

" 4 1/2 stars. this record proves there`s plenty of fresh life to be plugged into the old frameworks if you`ve the right kind of talent and energy, and that`s just what The Electric Mess bring to the table." 

"This is The Kinks, The Yardbirds, The MC5, The Shangri-Las, The Stooges and The Who, all wrapped up in one...BUY THIS RECORD. Sal Nunziato- Huffington Post. I`ll add plenty of The Seeds, early Animals and some Remains, as well. Anotherwords, not good stuff - GREAT stuff.

JackDaw 4


"The External Struggle For Justice"

Order Today -- $15.50

UK only import.  "4.5 out 5. It`s trite to draw comparisons but we all need a frame of reference so how about XTC, Queen, The Beatles and a dash of Cheap Trick? Outstanding!" - The Guardian. 

"8 out of 10. "Eternal Struggle for Justice" starts out with a lurching organ and dark tone more suited to Bryan Scary, than Jellyfish - although an angelic choral break at the songs middle is more like it...The big melodic jewel in this album`s crown is "Pornography" with a boogie beat piano melody that recalls ELO and cascading harmonies that flourish each verse." - Power PopAholic blog.

Paul Collins


"King Of Power Pop"
Order Today -- $16.00

 Simply, this is finest batch of new songs from Collins in 30 years - and he`s had a strong handful of some mighty fine albums in that time period, so it`s time to weclome back The King - he`s not taking any prisoners here. 

"4 stars. Collins has cut a handful of fine records since the breakup of the Beat, but King of Power Pop! is the first one in ages that captures the tough, upbeat sound of his most memorable work, and it proves the man hasn`t lost his touch  for writing tight, hooky tunes with killer hooks and energetic guitar figures. " - AMG

`nuf sed, it`s Paul Collins of The Beat - got it?!

Arch Stanton


"Thousand Burning Suns"

Order Today -- $11.500

2010 release and extremely limited pressing so not sure how much longer I`ll have stock here but these 10 new songs from Arch Stanton build on 2007`s EP "Highland And Marine" with gorgeous refrains of Crowded House, Parthenon Huxley, Ice Cream Hands and mid/late 80s Elvis Costello. 

"A Thousand Burning Suns" is a rich, highly textured sound that is a balm to the pop senses, all tempered by vivid, rich harmonic landscapes with powerful, passionate songs interlaced with solid arrangements. While there are many bands who sound similar to Finn and Difford/Tilbrook, rarely do you find the same sort of quality material that distinguished groups like Crowded House and Squeeze. There`s a warm, intimate feel to all this well-crafted material and it`s never in a rush to get to that catchy chorus----the songs take their time but never wander off the path and hit their target. Very Highly Recommended!  

Ex Norwegian


Order Today -- $11.50

  "An upbeat album that has a solid guitar sound, catchy hooks and an obvious love for `90s rock, with tight song structures, big choruses and complete confidence. The band would not be out of place on a bill with Sloan or Big Star, which in my book is never a bad thing!" - The Fire Note.

"An otherworldly slab of catchy pop rock song after catchy pop rock song, conceived in some fantastic place where the 90s power pop bubble never burst." - ESD Music.

"Ex Norwegian takes an evolutionary leap forward with its latest album, following an already sterling debut, Standby. The harmonies are tighter, the production level is higher...taken as a whole, Sketch performs a neat trick -- it improves on something that, before the release of this album, didn`t seem to need improving." - CityLinkMix

Practical Stylists


Order Today -- $7.00

A very cool find for fans of early 80s new wave and power pop, Practical Stylists toiled the grounds of the Nashville music scene in the early 80s, working with and hanging out with other out-of-step popsters like Bill Lloyd, who was a member for a brief time.

"Back in the day, Practical Stylists seemed like a sure bet to grab, at the minimum, a mid-indie label deal and thus get their fair share of nationwide fame. A second wave power-pop band, they fit right in with other like-minded `80s arbiters of cool like the dBs, Matthew Sweet and homeboy Bill Lloyd (who would later become a PS member). For one reason or another, the band never took that big next step ... it certainly wasn`t for lack of talent, however, or good songs, `cause Practical Stylists had both in spades, as well as a decent stage presence. They have remained one of Nashville`s closely held, dirty little musical secrets for over two decades now." - Keith Gordon, music critic and fan

Reid Mansell


"Pose Or Go Home"
Order Today -- $12.00

Reid Mansell`s demo crossed my desk back in July and so strongly impressed me that I encouraged him to just get going and make a small formal pressing of `Pose Or Go Home` because it`s too good to languish in obscurity waiting for the stars to allign and have someone throw heaps of money on him to break on through. 

This is ultra-crunchy glammy sweet, hard rocking riff-leaden styled rock `n roll with sugary, yet gritty guitar lines that have ripping hooks stuck to them on each of the four songs here. Slamming power chord abound - yeah! Solid, meaty, no-frills songs with mucho pompy attitude, spiky, angular new wavey guitar lines and riffs, gritty vocals and melodies up the gazoo! It`s a riffing ock assault that contains pulsating guitar lines in the vein The Shazam, The Black Mollys, True Love, Enuff Z` Nuff and gritty Cheap Trick. Very Highly Recommended!

The Britannicas


Order Today -- $14.50


 The band consists of 3 seasoned songwriters, multi-instrumentalists and vocalists: Joe Algeri (Jack & the Beanstalk - Australia), Magnus Karlsson (Happydeadmen, The Charade - Sweden), and Herb Eimerman (Nerk Twins - USA). 

"The Britannicas` have cut a dandy of a debut album that leaves the listener begging for more. But it`s hardly surprising these guys have struck gold the first time around, since they`re all so talented and have crafted such masterful sounds in the past. Not straying the least from what they originally achieved with their previous pursuits, The Britannicas write, sing and perform classic pop rock...A superb record, filled with pure pop from a band that knows their stuff." - Beverly Patterson, Twist And Shake. 

"With each band member being a superb songwriter and an instrumental multitasker, the album is a thoroughly collaborative effort. Hail the Britannicas!"-Music And Musicians

Dreaming In Stereo


"Dreaming In Stereo"
Order Today -- $12.00

ONE OF THE ABSOLUTE BEST RELEASES OF 2009!! Been out of print since late 2009, tragically, too! Now - it is BACK!! Reissued with one bonus track!! Here`s the short: Go listen to the soundbites below - don`t waste time on the words.

Let the superlatives flow and let fans of Jon Brion, Roger Joseph Manning, Jr., Jason Falkner, Parthenon Huxley and....Utopia rejoice! Dreaming In Stereo starts off with a mid70s Genesis inspired instrumental and dives into a second track that sounds like a long, lost amazing Falkner track.

The CD features eleven instantly classic tunes with the addition of some wildly creative and frenetic guitar playing woven through them.Todd Rundgren is the Number 1 musical inspiration of Dreaming in Stereo`s leader, Fernando Perdomo. Rundgren`s template to the style of music Dreaming in Stereo is looking to bring back-- Progressive Pop!!

Broken Promise Keeper



Order Today -- $13.00 

"Power Pop bottom line is all about the songs and his songs are as great as the very best of them, witty, smart, melodic and imbued with pretty twists of melody. Hooks are also vital and Rob has that knack in spades. Great classic honey tinged pop voice, and playing the majority of the instruments he has that ability like Jason Falkner and Roger Klug to light up like a band rather than like a Mike Oldfield. And though he is unashamedly and purposefully power pop there is enough individuality in the playing and lyrically to, after a few listens, make him sound unmistakably Broken Promise Keeper first and foremost...We praised Ice Cold Pop last year for its melodic ingenuity, joy de vivre, and timelessness, and this year`s release is no exception. Highly recommended." - Mike Baron, BloodyRedBaron.net

Steve Connelly


"Every Monster"
Order Today -- $10.00

 A gripping, endearing debut album from Steve Connelly And The Lesser Gods evoking strong displays of Tom Petty inspiration. Connelly has been a veteran on the Florida music scene for decades(front a legendary band there called Headlights), even working with Roger McGuinn as his touring guitarist in the mid/late 70s.

"Every Monster" is a minor classic, the kind of album that if not too many people discover now will gain cult status in years to come and one that Connelly can and should be immensely proud of." - Penny Black Music.  

An intensely affecting, moving debut from an artist making music without pretention, concern for marketplaces, commerce or builing a buzz.



"Month Of Sundays"
Order Today -- $12.50


Fans Chilton-inspired Rolling Stones and Replacements inspired roots rock, listen up! Focused and evocative, the Snakehips` fifth release Month of Sundays is their most accessible yet. It is a virtual checklist of vintage rock n` roll styles, interpreted for the 21st century. The rampant crass commercialism and homogenization of music today makes it easy to say that rock is dead... yet its ghost remains as does its spiritual source.

"The kind of record that one might hope that Alex Chilton still has in him, or that Paul Westerberg could be bothered to put together. And this is what I mean by "surpassing" influences, Mark Harrison, with his new Snakehips release, has quietly progressed with this record of varied pop nuggets." - North Coast Journal.

The Candles


"Between The Sounds"

Order Today -- $14.00

A sleeper of an a borderline great record that, for some strange reason, is not lighting up the pop geek world-wire of communication. Take a listen below and tell me if I`m missing anything as it sounds like pretty classic power poppin`coolness, that reminds me of Ice Cream Hands, Mutton Birds and more upbeat Elliot Smith. The charms abound. It`s the type of pop record that under-30 music critics will never, EVER get but you, me? Come on, climb aboard. The leader of the band is one Josh Lattanzi, who has played with Ben Kweller, Tinted Windows, and the Lemonheads so he`s got a fine resume to the party and, indeed, fans of all three of those artists will find a warm environment to put the blanket down and soak in the summer early afternoon sun, such is the experience the washing of the rays of melodic bliss shien here. Dig the pure pop breed - it`s here, it`s now and totally un-hip. Just what the doctor ordered, bless the boy.



"The Tao Of Motor Oil"

Order Today -- $13.50

 Long time Not Lamers have heard me tout from the pop heavens about Jeff Finlin being one of my favorite songwriters in the past handful of years. "The Tao Of Motor Oil", his latest, has arrived and, in a large body of work, I do believe I can declare it as my second favorite of catalog of excellence. ("Epynonymous" being of my fave) his is a playbook on how songcraft should be, can be achieved. Walk with me, please - down the hard, oft-trodden trail of hard working, multi-talented musicians who create purely for themselves and end up with a result that articulates the struggle, the glory, the soul of real human-ness. Musically, Jeff Finlin brings to close proximity the sounds of mid/late 80`s John Hiatt(his strongest period), Leon Russell, Joe Henry, Dr. John, Tom Waits, recent Bob Dylan and Ryan Adams.

Nada Surf


"If I Had A Hi-Fi"

Order Today -- $13.00

This is a covers album full of inspired, unexpected choices: from avant-pop Kate Bush to underground power-pop classicist Dwight Twilley. There are some intriguingly obscure numbers, like Spanish band Mercromina`s "Evolution" and under-documented Bill Fox`s "Electrocution". It also features tracks by The Go-Betweens, Arthur Russell, Spoon, and more.

" 3 1/2 stars.  Nada Surf show they can play well with others on If I Had a Hi-Fi, though they`d do well to apply the lessons learned here to some new tunes for their next album." - AMG.

Laurie Biagini


"A Far-Out Place"

Order Today -- $12.00

Biagini`s latest album `Ridin` The Wave` has been a fave of many Not Lamers with its alchemic display of endearing Harrison-styled Travelin` Wilburys pop/rock, sunny Beach Boys/Wondermints, a slight tinge of bubblegum(shades of Mamas & Papas) and a whole of unpretentious fun. Here, on her debut, A Far Out Place, the same formula is, joyfully, applied. It`s an album of many moods, with a common musical element of being harmony-rich sunshine pop reminiscent of the some of the great music of the 1960`s pop-rock scene.

Thee Sgt Major


"The Idea Factory"

Order Today -- $14.50

Thee Sgt. Major III is a band featuring Kurt Bloch of The Fastbacks, Mike Musberger(The Posies) and other veterans of Seattle`s indie music scene. This project features pure spunky power pop, punk-ish aggression and a lively spirit that will recall recent female-fronted faves like The Muffs, The Masticators, Nushu but also bands of the past like The Go Go`s, Voice Of The Beehive. Singer Leslie Beattie has a vocal command that sweetens and straightjackets the melodies in the songs and sweet, but assertive rock `n pop melodies hold it all together with aplomb. `a poppy garage rock sound to the table. If you loved the Fastbacks, and enjoy a little guitar pyrotechnics time and again from one of Seattle`s legendary 6 stringers-- Thee Sgt. Major III will fill the void. " - SeattleRockGuy.com.

Scott Wilk



Order Today -- $13.50

 1980 release, classic new wave of the time. "Radioactive" - sample #1 below - is a classic of this era, reminds me a bit of Robert Ellis Orrall, if you remember his work of this time. Also, Elvis Costello. "This is one heck of a fun album. It has the New Wave energy, the hooks and the Pop gems that are still wonderful to listen to today. "Radioactive" and "Suspicion" are pure gold, quirky and catchy as sin. The real diamond here is "Danger Becomes Apparent", a wonderfully melodic tune that always made my mixtapes 30 years ago and turned my friends onto this band. While not a GREAT album, it`s appearance on CD here, three decades after it`s release, is more than welcome."- Steve `SPAZ` Schnee, Discussions.

Magic Kids


Order Today -- $15.00

 Magic Kids share with last century`s masters of pop music - Brian Wilson,Van Dyke Parks, Jeff Lynne - the ability to take a tiny and simple song, a moment of wide-eyed sincerity, and translate it into something that is bursting with life. "4 stars. Memphis is the most thrilling debut album since the Apples in Stereo`s Fun Trick Noisemaker and should be embraced by anyone who likes pop music that sounds small but thinks big...All eleven songs are tiny symphonies of sweetly sung, perfectly arranged pop that fit together like puzzle pieces and result in a completely satisfying listening experience."- AMG.

Harem Scarem


"Voice Of Reason"
Order Today -- $14.00

Order Today -- $14.00

2010 reissue of 2001 CD(ROCKS) and 1995 CD(VOICE OF REASON) with bonus track on "Voice" and 2 on "Rocks". This is classic AOR melodic hard rock with HUGE layers of awesome vocals and big anthemic guitar builds. Their albums combine HS`s glammy, hard rock, post-hair band Enuff `Z Nuff perfection and Rubber`s more overtly pop leanings. It can be schitzo, but it does work, rocks and pops. Harem Scarem hits the spot with Harry Hess` rich, expressive vocals, Pete Lesperance`s sizzling, creatively crafted guitar lines, and the duo`s wondrous chemistry as a songwriting team, the disc sparkles from start to finish. It`s all here: melodic rock/hardrock, AOR, power pop. Not for everyone, but fans of hard rocking AOR-cum-glam metal, few do it better than HS.

The Barracudas

Cuff The Duke


Order Today -- $12.50

 It`s obvious that the Bullys are the embodiment of authentic rock and roll, right in line with predecessors including the Rolling Stones, the Knack, the Ramones, and the New York Dolls. "Encountering the Bullys` talent and enthusiasm, Mike Chapman - legendary producer of Sweet, Suzie Quatro and Blondie - was inspired to capture it in the studio. The result is the band`s potent, rollicking debut album: the provocatively-titled What? The Neighborhood Bullys touch a number of rock and roll cornerstones from soul to punk to early Stones swagger to post-modern Knack power pop, tight-fit songs that burrow into your ears and stick with you for weeks. " - Rock And Roll Report.



Tommy Keene


"You Hear Me - A Retrospective" (2 CDs)
Order Today -- $16.00

 A full 2 CD set of Keene`s very finest work, including trax from his early 80s Dolphin album that fans have been clamoring to hear on CD. "4 1/2 stars.  "4 1/2 stars. Let`s not beat around the bush -- you really should own some Tommy Keene albums, or at least one. If you`re the average American music buyer, you don`t, since the folks in marketing have dropped the ball on Keene so many times they must have been sent back to the minors by now. But if you care at all about great rock & roll, you ought to do yourself the favor of picking up some of Keene`s music already. He`s a brilliant songwriter, a fine singer, a killer guitarist, and a canny bandleader." - AMG

Rusty Willoughy


"Cobirds Unite"
Order Today -- $15.00

 "I`ve been a Rusty Willoughby fan for a long time, from his mid-`80s power pop outfit Pure Joy to his most successful band, ironically named Flop, through to his most recent ensemble, Llama. Cobirds Unite is Willoughby`s third solo album but in many ways it is unlike anything we`ve heard from him before. Press play and your reward is an hour of lush, reserved, alt-country dreamscapes, with languid waltzes, subtle bossanovas and pared-down ballads sweetened up with cello, vibraphone and pedal steel flourishes in all the right places." - East West Records

The Loons


"Red Dissolving Rays Of Light"
Order Today -- $16.00

Featuring ex-members of the legendary Tell- Tale Hearts and The Hoods, The Loons are retro pop with garagey passion that combines the dirtier side of The Dave Clark Five with the brashness of The Standells with the Beatle melody of The Knickerbockers to reel it back in before it gets to messy. If it were not for the modern production values, one could pass this band off as a Sundazed records reissue of by-gone Brit Invasion times.

Love Messengers


"We Said! We Said!"
Order Today -- $14.00

  Import from Finland. The Back Story: After the long and tedious project of making the latest Electric Crayon Set album "What A Rotter Of A Day" (Released 2007 and available on this site ) I thought to myself "Hey, how nice it would be just to rock a bit for a change??" and realised I had always wanted to make an album full of my old favourite songs". Those Songs Are:  "Save My Soul" (Wimple Winch), "Don't Look Back" (The Remains), "Handbags And Gladrags" (Mike D`Abo), "I Need You"(The Kinks), "She Said Ride" (Tin Tin), "Security (Otis Redding/Thane Russell & Three), "Answer To Life" (Blues Section), "Your Body Not Your Soul" (Cuby And the Blizzards), "Can`t Help Thinking About Me" (David Bowie), "I Can Tell" (Dr.Feelgood/The Pirates), "War Or Hands Of Time" (The Masters Apprentice), "Coast To Coast" (Ducks Deluxe), and "Love Hound" (Dr. Feelgood)

Barnaby Bye


"Room To Grow"
Order Today -- $13.50

Order Today -- $13.50

These two ablums are early 70s soft pop for AM radio with soft touches of early Hall & Oates and when it stretches confidently to turn it up, some dashes of Badfinger. Both albums, Touch and Room To Grow, a similar in style and complete guilty pleasures for many. Both albums feature plenty of really solid, enjoyable sounds that are time-stamped for the years they were released, "Room"(1973) and "Touch"(1974) - very happy to see these make the light of day, finally

Cuff The Duke


"Way Down Here"
Order Today -- $12.00

 Bringing to mind, early Eagles, early 70s Neil Young, CSN&Y, The Youngbloods and Tom Petty, Cuff The Duke is an album blissfully encased in histrionics. "There`s an After The Gold Rush vibe on the disc right from the start, (and) virtuosic guitar solos that would make [Neil] Young proud. Yet despite its obvious influences, Way Down Here doesn`t sound overly derivative. It`s a refreshing listen in a world where people have forgotten how albums used to be made." - Chart Attack.

Weekend Weather


"Sunny With A Chance Of Tube Tops"

Order Today -- $6.00

 Produced by Andy Bopp(you know, he of Myracle Brah, Love Nut), Weekend Weather deliver 6 songs of pure, simple pop delight, unconcerned with the machinations and movements of the charts, scoring a record deal or impressing anyone but themselves. Fortunately, most of the material impresses enough to merit a strong desire to hear more. The laid-back roots pop charms stack up alongside Bopp`s keen eye to let all the musicians` parts shine clearly and bring the melodies out into the light, carefully mixed, stirred and baked so as to have a tasteful final result. Recommended!  

Ted Lukas


"Learn How To Fall"

Order Today -- $14.00

 Vocally and musically, Ted Lukas reminds me of Steve Earle, Tommy Keene, Paul Westerberg and Terry Anderson - this is kick-ass roots rock with classy pop hooks to bite into, which Lukas can’t appear to help being a member of power pop late 90s greats Barely Pink. this 10-song CD is a rich Americana blend of rootsy rock and twang, featuring plenty of big guitar riffs and catchy melodic hooks. With Learn How to Fall, the former Hangtown frontman combines his power-pop and Americana influences to create an original sound thats all his own. Co-Production by Eric Ambel brings the grit and hits the mark. Top notch material all the way thorugh ehre. Very Highly Recommended.

The Godshills



Order Today -- $13.00

  Not the normal kind of release I put up on the Not Lame site but there was just something about The Godshills that pulled me in. Listen to the sample of Track #1 for a solid depiction of their post-U2-cum-Curve guitar sounds with a slow-build that hypnotically trances.  "Singer Ewelina sports positively honeyed vocals, and delivers her alternately beautifully brash and pretty, pouty tales of love old and new, heartbreak, harmony, emptiness, universal one-ness, pent-up rage, glorious self-discovery..Check out the colorful, inspirational, and highly addictive world of Ewelina and The Godshills." - Tom Hallett, Round The Dial. Recommended!

Jukebox The Ghost


"Everything Under The Sun"
Order Today -- $13.50

 "One of the most fun albums in years. The record is packed with remarkably addictive pop; half of these songs might be glued to your brain after one listen. The album opens like the first warm morning of the spring with the shining "Schizophrenia," closes with the jauntily bouncing, brassy epic "Nobody," and packs a wallop between: the vocal quirks of the sparkling "Empire"; the guitar-driven, explosive, Joel-esque "Summer Sun"; the infectious sing-along harmony of "Carrying"; the skipping, musical-theater chorus of "The Popular Thing."If a piano-pop song has ever put a smile on your face, Everything Under The Sun belongs in your collection. If that`s never happened to you, well, why not?" - AV CLUB.

Crowded House


"Intriguer" (Regular Edition)
Order Today -- $13.00 

"Intriguer" (w/ DVD)
Order Today -- $18.00

Note: Two versions above!  "4 stars. With the heavy lifting of the Crowded House reunion out of the way, Neil Finn is able to settle into comfortable craft on Intriguer, the band`s sixth album. Intriguer isn`t as self-consciously weighty as Time on Earth -- Finn is not tackling mortality in the wake of the death of his longtime friend and bandmate Paul Hester -- but it`s also not as hazy as Finn`s pair of solo LPs. In tone and timbre, it`s closest to the second Finn Brothers album, the ruminative Everyone Is Here, but it lacks the reflective undertow of that 2004 album; it may be subdued, but it`s not reveling in its melancholy, it`s riding a gentle wave, swaying from song to song.

new pornographers


Order Today -- $15.00

 Playing to all the New Pornographers strengths, Together combines the freewheeling, glammy spirit of their debut Mass Romantic with the very personal, emotional songwriting of their most recent material. As a result, it`s an album that aims to please, as exciting for the New Pornographers obsessive as for casual new listeners. "4 stars/ more than any other of the New Pornographers` albums, this feels like a group effort, each element united to create uniquely cerebral power pop. " - AMG.

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