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News stories for Tuesday 14 September

ZANU PF kicks into election mode with ‘threats’ of more violence
ZANU PF has made it clear it’s in election mode after a new campaign launch, that many opponents view as a coded message to activate its violence machinery. The party’s national chairman, Simon Khaya Moyo, launched the new campaign called, ‘ZANU PF: The Unstoppable Machine,’ using newspaper ads to fire broadsides at political parties such as the MDC.

WOZA sue Home Affairs Ministry over filthy police cells
The disgusting state of holding cells at Harare Central Police station will become the subject of a landmark lawsuit by pressure group Women of Zimbabwe Arise, following their last arrest and detention in April, after peaceful protests against poor service delivery by ZESA.

30 day deadline passes and still no GPA implementation
Tuesday was the end of the 30 day deadline imposed by regional leaders on Zimbabwe’s unity government, to finally implement the Global Political Agreement, but nothing has changed. The deadline was set at the SADC Summit in Namibia where the regional bloc’s defence body, the Troika, endorsed a report by the facilitator in the crisis, South African President Jacob Zuma.

Treatment of artist spreads fear as new charges surface
Bulawayo-based artist Owen Maseko, who was arrested for his exhibition about the Gukurahundi atrocities under the Mugabe regime, believes that the local artistic community has deserted him. He says they fear persecution after he faces new charges that come with a harsher prison sentence. In March Maseko was charged with insulting the President, a charge with a maximum prison sentence of 12 months.
See previous news stories

Constitutional Outreach

Daily Agenda: Constitutional Update 09 Sept - PDF
Taking the constitutional debate to Mudzi
Daily Agenda: Constitutional Update 08 Sept
US Embassy Statement on COPAC support and funding
Bill Watch: Constitution Amendment 19 Re-Gazetted
Daily Agenda constitutional outreach update 02 Sept
Taking the constitutional debate to Uzumba and Mrehwa
Sokwanele: Constitution Outreach 19 - 31 August
The Daily Agenda- constitutional update 31 Aug
The Daily Agenda Constitutional Update 27 Aug
The Daily Agenda: Constitutional Update 25 Aug
Lessons from Kenya: The Referendum 04 August 2010
Key Recent Reports on Zimbabwe click here
Statements on Media Freedom in Zimbabwe

Recent Zimbabwe stories of interest

Thousands bid farewell to heroes of Real Change
Zim revokes leave for school-going mothers and fathers
Deportation threat puts Zim X Factor hopes in jeopardy
State's bid for new charges against Maseko
MDC:The Real Change Times Online 049
Zimbabwe to take over foreign firms
Zimbabwe must let AIDS caregivers go
Econet Wireless is changing its prefix number from 091 to 077
S.Africa band barred from Zim over Mugabe video
US health workers to face charges in Zimbabwe
"You and I can make peace happen"(ROHR) PDF
Zim talent shines at African music awards in UK
Bill Watch 36/2010 - 12th September
US embassy: update on arrest of American citizens
Tsvangirai’s condolence message on death of party officials
Tsvangirai ought to do much more By Psychology Maziwisa
OUTSIDE LOOKING IN - A letter from the diaspora
Cathy Buckle's Letter from Zimbabwe - Lonely sentinels
National Healing & Reconciliation Minister Sekai Holland on BTH
See more relevant reports on Zimbabwe

Other things you should know

European Court Ruling Bolsters Media Freedom
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Ex-President Muluzi denies Malawi corruption charges
Zuma's son: Generosity or a guilty conscience?
Hunger costing poor nations £290bn a year
Hunger in India: 'The real cause is lack of political will'
President Museveni to stand for re-election
Idasa warns of new needs of HIV-affected children
ANC ups the ante in its war on the media
Guinea violence halts presidential election campaigning
Cape Town bans champagne breakfasts
U2 singer Bono's African fashion line moves to China
Congo examines graves to find proof of revenge on Hutus
Angolan radio journalist shot dead at his home in Luanda
Dad is not relevant to my businesses says Zuma Jnr
'Blacks don't read'

Wildlife & environment in trouble articles

Arctic fox on list of Arctic species in danger of extinction -
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Scientists investigate massive walrus haul-out in Alaska
Billionaire saves marine reserve plans
High cost of cashmere on Mongolia plains
Plight of animals at Bangkok's rooftop zoo
BP well threatens ancient Libyan sites
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Simon Khaya Moyo
ZANU PF has made it clear it’s in election mode after a new campaign launch, that many opponents view as a coded message to activate its violence machinery. The party’s national chairman, Simon Khaya Moyo, launched the new campaign called, ‘ZANU PF: The Unstoppable Machine,’ using newspaper ads to fire broadsides at political parties such as the MDC.

Tuesday Schedule

Station Opening
6.30- 7.00 Diaspora Diaries with Alex Bell
Different Points of view with Duane Udd
7.00-7.30 Callback
Newsreel (repeat)

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Archives available from 20:00 BST
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Solidarity Peace Trust report
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Zim Update
Zimbabwe Republic Police
Kick Mugabe Out
Ray Hartley SA Times blog
Kubatana Blog
Di Mitchells blog
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Sokwanele blog


Naison says the so-called 'national healing' is an insult to the victims of political violence and wonders why the MDC agreed to such an organ when there is no rule of law and violence and intimidation is still the order of the day with perpetrators walking free. He believes there should be justice first before talking about reconciliation; and Tembo says people in Mashonaland West Province can’t move around with their daily activities because of intimidation from ZPF, and are threatened with beatings if they are found to be supporting MDC.

Alex examines pressure building on the South African government and other regional leaders to deal with the failed unity government. It’s been 30 days since SADC leaders gave the government one month to finally implement the GPA, but still nothing has changed. Despite this South Africa still plans to deport Zimbabweans at the end of the year. Rose Benton from the Zimbabwe Vigil says South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma needs to ensure deported Zimbabweans have a safe home to return to and she speaks about the Vigil’s planned commemoration on Saturday, of the signing of the GPA.
Duane draws a parallel between the Twin Tower tragedy years ago and the trauma Zimbabwe has endured over the years.

In this second part of the Hotseat interview with the Deputy Prime Minister, Arthur Mutambara. Listen Here

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Listen to interview with author Doublas Rogers
Zimbabwe - Barclay
Listen to interview with author Philip Barclay
Jason Wallace
Listen to interview with author Jason Wallace
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