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Privacy Statement

Our website privacy statement

Friends of the Earth, as the publisher of, are committed to protecting your privacy. We have created this privacy statement to let you know how your personal information is processed and used. We promise that we will take steps to use your personal information only in ways that fit in with this privacy statement.

The following statement applies to our web pages, email newsletter, discussion lists and opt-in announcement lists.
What information we collect and how we collect it

Every computer connected to the Internet has a domain name and a set of numbers that serve as that computer's "Internet Protocol" (IP) address. When you request a page from our website, our web servers automatically recognise your computer's domain name and IP address. Be assured that the domain name and IP address reveal nothing personal about you. We use this information to examine our total traffic, but we do not collect or evaluate this information for individual visitors.

We may also request your email address or postal address to carry out a survey or to provide extra services (such as subscription-based email newsletters, announcement lists or information about seminars). Whenever we request your identity, we will clearly indicate why. In addition, we promise to only send you email that you have requested.


From time to time, we may send a "cookie" to your computer. This is a small piece of data that our web server sends to your browser, before it is stored on your computer's hard drive. We use cookies to identify which areas of our website you have visited or customised for your needs, so that, in time, our web pages will be tailored to you as soon as you access the site.

A cookie cannot read data from your hard drive or read cookie files sent to you from other sites. A cookie cannot damage your computer either.

You can choose whether or not to accept cookies from our site. To do this, you can either reset your browser to refuse all cookies or allow your browser to show you when a cookie is being sent. If you choose not to accept these cookies, some features of our website may not work as intended and your experience of our site may be reduced.

Disclosing information to other people

We may share general information about our website visitors to other people or organisations, but will not share any personal information about you without your express consent. In addition, we take reasonable steps to keep your information secure.

We do not intend to sell, rent, or otherwise give your email address to another organisation or person, without your consent. So, if any organisation or person gets this information, we are not responsible for their actions or any breaches of security. Our website has links to a wide variety of other sites. We are not responsible for their privacy policies or how they treat information about their users.

Please note that we will release specific personal information about you if we need to do so to comply with a legal process.

Your consent

By using our website, you consent to us collecting and using information as described above. If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this statement so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and in what cases we disclose it.

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Friends of the Earth Nothern Ireland

Digital Revolutionaries