Mass lobby, a great sucess

Issued in news on June 17, 2010 at 16:33:00.

MASS LOBBY John Gormley & Constituents
MASS LOBBY John Gormley & Constituents

On the 2nd of June Friends of the Earth as members of the Stop Climate Chaos coalition took part in a Mass Lobby on climate change. Friends of the Earth members and supporters from all over the country came to Buswells hotel across from the Dail to meet with their TDs. We were asking TDs to commit to supporting a strong climate law in the Dail, when the Bill comes before them this Autumn.

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Why did the TD cross the road?

Issued in news on June 01, 2010 at 11:27:00.

Its time to actWhy did the TD cross the road? Because you emailed them now and asked them to drop into Buswells, opposite the Dáil, on Wednesday for the Stop Climate Chaos mass lobby.

Even if you can't make it to Buswells tomorrow for the Stop Climate Chaos mass lobby you can still help make it a success.

Just email your local TDs and ask them to come across for a briefing on the proposed climate law. It doesn't matter that you won't be there, there'll be plenty of us there to get the message across.

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Come and meet your TDs with us, its time to act!

Issued in news on May 24, 2010 at 14:33:00.

Its time to act
Its time to act

Climate change hasn't gone away and this year the Irish Government will make crucial decisions about how it will tackle climate change, now and into the future. Our Government has committed to a passing a Climate Change Bill by the end of 2010, including binding targets for reducing our carbon emissions.

Use the Stop Climate Chaos website to arrange to meet your TD. Its time to act!

As the Government negotiates the text of this forthcoming legislation, we must send them a clear message that we expect the bill to be strong, with real enforceable targets that ensure Ireland plays its part in delivering climate justice and a fair and safe future for all.

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Friends of the Earth is recruiting an intern

Issued in news on May 09, 2010 at 11:27:00.

YFoE logo small web version
YFoE logo small web version

Friends of the Earth Ireland Internship Programme 2010

The Opportunity
Friends of the Earth is recruiting an intern to participate in our fifth annual internship programme. The successful candidate will work as part of a small, multi-disciplinary team.


We are recruiting for one internship: Young Friends of the Earth Intern

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Friends of the Earth Earth Day Gig

Issued in news on April 06, 2010 at 17:43:00.

Friends of the Earth - Earth Day GigIn celebration of Earth Day, Friends of the Earth to host The Mother of All Gigs

Friends of the Earth is delighted to announce that it will be marking the 40th anniversary of Earth Day with an exclusive live music event in Whelan's, on Thursday 22nd April.


Presented by Turning Pirate, The Friends of the Earth Earth Day party line up includes

Our Little Secrets

Lisa Hannigan

Gavin Glass

The Ambience Affair


Edmond Enright

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Fine Gael TDs urged to cease campaign to review Travel Tax

Issued in news on April 06, 2010 at 15:10:00.

The Irish Times

ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP Friends of the Irish Environment has written to Fine Gael TDs asking them to cease efforts to repeal the Government's €10 travel tax.

The group has also urged the TDs to withdraw their support for the State's regional airports, on the grounds that air travel damages the environment.

The group says that as aviation fuel remains untaxed, there is a significant incentive to air travel. "In the absence of fuel taxes, the only way that we can control consumer behaviour is through airport and travel taxes," the group said.

Friends of the Irish Environment also urged Fine Gael members to follow the recommendations of the McCarthy report in 2009 and end subsides for regional airports.

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Climate Scientist Phil Jones Exonerated by British House of Commons.

Issued in news on March 31, 2010 at 09:34:00.

The Huffington Post

The British House of Commons today issued a report exonerating Professor Phil Jones, the director of the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. Dr. Jones was embroiled in controversy following the theft of internal emails and documents from the University's servers in November of last year.

The report states that "the focus on CRU and Professor Phil Jones, Director of CRU, in particular, has largely been misplaced," and that Dr. Jones's actions were "in line with common practice in the climate science community," and the CRU's "analyses have been repeated and the conclusions have been verified."

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Friends of the Earth’s Island Gathering 2010 Programme

Issued in news on March 12, 2010 at 10:43:00.

We would like to invite you to join us at the Island Gathering, organised by our colleagues in Belfast, which will take place on Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 April at the Tí Chulainn Cultural Centre, Mullaghbane, County Armagh. This will be a two day residential event, in a beautiful location, close to Newry.

Tickets cost €60 for weekend delegates (including accommodation, Saturday evening meal and Sunday breakfast) and €40 for day delegates (without accommodation, but including Saturday evening meal). Both ticket types include lunch and refreshments both days. Please send cheques payable to Friends of the Earth at 9 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2 by Friday the 9th of April, or you can call us and make a credit card booking on 01 639 4652.



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Run, jog or walk the Women's Mini Marathon in aid of Friends of the Earth

Issued in news on March 02, 2010 at 14:19:00.

Good for you, Good for the Planet Mini Marathon

Official registration for this year's Flora Mini Marathon opens Wednesday 3rd March 2010. We are asking our supporters to join Friends of the Earth staff members Michelle and JoAnne to run, jog or walk the Flora Women's Mini Marathon in Dublin on Bank Holiday Monday, June 7th 2010, to help raise vital funds for Friends of the Earth.

It is a fun, feel good event, suitable for women of all ages over 14 and all fitness levels and we'll support you every step of the way with:

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Local group meeting with the Minister for Transport.

Issued in news on February 24, 2010 at 12:14:00.

Brilliant news coming to us from Meath. The Meath Climate Change group have been collecting signed postcards calling for a A minister and postcardsstrong climate law in and around Navan for a few months. Earlier this month they met with their local TD Noel Dempsey. As minister for Transport, Mr Dempsey is a key figure in the Governments, attempt to tackle climate change. He sits on the important Cabinet sub-commitee on climate change.

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Coping with Copenhagen

Issued in the blog on February 24, 2010 at 09:52:00.

inside-the-bella-centre-with-cop-in-full-swingCopenhagen was personally very disappointing for me. I did not expect there to be a final legally binding treaty agreed there but I had hoped for better things. I had hoped that perhaps movement would be made on sticky issues in the negotiating texts and that by the time things came to a close there would be maybe three or four areas that still needed to be worked through in 2010. What actually hap pended was that a parallel process developed, the process of drawing together the Copenhagen Accord. This sapped attention and focus from the real texts that have been being negotiated since the UN meeting in Bali two years ago.

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Email Gormley demanding a strong climate law in 2010

Issued in campaign actions.

gormley hagen

Please email John Gormley about the climate law that he plans to pass in 2010.

Climate Crisis will be the challenge of new decade

Issued in news on January 04, 2010 at 10:41:00.

Oisin Coghlan
Friends of the Earth Director

This is a slightly longer version of an article that appeared in the Irish Times on 31 December 2009

This is not how it was supposed to end. Internationally, this decade was supposed to give us a comprehensive global treaty to contain climate change. In Ireland, some of us allowed ourselves hope a soft-landing for the Celtic Tiger would herald a "post-materialist" era where environmental and social considerations where given as much weight as economic ones in policy-making.Obama

Instead, the Copenhagen climate talks ended in confusion and recrimination and in Ireland the economic crash has driven us back to very understandable materialist concerns about budget cuts and job losses.

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Proposed Copenhagen Accord an embarrassment

Issued in news on December 18, 2009 at 16:59:00.

Rich countries will not avoid a PR disaster by bullying poor countries to accept a climate disaster

Friends of the Earth has described the latest draft text at the UN climate summit as an "embarrassment". Calling on world leaders to stay in Copenhagen until they agree a "real deal with actions strong enough to deliver on their aspirations", the environmental organisation said poorer countries will not be bullied into accepting an unfair and unsafe agreement.

In Copenhagen, Friends of the Earth Policy Officer, Molly Walsh said

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Uncertainty in Copenhagen as new draft goes down badly

Issued in news on December 18, 2009 at 10:46:00.

RTE News

The mood at the UN climate change conference in Copenhagen has changed from optimism to uncertainty, after a draft text from a influential group of world leaders went down badly with developing nations.

...Overnight, a group of 26 influential world leaders had worked on a text, a process which the Danish Prime Minister had described as both fruitful and positive.

However this morning, developing nations have reacted negatively to the text, apparently feeling that an agreement was being forced on them by the world's richest nations.

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