Last updated: September 02, 2010

Weather: Sydney 12°C - 19°C . Few showers.

Get your ashes pressed into vinyl records

vinyl records

WANT a musical memorial? Get your or your pet's ashes pressed into vinyl with your choice of tune.

8 comments on this story

Scientists show invisible threads possible

Spencer Tunick

AUSSIE scientists crack code for making Emperor's new clothes — but who wants invisible duds?

40 comments on this story

PS3 gamer loses court case against Sony

A GAMER who sued Sony over an upgrade to his PlayStation 3 console that removed a key feature has lost his court claim, the ABC reported today.

Doctors take iPhone stethoscope to heart


SURGERIES might never look the same as an iPhone app replaces old-fashioned stethoscopes.

29 comments on this story

Wednesday, 1 September

Attempted rape attack leads to iTunes hit

Bed Intruder

ANGRY TV news interview about would-be rapist turned into a web phenomenon and popular song.

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Judge extends ban on PS3 USB modchip

PS3 thumbnail

A TEMPORARY ban on the sale of the PS Jailbreak device has been extended until Friday.

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Google service to sort your emails for you

GOOGLE can sift through a trillion web links in a matter of seconds, but can it help people wade through their overflowing inboxes?

Tuesday, 31 August

Battle of the snitches: Gawker v Wikileaks

Julian Assange

BITCHY blog tries to turn tables
on whistleblower site by calling
for leaks about Wikileaks.

46 comments on this story

Google beefs up its 'Facebook rival' cred


GOOGLE buys social games start-up in latest of series of acquisitions aimed at helping it compete with Facebook.

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NASA's robot astronaut is the talkative type


NASA'S new star recruit is a chatty character. It's also made of nuts and bolts.

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MySpace sends users' posts to Facebook


MYSPACE, which recently revamped itself to look more like Facebook, is now allowing users to sync their posts to Facebook.

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Star Trek fans bombard NASA's song vote

Klilngon, Star Trek

IF you were asleep deep in outer space, what song would you want to wake up to? NASA thinks it's time to let the geeks decide...

32 comments on this story

Will Diaspora be your next social network?


FOUR students from New York are just weeks away from taking on the world's biggest online social network.

84 comments on this story

Monday, 30 August

Are Facebook addicts online narcissists?

Facebook screen

CONSTANT status updates and pouty profile photos could make
you a Facebook narcissist.

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Foursquare gains two million users, $20m

Blackberry mobile smart phone

FOURSQUARE rises to the Facebook Places challenge, adding two million extra users in just over three months.

Scientists baffled by 'bootprint on Mars'


MARS orbiter returns sharp new images of 385km long scar, but nobody knows how it got there.

35 comments on this story

Over-50s flock for daily Facebook fix


WHILE online social networks remain havens for the young, they are also becoming increasingly popular with the over-50 crowd.

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Nike, student in race to get their Kicks

Back to the Future

INVENTOR who built a pair of self-lacing shoes is now in race with Nike to get them to market.

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Friday, 27 August

Giant skill-tester could rip roof off a ute

Carlton Draught Magnatron

ENORMOUS game has magnet so strong it could rip roof off Toyota's "unbreakable" HiLux ute.

35 comments on this story

Google gifts Aussies with free US calls


'DELIBERATE' loophole in web phone service allows Aussies access to US 'free calls' offer.

51 comments on this story

New Kindle 'everything the iPad isn't'

Amazon Kindle Future

EARLY reviews for the Kindle 3 hail Amazon's latest upgrade to its groundbreaking e-reader range "everything the iPad will never be".

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Scientists can build liver from skin cells


SCIENTISTS have made liver cells in a lab using skin cells, creating the hope of developing new treatments for liver disease.

Solar storm

The last time our sun went through a "Solar Max" cycle, the only digital storm that hit the world was called Tetris. So what's going to happen when it hits again in, er, 2012?


Slim pickings

Mini Laptops

Mobile geeks don't need to choose between laptops that are stocky or slow - a new generation is slim and slick.

iPhone accessories

iPhone MacLove Stand

Apple's new iPhone4 is finally in Australian hands and its accessories have never been so important.

Pump up the volume

Switched On

If it's good vibrations you are after these latest advances in sound may be the way to go.

World at your feat

LittleBigPlanet 2

THE sky will be the limit for budding game designers in LittleBigPlanet 2.

Technology Pictures

Geek Funerals

SPARC station urn

Some people want to be farewelled flying their geek flag high. We look at some of the more far out funerals.

Best of the Indie Games Festival

Indie games on show

YOUNG gamers enjoy a selection of winners and finalists from the Independent Games Festival.

Amazing Insects up close


They look like something from a science fiction film, but they live in your home. Amazing images of common insects

Australian Museum Eureka Prize 2010

Australian Museum Eureka Prize

Some of the best entries in the 2010 New Scientist Australian Museum's Eureka Prize for Science Photography.

Nine ways augmented reality can help you

Augmented reality thumbnail

Whether it's for productive uses, or just to make work that little bit more bearable, augmented reality offers a stack of possibilities for ...

WISE - Shooting the sky

Red Swirl WISE

NASA's project to photograph the sky completes its first run, with the WISE telescope sending back images collated from more than 1.3 millio...


Australian IT

ANZ offers free payments on iPhone

ANZ Bank's iPhone users will be able to transfer money to anyone with a mobile phone free of charge, thanks to a new application dubbed goMoney.