Last updated: September 02, 2010

Weather: Sydney 12°C - 24°C . A few showers.

Geek Funerals

SPARC station urn

Some people want to be farewelled flying their geek flag high. We look at some of the more far out funerals.

Best of the Indie Games Festival

Indie games on show

YOUNG gamers enjoy a selection of winners and finalists from the Independent Games Festival.

Amazing Insects up close


They look like something from a science fiction film, but they live in your home. Amazing images of common insects

Australian Museum Eureka Prize 2010

Australian Museum Eureka Prize

Some of the best entries in the 2010 New Scientist Australian Museum's Eureka Prize for Science Photography.

Nine ways augmented reality can help you

Augmented reality thumbnail

Whether it's for productive uses, or just to make work that little bit more bearable, augmented reality offers a stack of possibilities for ...

WISE - Shooting the sky

Red Swirl WISE

NASA's project to photograph the sky completes its first run, with the WISE telescope sending back images collated from more than 1.3 millio...

Great Lego Re-Inventions

Lego Printer

Check out these re-inventions of common machinery. Built using Lego and ingenuity.

Stephen Hawking's aliens

Stephen Hawking's aliens

See visions of aliens as imagined by the world's best brian - theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking

World's Fastest Supercars


Forget your 110kmh speed limit - these super speedy road-huggers will crack that in 1st with your foot barely on the throttle

Wacky Game Controllers

Playstation Move

PlayStation is set to launch their answer to the Wii controller. Have a look at it and some other controllers that tried - and failed - to c...

Best game previews at E3 2010

Killzone 3

E3 is the biggest event on the gaming calendar where the console kings announce their upcoming projects.

Top 10 stupid Hollywood hackers

The Net

IF you took Hollywood movies at face value, you might think hackers were half wits hitting random keys.

Battle of the supersonic cars

Supersonic cars

The Aussies and the Poms go head-to-head to be the first to break the 1000mph land speed record.

No Mr Bond... I expect you to buy

James Bond DB5

Gadgets galore as one of James Bond's most iconic car goes under the hammer.

GQ Australia's best things in the world

50 best

Magazine GQ Australia publishes its list of the best things in the world

Da Vinci Secrets - Anatomy to Robots

Da Vinci Secrets

Amazing models recreated from the original drawing of Leonardo Da Vinci reveal his mastery of early robotics

10 robots that suck more than Da Vinci's

IF Skynet wants to wage war on humanity, it had better send something more advanced than these bots into battle.

The Rocket Racing League

Rocket Racing League

As the real life Speed Racers get set to take to the skies we ask, is this the coolest sport ever?

Video game weapons for a zombie apocalypse

Left 4 Dead

WHEN there is no more room in hell, the dead shall walk the earth - and you will be ready for them.

Most pirated films of 2009


THESE films made millions at the box office, but it didn't stop a wave of internet users from downloading them illegally.

Australian IT

ANZ offers free payments on iPhone

ANZ Bank's iPhone users will be able to transfer money to anyone with a mobile phone free of charge, thanks to a new application dubbed goMoney.