Last updated: November 08, 2010

Weather: Adelaide 13°C - 22°C . Fine. Sunny afternoon.

Two men stabbed, third charged


A MAN has been charged with two counts of attempted murder, following the stabbing of two men at Taperoo.

Gun used in motel robbery


STAFF at a city motel were threatened by two men armed with a gun late last night.

New suburb concepts put into practice


THE $130 million redevelopment of Woodville West's Housing Trust enclave is one step closer now that the State Government has called for tenders.

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Internet crooks offering illegal animals

Zoo Baby Tigers

EXOTIC pets are being "sold" online, but authorities fear it's an illegal scam that animal lovers should keep their paws off.

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Record turnout for Amy's ride


CYCLISTS young and old made an oath to road safety yesterday as they participated in the annual Amy's Ride event.

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Uni robots team up to tackle foes


FLINDERS University students are making intelligent robots that work together to round up enemy forces and defuse bombs.

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Three bodies found at Kapunda

breaking news

THE bodies of three people have been found at Kapunda, about 85km north of Adelaide.

Cloak-and-dagger conman jailed


A JUDGE sentencing a blackmailing conman says his  tales of spies, crime lords and hitmen would put a thriller writer to shame.

Top United man given the boot

Adelaide United logo

HEADS are rolling at Adelaide United, which has a new chief executive from today.

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'Woeful' funding hurting children

Girl, silhouette

SPENDING on family support services is just one-fifth of the national average, so children are being "rescued, not helped", the State Guardian for Children says.

Libs say Italian trip cost $170,000


MIKE Rann is under pressure to reveal the cost of flying officials to the Fiera del Lavente in Italy, which the Opposition estimates as $170,000.

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Back off compo claims

back pain

WORKERS' compensation for back pain does more harm than good and should be scrapped, a prominent back surgeon says.

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Kilojoule count laws on menu

junk food

THE State Government is looking into forcing fast-food chains such as McDonald's, KFC and Pizza Hut to display kilojoule counts on menus.

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Dress empty buildings for success


A CULTURAL project that breathes life into disused city buildings has been given a financial boost from the Australian Centre for Social Innovation.

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Cop the biggest bloody idiot


AN off-duty police officer among almost 100 people caught driving while drunk or on drugs in a weekend blitz has lost his licence and his car has been seized..

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Why mums lie about sleep deprivation


SLEEP is the No. 1 topic about which mums lie to each other, with whoppers also told about nits, bed times, sickness, yelling and kids milestones, experts say.

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Parkland cafe proposal on the table


RESTAURANTS and cafes should be allowed in the Adelaide parklands to attract more people to the underused space, the Property Council says.

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Mayorship not just a two-horse race

lord mayoral candidate

ADELAIDE'S lord mayoral contest is not a two-horse race between Ralph Clarke and Francis Wong, say the other candidates.

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Crashed car torn in half


POLICE were searching last night for a man who fled from a crash in which the car he was driving split in two.

Police blitz drink-drivers

Drink drive

AN off-duty police officer was among 85 people caught allegedly drink-driving during a weekend-long police blitz on the state's roads.

Motorcyclist dies after hitting guardrail

Death marker th

A MAN is dead after coming off his motorbike and hitting a guardrail on the Adelaide to Goolwa Road.

From gold to dust for SA cyclist

Dale Parker

COMMONWEALTH Games gold medallist Dale Parker has been suspended from competition after an alleged drink driving accident in which teen was seriously injured.

Mr X calls wants banks bugged


BANKS would be spied on under a plan by South Australian Senator Nick Xenophon to ensure they are not colluding to rip off homeowners.

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The town they killed with a pen

Chain of Ponds

THE Town That Time Forgot  - Chain of Ponds - is being honoured this weekend, 40 years after a State Government sentenced it to extinction.

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Spat over voting rights

Francis Wong

LORD mayoral candidate Ralph Clarke has accused political rival Francis Wong of exploiting international students to boost his chances for election.

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House of Horrors

This is Tania Staker, one of four adults who starved children inside a Parafield Gardens house  - and who can be shown for the first time

Bikie sues council over speed hump


ONE of the state's most notorious bikies is suing a suburban council for negligence after falling off his motorcycle while riding over a speed hump.

Driver walks away from car rollover

Car rollover St Peters

A MAN in his late 40s walked away from a car rollover at St Peters, relatively unscathed.

Teen struck by falling light pole


A MT Barker teenager has suffered serious head injuries after being struck by a light pole, which was rammed by an alleged drunk driver.

Water cash just a drop in the well

Salisbury Wetlands

THE State Government decision to put money into Salisbury's plan to turn stormwater into drinking water is long overdue.

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Funding crisis in family support


SPENDING on family support services in South Australia is just one-fifth of the national average, meaning children are being "rescued, not helped".

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Cityscape's '60s time warp

adelaide city

ADELAIDE'S changing design will put a modern twist on the 1960s idea of a neighbourhood, when you knew your neighbours and walked to a corner store.

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Whistleblower tells of Puglia research link


RESEARCHERS at Flinders University were told to "find a link" with universities in Puglia to improve their chances of funding, a whistleblower says.

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Cashing in on rivers of potential


DEMANDS for an overhaul of the Murray-Darling system have been strengthened by a study that shows saving the Coorong would deliver a $4.3 billion windfall.

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Jobs rush a cut above


THE party season is driving demand for casual workers in industries such as hairdressing, which is experiencing a rush from clients in the lead up to Christmas.

Stop wasting our time


THEY are the unrepentant serial litigants who have clogged up the state's courts with more than 100 legal actions between them.

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More private schools fearing closure


PRIVATE schools are at risk of following in the ill-fated footsteps of embattled Annesley College, an independent school expert warns.

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A single visit that hurts for a lifetime


ASHA Woods once told her dad she wanted to be just like him. But on February 19, Alan Woods had to listen as doctors told him his daughter had slipped away.

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No jail unless officials share cell


A SENIOR judge says he will not jail an 11-year-old joyrider "unless someone from Families SA shares a cell with him".

Graffiti vandals may have cars seized


POLICE will have the power to seize the cars of graffiti vandals or from those who play music too loud for 28 days as part of newly-enacted hoon laws.

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Annesley College merger lifeline


THE financial state of Annesley College will be at the centre of merger negotiations between the school and neighbour Pulteney Grammar.

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IVF ethical debate flares up


RAPID technological advances in fertility treatments are sidelining children's rights, a South Australian ethics expert says.

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Parkland buildings on election agenda


VICTORIA Park's grandstand would last up to 25 years as a permanent structure if Adelaide City Council didn't force it to be torn down.

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Man escapes second serious charge


A MAN has escaped prosecution for an alleged road rage offence - the second time serious charges have been dropped against him in less than two years.

Toddler 'taken over by devil'

Supreme Court

AN Adelaide woman killed her two-year-old son by standing on his mouth and chest because she believed he had been taken over by an evil spirit, a court has heard.

Drink-driving blitz this weekend

RBT station

POLICE have broken a long-standing silence to warn they will be out in force this weekend to catch drunk and drugged drivers.

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Shark sightings

Shark sightings

Shark pictures taken off metropolitan beaches last summer from the Westpac Lifesaver helicopter.

House of Horror monsters

Tania Staker

Four adults who starved children inside a northern suburbs house can finally be named

Aurora Borealis

Aurora Borealis

SEE amazing images of the Aurora Borealis.

Australian Weather Calendar 2011

weather 2011

Eye to the sky for the Australian Weather Calendar 2011.