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useful things.
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TheyWorkForYou, WriteToThem and GroupsNearYou

Hello! We are mySociety – we run most of the UK’s best known democracy websites.

Using our services, 200,000 people have written to their MP for the first time, over 32,000 potholes and other broken things have been fixed, over 12,000,000 signatures have been left on petitions to the Prime Minister, and at least 77 tiny hats have been knitted for charity.
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mySociety ePetitions: Our easy-to-use petitioning system enables local councils to provide a fully branded ePetitions facility on their website, complying with new DCLG legislation. Find out more

Get involved

mySociety is built on volunteers; from simple things, like playing a game to help us make sense of video from the House of Commons, or reporting a broken paving slab, to building a new service with our data or helping us look after one of our websites.

Or just joining our discussion groups and telling us how to make stuff better.
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Hire us

If you work in the public, private or third sector, and are trying to adapt to the new world of citizens empowering themselves through the internet, mySociety can help you by building sites, consulting, or helping you to make plans.

We’ve worked for No10, the BBC, and Google, and we’d love to work for you.
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News & information:
Contact & information:

mySociety is a project of UK Citizens Online Democracy (UKCOD). UKCOD is a registered charity in England and Wales, no. 1076346.