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» DaDem/
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» bin/
» boxes/
» business/
» cee/
» cop/
» cpan/
» cpplib/
» cvswww/
» doc/
» foi/
» fyr/
» games/
» gia/
» glocaliser/
» gny/
» hm/
» hostedby/
» ideasbank/
» intranet/
» ircwww/
» iso/
» ivfyb/
» jslib/
» lists/
» locale/
» mapit-dadem-data-loading/
» meinedata/
» monitor/
» monitoring/
» ms/
» mscouk/
» na/
» na2005/
» news/
» newsomatic/
» panopticon/
» pb/
» perllib/
» pet/
» pgblackbox/
» phplib/
» piwik/
» placeopedia/
» pnmtilesplit/
» pylib/
» rblib/
» rotatelogs/
» rt/
» run-with-lockfile/
» scenic/
» secure/
» services/
» shlib/
» sitestats/
» survey/
» track/
» twfy/
» ukcodwww/
» utils/
» web-admin/
» ycml/
» yhh/

We are gradually moving all projects to git. They are in our own git repository, which automatically updates the repositories in the mysociety github account. Look there first, otherwise look in CVS. If you'd like us to move a particular website to git quicker, please let us know.

Instead of browsing above, you can get all the mySociety source code in two ways:

Anonymous CVS. This is updated as we commit new changes. Set CVSROOT to and grab the module mysociety. We recommend TortoiseCVS as a CVS client on Windows. On Unix or on a Mac just type "cvs -d co mysociety" at a terminal.

HTTP download. This compressed archive of the entire codebase is updated once a day.

Licence. Most of mySociety's code is made available under the GNU Affero GPL; parts are available under other free licences, as noted in the source. If you want to reuse some of our code, but its existing licence would prohibit you from doing so, ask us about relicensing.