National Black Republican Association


Obama's IRS Goons Will Enforce ObamaCare  

     IRS income tax forms.(AP file photo)   

"IRS Needs $10 Billion to Be Nation's Health Enforcer" by Matt Cover provides the details about how ObamaCare will be enforced by Obama's new 17,000 IRS agents.   

"Health care mandate to be enforced by IRS 'bounty hunters'" by Jim Kouri   

Powerful Video:  America Rising:  An Open Letter to Democrat Politicians   

Video: Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine   

Obama's War Against America


 "The next move of the Alinsky left" by Andrew Thomas uncovers how the deadly serious war of words between the left and right has been ratcheted up by Obama and his Democratic Party supporters.    

"Obama's Deceptive Budget Will Lead to Disaster" by Ronald Kessler   

"Embracing Liberty, Not Big Government" by Michael Barone shows how since Obama became president, our political debate has been transformed into an argument between the heirs of two fundamental schools of political thought, the Founders and the Progressives. The Founders stood for the expansion of liberty and the Progressives for the expansion of government.     

"Tax Collecting for Obama's Welfare State" by James C. Capretta exposes the fact that, according to the Congressional Budget Office, Obama's budget plan would produce $10 trillion in deficits over the period 2011 to 2020. At the end of the decade, the government's debt would top $20 trillion, or 90 percent of the nation's GDP. By comparison, from 1789 to 2008, the country accumulated only $5.8 trillion of public debt.   

Video: You Picked a Fine Time to Lead Us, Barack    

Video:  The Great Reneger      

Video:  Maxine Waters on the Oil Industry     

Video:  Democrats' Rainbows and Unicorns     

ObamaCare Ignores The Will Of The People    

"ObamaCare is Politically Vulnerable" by Jay Cost shows that ObamaCare is subject to never being accepted by the American people because it crams a $2 trillion bill into a $1 trillion package by delaying the distribution of most benefits for four years, until 2014.   

"Ten inconvenient truths about Obamacare" by Susan Ferrechio   

"The ObamaCare Writedowns - The corporate damage rolls in, and Democrats are shocked!" is an article about how ObamaCare is starting a meltdown in our nation's economy with AT&T already announcing that it will be forced to make a $1 billion writedown due solely to the health bill, in what has become a wave of such corporate losses.  

"A Point of No Return?" by Thomas Sowell is an article that shows how ObamaCare allows the federal government to take control of our entire medical care system and is a major turning point in Obama's quest to completely dismantle all of the values and institutions of America.   

"Obama's Empty Health Care Victory" by J.R. Dunn explains that Obama and Democrats running Congress believe that now that ObamaCare is the law, Americans are supposed to forget the sleazy deals, forget the lack of constitutional legitimacy and silently obey.   

"Stupak and His Sheep" by Bruce Walker shows how Democrats there is no such thing as a "Pro-Life" Democrat, and Democrats place party loyalty above an innocent baby's life.  

"Obamacare's next trick: the VAT" by Charles Krauthammer exposes how the passage of ObamaCare that creates a vast new middle-class entitlement makes the creation of a European-style national sales tax inevitable.  

"National Healthcare Bill Betrays Veterans" is an article that explains how the Veterans of Foreign Wars opposed ObamaCare because the law does not protect the health programs provided to veterans, servicemembers or their families  

"Cuban leader applauds US health-care reform bill" by Paul Haven is an article that reports the fact that the Cuban revolutionary dictator Fidel Castro applauded the passage of ObamaCare that is like what communist Cuba imposed on its people decades ago.   

"Grotesquerie" by Steve Forbes explains how, with an ice-cold disdain for public opinion and an obsession worthy of Russia's communist dictator Vladimir Lenin, Obama and Pelosi rammed ObamaCare into law using unprecedented trickery, bribery and deceit.  Ultimately, Obama will discover that the American people's tenacity will overwhelm his, and he will be a failed President.  But the cost of his public-be-damned attitude will be immense.   

"Obama's 17-minute, 2,500-word response to woman's claim of being 'over-taxed" by Anne E. Kornblut reveals Obama's inability to explain why he is raising the taxes of middle-class Americans makes him a poor salesman of the health-care overhaul that is disliked by a majority of Americans.   

Video:  Countbrown with Keith Olbermanns Conscience (Exposing NBC's racial hypocrisy)   

Video:  Al Sharpton Claims American Public Voted for Socialism When Electing Obama  

Video:  The Reagan Obama Debate  

Video: BOB&TOM TV: "Obama Man" by Greg Morton   

Video:  Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Democrats of economic meltdown    

Republicans Vow To Repeal and Replace ObamaCare   


Boehner:  Repeal Dem's Gov't Takeover of Health Care & Replace it with Reform  

"The Party of No Government Takeover" is a PowerLine blog about the Resmussen poll showing that the voters' distaste for ObamaCare socialsim now translates into a decisive 53-37 percent preference for Republicans over Democrats on the health care issue. Rasmussen also found that voters now strongly prefer the Republican approach to issues pretty much across the board.    

"What Republicans Should Do Now - Repeal and reform will be a winning issue this fall" by Karl Rove   

"Resistance Is Not Futile" by Phil Gramm is an article that explains how Republicans must make it clear to the American people that this is only the beginning of the debate    

"Democratic incumbents running behind in Obama's home state" by Michael Barone provides information about poll results after the passage of ObamaCare that are devastating results for Democrats in Barack Obama's home district.   

"White men shun Democrats" by David Paul Kuhn explains how millions of white men who voted for Barack Obama are walking away from the Democratic Party.  Polls show that it is likely the departure of those voters in November could lead to a GOP landslide on a scale not seen since 1994.    

"Where Were You When the Republic Died?" by Matt Patterson shows how in November 2008, Americans elected a socialist as their president.  In March 2010, they woke up stunned to find themselves living in a socialist country.   

"Lawsuit filed against Obama Administration" is an article about how the public interest group Judicial Watch filed a federal law suit against the Obama Administration for failure to comply with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that requires disclosures about the ObamaCare negotiations held in secret.  

Video:  Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner's Remarks Admonishing Congress' Failure to Vote The Wishes of The American People  

Video:  We The People - A call to take back our country from the socialists!    

Sarah Palin - A Champion For The People    


"In Defense of Sarah Palin" by Norman Podhoretz explains how Palin understands that America has been a force for good in the world, something Obama does not understand.  The derogatory things Democrats say about Palin are uncannily similar to what the forebears of those Democrats once said about Ronald Reagan.     

Black Republican 2010 Candidates 

    Newscom (3); Getty Images  

A complete list with profiles of the 32 black Republicans who are running for office as of April 2010 was complied by the Frederick Douglas Foundation.   

"The GOP's New Race Card" by John Avlon provides details about the 32 black Republicans who are running for office today, more than the entire number of black Republicans who have serviced in Congress in history.  

"Obama inspires black politicians to seek office - as Republican candidates" by Alex Pappas is an article that includes the entire list of the 32 black Republicans candidates.   

"Black GOP Candidates Mount Serious 2010 Bids Nationwide" is an article that provides information about black Republican candidates.          

The First Blacks In Congress - All Republicans    


The complete list of the first black Republicans elected to Congress during the Reconstruction era is provided here.  On the list are the first two black Senators and the 21 black members of the House of Representatives.     

Copies of the above poster can be ordered from WallBuilders.  It features images and information about the first six black Congressmen and the first black Senator (all Republicans) to serve in the federal congress.  WallBuilders provides other products about black history, including "American History in Black & White - Setting the Civil Rights Record Straight"           

Democrats Falsely Accuse Tea Party Activists of Racism    


"Opposed to Obamacare? Then You Must Be a Racist" by Pat Sajak     

"Do Democrats Commit Hate Crimes Against Black Republicans?" by Frances Rice      

"A Closer Look at the Capitol Steps Conspiracy" by Jack Cashill provides evidence that the claim that the Tea Party protestors in DC shouted racist slurs at black Congressmen is false, preposterously reckless and quite possibly malicious.       

"Tea Party Anger Reflects Mainstream Concerns" by Juan Williams shows how the voters' dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party's social agenda has nothing to do with racism.       

"Barack Obama's Helter-Skelter, Insane Clown Posse, Alinsky Plans to 'Deconstruct' America" is an article by Andrew Breitbart who has offered a $100,000 reward for evidence that Tea Party activists uttered racist slurs in DC.  In his article, Breitbart shows that Obama, the first Alinsky president, is using surrogates to make false accusations of racism in order to split this nation into two hostile factions.       

"More Thoughts On Liberal Political Violence" is a PowerLine Blog about how Democrats are trying to change the subject away from their health care debacle by claiming, falsely, that conservatives are threatening violence against them.  Ignored by the media is how it is the Democrats who rely on ad hominem attacks, outrageous allegations and violent imagery to hurt Republicans.     

"The Democrats' Fake Hate Crime" by Mark Steyn provides an analysis of how leaders of the Democratic Party have been reduced to faking hate crimes into order to destroy the Tea Party Movement.  To his shame Democrat Congressman John Lewis lied about hearing racial epithets in DC and has, thus, dishonored the civil rights movement and his own part in that historic struggle for the cheapest partisan political points.     

"Democrats' deafness reaps hate mail" by Nolan Finley exposes how Democrats stubbornly refused to listen to the tremendous public outcry against their health care package. Now that ObamaCare has been shoved down the throats of Americans, Democrats are trying to marginalize the protestors, while feigning shock -- and even fear -- at the vehemence of the backlash.      

"Obama: 'If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun'" by Amy Chozick is a chilling article about how Obama urges his supporters to attack Republicans who oppose ObamaCare.     

Liberals Mock Obama


          Cry Baby Obama - It's all Bush's fault ...    

"President Weirdo" by Roger L. Simon is an article about how Obama's behavior's shows that he lacks the necessary temperament and is psychologically unfit to be president.  He was elected with Americans knowing almost nothing about him, and now unsavory things from his obscure history are linking around the edges.  Good luck to us.   

“Liberals' desperate assessments of Obama's first year” by Michael Barone shows how liberal writers are expressing desperation and angst in their one-year assessments of the Obama Administration.   

“The disillusionment of Obama enthusiasts” by Michael Barone explores how Obama enthusiasts were motivated by irrational hatred of former President George W. Bush and wanted to replace him with someone cool. They never gave much thought to the policies of Obama and the Democrats in Congress. Obama supporters’ politics of style over substance produced the Obama record of “the stench of crony capitalism, bailout favoritism and earmark corruption”.  

“Media Are Waking Up to Obama” by Ronald Kessler is an article that makes the compelling case that: “Clearly, if the media had done the job the First Amendment envisioned for the press, Obama would not be president today”. 

“Losing Jon Stewart” is a posting on RealClear Politics by Tom Bevan showing that the fear of making fun of Obama is gone, with liberal Democrats taking the lead. Bevan wrote about “yet another segment by TV Comedy show host Jon Stewart ripping the Obama administration - this time over President Obama's (and the Democrats') eagerness to spend the ‘found money’ savings from the TARP program and his phony reintroduction of ‘weatherization’ as some exciting new idea for job creation”.    

Video: Saturday Night Live's take on the White House party crashers.  

Video: Obama Lost Without His Teleprompter  

Video:  Jack Cafferty On Nancy Pelosi: 'She's A Horrible Woman' 

The Global Warming Hoax  


“Global Warming Is a Religion” by Walter E. Williams  

“What to say to a 'warmer'” by Mark Landsbaum exposes the scandal perpetuated by the global warming alarmists.  

"The great global warming collapse"  by Margaret Wente explains how as the science scandals keep coming, the air has gone out of the climate-change movement.  

“It’s Not Apostasy” is a Powerline blog post about the admission that the earth has not warmed since 1995 made by Phil Jones, global warming high priest and former director of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, whose leaked emails sparked a major scientific scandal.  

“Al Gore's Nine Lies” by Inverstor's Business Daily Editorial  

“How Al Gore Wrecked Planet Earth” by Walter Russell Mead  

“Met Office: we must check 150 years of climate data” by Ben Webster, Environment Editor, Times Online (UK)   

“Climate scientists withdraw journal claims of rising sea levels”   

"Change" is Not New" by Thomas Sowell is an article about the fact many climate scientists have pointed out before now that the earth has warmed and cooled many times over the centuries.   

"When the Germans give up on AGW you really do know it's all over" by James Delingpole is an article about how now a majority of Germans (58%) consider Global Warming to be a hoax, a truly astonishing fact since Germans were the first to embrace the notion of Global Warming in the 1930's.   

"Forecasters: S. Florida Winter Among Coldest Ever" is an article about a report from the National Weather Service revealing that the first 3 months of the year were the coldest ever reported Florida's sub-tropical cities of Miami Beach, Naples, and West Palm Beach, and was among the coldest winters ever for Ft. Lauderdale and Miami.  Global Cooling any one?    

Corrupt Black Democrats in Congress 


“Rangel says ethics panel ruled against him” is a article about how Democrat Rep. Charles Rangel, the top tax writer in the U.S. Congress, was admonished by a congressional ethics committee for taking corporate-funded trips to the Caribbean, a finding he said defied "common sense."   

“NYT: The Corruption of the Congressional Black Caucus” by Mark Hemingway is an article about the investigation into the Congressional Black Caucus.  Exposed is the fact that: "All eight open House investigations involve caucus members, and most center on accusations of improper ties to private businesses.”    

“Corruption in the Congressional Black Caucus threatens African-Americans” by Dr. Boyce Watkins   

“In Black Caucus, a Fund-Raising Powerhouse” by Eric Lipton and Eric Lichtblau of the New York Times exposes how black Democrats in Congress bash corporations, but are not shy about extracting money (to pay off  a $4 million mortgage on its foundation’s DC town house headquarters) from labor unions and businesses, including Wal-Mart, AT&T, General Motors, Coca-Cola and Altria, the nation’s largest tobacco company.    

Obama Fails To Keep America Safe

"Oama's policy of slapping allies" by Charles Krauthammer    

"Parochially Post-American" by Mark Steyn is an article about how Obama exhibits antipathy to America's formerly closest allies.  Obama's display of animosity toward our allies results from an unappealing combination of coldness and self-absorption, gained from his associations with American-hating left-wingers, such as Van Jones, Jeremiah Wright and the unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.     

"INNIS: Obama keeps Africa in the dark" by Roy Innis and Niger Innis   

"Allies everywhere feeling snubbed by President Obama" by Robert Kagan provides details about how Obama who ran against "unilateralism" in the 2008 campaign has worse relations overall with American allies than President Bush did in his second term.    

“Holder admits nine Obama Dept. of Justice officials worked for terrorist detainees, offers no details” by Byron York   

“Obama Impresses ‘Educated Class’ But Not Terrorists” by Michael Barone 

“Dems' Sneak Attack on CIA Fails” is a posting on PowerLine blog that exposes how while our attention was elsewhere, the Democratic Party launched a disgraceful sneak attack against our intelligence professionals.      

“My Gift to the Obama Presidency” by John Yoo exposes the fact that although the White House won't want to admit it, Bush lawyers were protecting the executive's power to fight a vigorous war on terror.  

“American neutrality on the Falklands is a symptom of US foreign policy drift” by James Corum   

Video:  Democrat Hank Johnson Afraid Guam Will "Tip Over and Capsize"    

Voices From The Grassroots


NBRA Chairman Frances Rice with RNC Chairman Michael Steele  

NBRA Newsletter - Tribute To Michael Steele  

Video:  RNC Chairman Michael Steele Reaches Out to Fellow YouTuber   

Coast to Coast - RNC Coalitions in Miami    

Coast to Coast - RNC Coalitions in Dallas  

Coast to Coast - RNC Coalitions in Chicago 

Video:  Thomas Sowell - A Prophet Warns America 

Video:  Walter E. Williams - Redistribution of Income 

Video:  Walter E. Williams - Liberal Compassion 

Video:  Walter E. Williams - Cure for Poverty 

Video:  Young Con Anthem  

Video:  Part 1 - Rush Limbaugh: Obama is Destroying the Economy 

Video:  Part 4  - Rush Limbaugh: Obama is Destroying the Economy  

Video: A Voice From the Grassroots - Lieutenant Colonel Allen West, US Army Retired, delivers a powerful message about how our American spirit is strong enough to prevail against any enemy--foreign or domestic.   

Video:  Ken Blackwell on RNC Strategy: Stick with the Principles or Rewrite the Message?      

Videos:  Great Moments in Democrat Racist History -   Video OneVideo Two,  and  Video Three   

Video:  No Guns for Negroes Part One   

Video:  No Guns for Negroes Part Two    

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Was A Republican  

The Republican Party is the party of freedom and equality for blacks. 

Video:  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican - Affirmation by his niece   

The Myth of the Racist Republican By Gerard Alexander 

Nixon's Southern Strategy - Co-architect Pat Buchanan explains the origin and intent of the strategy 

The Democratic Party Owes Blacks An Apology By Frances Rice  

NBRA History Test   

Can Republicans Win Back The Black Vote? By Frances Rice  

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican Information - NBRA Civil Rights Newsletter 

Obama and Democrats Hurt Blacks


“The Democratic Party Owes Blacks An Apology” by Frances Rice   

"'Vicious cycle': Jobless and black in America" by Wayne Drash shows that in the era of Obama, black unemployment is 16.5 percent, almost double the rate  for whites.  Also disclosed is the fact that the Median household income for blacks being $34,218, while for whites it is $55,530.  These dismal statistics are in a report issued by the National Urban League.   

“King Had a Dream, but Blacks Now Face a Nightmare” by Chris W. Bell provides a startling look at the crisis in black communities created by the very liberals that blacks continue to vote for.  

“Black America loses gamble in electing first black president” by Phillip Jackson    

“Black America can't rely on Obama alone” by Eddie S. Glaude Jr. exposes how black communities are ravaged by the Obama recession with a projection by the Economic Policy Institute that black unemployment will reach 17.2 percent, a 25-year high.  According to the National Center for Children in Poverty, more black children are growing up poor, with 35 percent of black children live in poverty.   

“Administration Again Cuts Funding for Scholarship Program That Helps Low-Income D.C. Kids” by Penny Starr is an article about how Obama in his fiscal 2011 budget slashed funding for the program that allows black children to attend high-performing private schools they otherwise could not afford.   

“Progressives and the Growing Dependency Agenda” by George Will is an article that exposes how Democrats push dependency on government programs while killing the DC school choice program that helps poor blacks.   

“Black opportunity destruction” by Walter Williams   

“Henry Gates’ Website Wants to Write Black Conservatives Out of Black History” by Bob Parks provides details about how as part of Black History Month, “The Roots” website published an article by Obama’s friend, Henry Gates, that demeans black conservatives by grouping them with brutal dictators, convicted criminals and self-centered celebrities.   

“The Root: Clarence Thomas is as bad as Robert Mugabe or Idi Amin” by Mark Hemingway     

“NAACP to Honor Van Jones as 'American Treasure'”    

“The Fallacy of "Fairness" by Thomas Sowell   

Obama and Our Post-Modern Race Problem” by Shelby Steele reveals how Obama always knew that his greatest appeal was not as a leader but as a cultural symbol.  

“A Quiet End for Boys Choir of Harlem” by Sharon Otterman is an article about how under the first black President, Barack Obama, an ignominious end has come to the Boys Choir of Harlem after 40 years of award-winning singing, starting in 1968, by young performers with world-class voices who had emerged from some of the most difficult neighborhoods of New York.  Is this the change those poor black children in Harlem had hoped for?  

“Ebony Fashion Fair canceled” – An item posted on the September 7, 2009 Black Politics Blog provides the sad news that The Ebony Fashion Fair, a show starring black models and geared towards African-American audiences, has canceled its 2009 fall tour.  The Miami Herald described the 50-year-old fair as a traveling style show that showcases the work of dozens of designers from around the world, while also raising money for local charities in the areas where it stops.  The fair is another tragic casualty of the Obama economy.    

“DOJ forces town to put party labels on candidates for racial reasons” by Ed Lasky

“Justice Department to blacks: We know better” is a Washington Times editorial showing how the Obama Justice overruled black voters in Kinston, N.C. who voted to hold nonpartisan elections, telling the blacks that they are too stupid to choose their own elected officials unless the candidates are identified by party label. This violation of constitutional norms is astonishing and almost antebellum.           

"Obama And Plantation Politics" By Frances Rice 

"Gospel of dependence from National Urban League" By Star Parker 

The Illustrated Results of Obama's "Community Organizing" - Pictures of Dilapidated Houses 

"Grim proving ground for Obama's housing policy"  By Scott LaPierre  

Video: Obama Kills DC Voucher Program   

Video:  Detroit in RUINS! (Crowder goes Ghetto)  

Video: Why do 91% of African Americans Still Support Obama? (Part 1) 

Video: Why do 91% of African Americans Still Support Obama? (Part 2) 

Obama's Plan to Enslave Blacks - A cartoon created for the NBRA by Brett Noel provides a chilling look at the future of black Americans under a Barack Obama Administration as "Socialist Slaves" dependent on government handouts on the Democratic Party's economic plantation.  As a corrupt Chicago "Community Organizer" for 20 years, Obama produced unlivable slums and wants to repeat his failure for the rest of America.  Click on image above to see full size.   

Tea Party Protests

See more Americans March On Washington photos here.

"A million march to US Capitol to protest against 'Obama the socialist' " by David Gardner shows how the White House was shocked by the massive rally of Americans in Washington, the biggest crowd of people since Obama took office in January. 

"Some Blacks Now Have Doubts About Obama" by Star Parker exposes how, despite slurs, intimidation, and widely reported physical attacks from union thugs, a few brave black souls have showed up at tea party protest rallies.  

 "Black Conservatives Take Lead Role in Tea Party Movement" by Judson Berger explains how, although the tea party movement has attracted criticism for its supposed lack of diversity, minority activists who are involved say the movement has little to do with race, and that it is attracting a more diverse crowd every day.  

Video:  Dallas Tea Party Invites the White People of MSNBC 

Frances Rice protesting wasteful spending at a Sarasota, FL "Tea Party" rally. 

Video: We The People By Lloyd Marcus   

Video: "Two Trillion Tons" by Jim Gossepp  

American Tea Party - Obama Lied, The Economy Died       

Lloyd Marcus at the Sarasota (FL) Polo Grounds Tea Party


New CD by black Republican entertainer Lloyd Marcus – “American Tea Party: 12 great songs to Take Back America!” only $15.95 (plus $2 s/h).  Order your gift online or by mail with a check or money order payable to Lloyd Marcus at: P. O. Box 6472, Deltona, FL 32728. For more details, visit Lloyd’s website  

Kenneth Gladney

”When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson

"Charges Filed in Kenneth Gladney Beating Case (Update)"   

"BREITBART: I am Kenneth Gladney" by Andrew Breitbart provides details about how Goons from the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) physically assaulted a black Conservative, Kenneth Gladney, who was handing out "Don't Tread on Me" flags after a town hall meeting in Missouri.  

"Democrats - Why All The NAZI Rhetoric?" by Frances Rice

"Analysis: Press Largely Ignored Incendiary Rhetoric at Bush Protest" by Bill Sammon shows the duplicity of the liberal media that is now castigating protesting conservatives, but ignored incendiary rhetoric -- and even violence -- of liberals outside an appearance by former President George W. Bush in 2002.

“The Death Book for Veterans - Ex-soldiers don't need to be told they're a burden to society” by Jim Towey 

"Revolution" By Herbert E. Meyer  

“The Glenn Beck Factor” by John Fund explains how Beck, the Fox News commentator, has called on Republican politicians to have a come-to-Jesus moment.   

“Sarah Palin displays her pitch-perfect populism” by David S. Broder  

Video:  Sarah Palin's Complete Tea Party Address - The People vs. The Powerful   

Video:  Herman Cain: Yes, We are Crazy! – Explains what the Tea Party Movement is all about      

Video: Obama's SEIU Thugs Attack a Black Conservative Outside Russ Carnahan Town Hall. 

Video: Oreilly Factor Interview of Kenneth Gladney 08/09/09   

NBRA Video - Feet to the Fire by Lloyd Marcus     

Video: Small business owner gives Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D, CA-6) an earful at Town Hall – Succinctly detailing a citizen’s plan for health care reform  

Video:  The Second American Revolution - Thomas Paine ignites patriotism  

Video:  We The People Stimulus Package – Thomas Paine speaks on the economy 

Video:  The History of Political Correctness 

Video: The American Government   

Obama's America - Voter Intimidation and No Freedom


An NBC report exposes how Brenda Lee, a black female journalist, was dragged “kicking and screaming” from near Air Force One.   AP Photo

In an AP interview Ms. Lee said she just wanted to hand President Obama a letter, urging him "to take a stand for traditional marriage."  See the full article by Christina Hoag of the NBC Los Angeles News - here. 

Video: Black Woman Reporter Dragged Away by Obama Security 


Black Panthers wielded weapons, hurled racial insults at voters and blocked polls at a Philadelphia polling place in the 2008 Election - Investigation dropped by Obama

"Return of the Black Panther" - A Washington Times Editorial about the unanimous Civil Rights Commission decision expressing outrage over Obama's dropping charges against the Black Panthers.

Black Leaders - Call for Investigation of Obama's Justice Department: Project 21 Press Release

Career lawyers overruled on voting case - Black Panthers had wielded weapons, blocked polls  By Jerry Seper.  

“Protecting Black Panthers” is an editorial by The Washington Times that reveals how Jerry Jackson, one of the Black Panther defendants, is an elected member of Philadelphia's 14th Ward Democratic Committee and was a credentialed poll watcher for Barack Obama and the Democratic Party. 

"Menacing turn in Black Panther case" provides the disturbing facts about how the Justice Department is refusing to cooperate with the U.S. Commission on Civil in the voter-intimidation case involving the radical New Black Panther Party. 

Video: Black Panther saying: “You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker”. 

Video: Black Panthers intimidating voters. 

"More Acorn Voter Fraud Comes to Light" By John Fund  

Video: “Chaos for Glory – My Time With ACORN” by James O’Keefe exposes in an investigation with video how ACORN aids child prostitution.    

Obama’s America – A Soulless Nation   

Vatican official attacks U.S. Democrats as “party of death” By: Phil Stewart   

Pastors Accuse Planned Parenthood of 'Genocide' on Blacks By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos   

More on Obama and Babies Born Alive By Terence Jeffrey   

PBS Celebrates Late-Term Abortions, Attacks Pro-Life Advocates By Brent Bozell    

Video:  A Matter of Faith, Race and Politics 

Video:  Stop Killing The Dream - Message from MLK’s Niece  

“The Negro Project” - The Negro Project was one of those efforts, spearheaded by Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, to eliminate black people, the ‘unfit’.  Abortion is not just a women’s issue.  It is a human issue.  And today, for African-Americans, it is a human crisis.  Nearly 40% of all black pregnancies end in induced abortion.  That’s over 3x the rate of white women and 2x the rate of all other races combined.   

Video:  Our Judeo-Christian Nation              



NBRA Billboards: 

* Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican
* Rush Limbaugh - Saving The Soul of America
* Save The Dream - Abraham Lincoln to MLK to Michael Steele
* Democrats Responsible for Orangeburg Massacre 

NBRA Launches Rush Limbaugh Billboard Campaign on I-26, about 15 miles south of Columbia, SC  

"Take the Limbaugh Challenge" By Andrew Klavan, encourages people to actually listen to the Rush Limbaugh Show before bashing him. 

NBRA Billboard Campaign A Huge Success!